
Bald Clown's Final Push

The two Saitamas wasted no time in immediately attacking each other the second that they exited the boom tube. Their punches connecting in unison while they both threw a barrage of super-powered blows, the duo fell towards the surface of one of the remaining intact planets of the 11-planet system.

"Carnage Series: Super Gore Mega Shot!" the bald clown yelled as he reared his fist back. Expecting his opponent to hit him with an immense attack, alt-Saitama crossed his arms in front of himself to block.

Instead, the grey-clad villain merely reached over his opponent's arms and focusing all his energy and power, finger-flicked his doppelganger's face with enough power to destroy a planet's surface.

"Oww! What happened to you? You fight dirty!" the alternate caped baldy complained as the small, albeit, devastating move sent blood squirting out of his nose.

"HAHAHA fight smarter, not harder, my handsome friend," Saitama grinned as he head head-butted his opponent's own shiny bald head, sending him falling ahead of him and crashing into the crisp, frozen world below them.

Landing next to the bloody-faced hero, the grey-suited villain charged forward and attempted to slam alt-Saitama's head into the ground, only to be met with a flurry of red-gloved punches that grazed his cheek, skinning a bit of it in a tiny laceration that drew blood. Leaping at him, the white-caped hero bore a serious expression as his fist collided with his foe's stomach.

"Liberator Series: Vanquish All Evil Punch!!" he yelled as the impact that amounted to several million megatons of TNT eviscerated a part of the planet's surface that was around the size of the continent of Africa.

The bald clown was sent flying back so far and fast that he promptly sailed back into outer space after skimming the curve of the giant planet, where he coughed a mouthful of blood as he was shocked to feel the massive impact do actual damage to his gut.

"Wow, that friggin hurt! HAHA you're really serious now, eh?" Saitama asked as he watched his lookalike jump into space after him. "Heheheh well in my experience, my goody-two-shoes brother, fun always trumps seriousness!"

His eyes glazed into a deep glare, it appeared that the alternate caped baldy had entered a mind state where he was fighting for survival. After a couple months' worth of fighting, he'd realized that his villainous counterpart was a blight to existence that he couldn't allow to escape.

Chuckling to himself as he watched his determined opponent rush at him, Saitama turned towards a chunk of one of the planets that they'd destroyed and pulled out his newly acquired portal gun. With his whole plan having been to use his mother box to take his doppelganger out to lunch at a place where another person who possessed cross-dimensional transportation would be, the bald clown set his strategy in motion. Firing the device at the piece's surface as he fell towards it, Saitama watched as a green portal appeared, where he promptly dived into it feet-first.

The alt-Saitama was confused as from his perspective, his foe had just disappeared. Landing on the piece of planet that was around the size of Manhattan, the hero looked around, wondering if his heinous counterpart had dared to use his mother box to abandon him there in the foreign solar system. Thinking hard and knowing himself, the caped baldy reckoned that his adversary wouldn't be satisfied with such a victory, however.

As he stood there trying to contemplate the villain's next move, the hero could sense a large amount of heat heading his way. Turning around, alt-Saitama watched in surprise as the solar system's red dwarf star flew towards him.

"Conqueror's Series: Omega Starburst Shot!!" the bald clown laughed as he kicked the small sun towards his opponent from the portal that he'd made appear behind it.

"Wow, your attack names just keep getting dumber and dumber," the bald hero sighed as he reared back his fist. "Liberator Series: Star Volley Supreme Ultra!!"

Throwing a gargantuan super-powered punch towards the flaming ball of gas, alt-Saitama succeeded in knocking back the red dwarf and halted its velocity as a giant crater within its fiery surface distorted its shape and sent it spinning off away from him. Smiling at recognizing that he'd just deflected a star, the hero held up his arm as he was suddenly attacked by his opponent from the side.

"Look at us moving stars and all that, I'll admit that I never imagined that I'd have the opportunity to do that back home," the alternate caped baldy remarked as he effortlessly blocked his lookalike's multiple blows. "You know, this battle has really given me the opportunity to- OWW!"

The yellow-suited man was interrupted as Saitama unexpectedly poked him in the eye with his finger, where upon being blinded for half a second, the villain was able to score dozens of planet-punching hits on his face. Blood splashing from his busted lip, the one punch man winced as he fell back towards the planet that the two had landed on moments ago, where his body glowed a fiery red as it careened towards the surface.

Bouncing off of the other planet fragment, the bald clown chased after him and reared his shoulder back as he began to spin his arm around, where it gained momentum and speed as he spun it like a propeller.

"Conqueror Series: Mega Mega Bash Spinny Spinny BS-Punch!" Saitama laughed as he launched the gargantuan attack at his mirror image.

"Seriously? Now you're not even trying!" her heroic counterpart remarked on the attack's name as he crossed his arms over his body while the punch buried itself into them.

The following explosion blew off 60% of the planet's atmosphere, where a tremendous explosion ripped away continents worth of debris from the world as the alt-Saitama was sent burrowing deep into the planet's core.

Shaking his head from beneath millions of tons of molten rock as his arms throbbed with pain, the hero kicked his feet and launched himself back up the hole that he was blasted down into, preparing to continue the fight as the agonizing stalemate appeared as though it was about to resume.

"HAHA now, take my super awesome anti-matter weapon bomb!" the grey-suited man cackled down from above as he whipped something down the hole extremely fast.

"Really? You didn't think that I could catch this?" alt-Saitama scoffed as he emerged out of the hole, looking down at what he'd caught to see the mother box in his hand.

"Happy trails, inferior me!" the bald clown laughed from the ground as the cube began to glow and a boom tube opened up above his doppelganger, where he was unable to stop himself as he flew into it.

"You're terrible," the alternate hero said disapprovingly with a shake of his head as he disappeared into the dimensional gateway, before it promptly closed behind him.

"AHAHAHAHA wow, I can't believe that worked!" Saitama cackled as he clapped his hands together. "I don't know where I sent other-me, but I rigged that thing to explode after I'd used it three times before our battle started, and since I'd already used to twice going to and from that restaurant, then that cube is going to go 'boom' where ever he ends up, trapping him there forever! HAHAHA"

Using his new portal gun to fire an interdimensional gateway into the ground, the bald clown no longer needed the mother box as he now had an arguably more convenient way of jumping around the multiverse. Using a few dirty tricks, he'd been able to best the alternate version of himself, where this final victory all but ensured that Lex Luthor's grand strategy had ended in failure.


Hearing a knock at the front door, Rhode Island resident, Peter Griffin, went downstairs to investigate. Opening the door, he was greeted with a peculiar bald man who was dressed in a yellow body suit, white cape, and red gloves and boots.

"Um…hey, could you tell me where I am?" Saitama asked, holding the now-destroyed mother box in his hand. "I'm sort of stuck here."

"Hey, Lois!" Peter yelled over his shoulder. "You'll never guess who's here..."