
Hero costume

After knowing my hero rank, I boil the meat of the shrimp monster but the boiling time is really long and that is from the paste-like state of part from its head.

While boiling the meat, I scroll the recent news from the hero association and saw that the hero association is created about 3 months ago but they are really popular among the common folks.

The sponsors of the hero association are really putting their money and turn into a really big thing.

The hero ranking is A, B, and C. A is the highest and there are 35 heroes in this rank I saw a lot of heroes that may rank up to S rank like Tornado of terror, Bang, Tanktop master, and Superalloy Darkshine.

I see many heroes that may go to S rank but I also saw some heroes for which I don't have any clue like Lioness, Red, and Yawn.

The reason I take notice of these heroes is that Lioness really looked like a lion and she has the ears of a lion which she is even able to move.

Red is the hero that looks like one of the power rangers but he is buff and looks like a mini John Cena. The strange thing is that he can fire beams from his hands and I don't see any machine that can produce that kind of beam. So I thought that he is one of the espers.

Yawn is the hero that comes with the photo of him yawning and every time he yawns some bubble-like things will come out and these bubbles are his weapon. He can control these bubbles and the monsters which are hit by these bubbles are getting burnt. He is also one of those espers.

I check the shrimp pot and saw that the meat is still a little hard so I go and take a bath.

During bathing, I thought about this body and I saw that his full name is Gin Igaragi. He is the only son of his family and his parents died in the monster attack. He is also 22 years old.

I also think he wanted to revenge on this monster so he trains his body but I can see that he knows about the danger of this monster I also know about this monster and this monster is the elder centipede which is the monster with the thread of Dragon.

This monster is about 20 or more miles long and it has a carapace that can be brave to any kind of attack.

It can also regenerate its carapaces more than once because the fight between it and the hero blast is that video that makes the hero association get to their current position really quick.

That fight is really epic as Blast breaks the carapace of the elder centipede more than 8 times and the hit on its face only makes the elder centipede unconscious for a while and it runs away in a way that is not possible for the hero Blast to chase.

After I got out of the shower, I wear clothes and look myself in the mirror, I saw a guy with short black hair, about 5 and 8 tall and he looked lean.

I went to the kitchen and see that the shrimp meat is ready so I prepare some sauce and put the meat in a bowl.

I use a knife to cut a piece and dipped it into the sauce and eat. The taste is like ordinary shrimp meat but every time I swallowed I can feel the tingle down to my throat.

I don't feel any heat in the stomach or some other effects from novels and fanfics but I can feel that my stress and exhaustion from the fight with the shrimp monster are lessened.

I can feel that the muscle of my legs and arms are really relaxed and I almost fell asleep.

I looked at the clock and the time is 9 o'clock so I put the leftover meat in the refrigerator and go to bed.

I pray to any god who put me into this body that I wish to pass another day in this world safely.

The next morning, I got out of bed and change clothes to cloth that is suitable for exercise and go running.

"HU Hu Hu Hu" after running for about 1 hour, I can feel the exhaustion and I can feel that the leg muscle is getting tired.

I went back home and I eat some of the shrimp monster meat. That really lessens my exhaustion.

While I was eating, I heard the doorbell ring and went to open the door. I saw a young man of about 18 years standing in front of my door. I knew this man or the former self knew him. His name is Tamaki and he is a college student. He lived on the opposite side of my flat with his girlfriend named Himiko.

"Gin-san, are you alright I heard that the flat of yours is attacked by a monster yesterday," said Tamaki.

"Yes, that's right, a monster attacked my flat,"

Tamaki looked at my reaction of mine and he thought 'This guy is really scary, is it a really good idea to come to his flat alone?'

Gin doesn't know that he is seen as scary and his eyes which don't blink much are not helping him.

Right now, Tamaki feels like he is being interrogated instead of coming to ask about the news after his neighbor is attacked by a monster.

"Then nn nnn I will go back. I am really glad that you are okay" said Tamaki and he rushed back into his house.

I also sit down and continue eating and thought 'I looked really scary, don't I? The former owner of this body doesn't speak much and this is really affecting me as well.

It's not like I am also a cheerful person but 'huhhhhh'. I open the browser and search for some store that may do the costume for the heroes.

I saw that there is a cloth shop which can do the hero costume so I called the phone number

"Hello, welcome to the Stylish star cloth shop, my name is Maki and what can I help you with," said Maki.

"I would like a hero costume"

"Okay, which hero costume would you like?" said Maki.


"Sir, you are ordering for cosplaying right?" said Maki.

"No, I am ordering the hero costume cause I am accepted as a hero from the hero association"

"EHHHH, Sir, are you joking right? And we can indeed make the hero costume but we will need the additional material that will make enhance the defense of the costume," said Maki.

"I would like to add some carapace of some wolf monster in my hero costume"

'I thought that there is no shop that can handle the order like that anime and real is really different'

"Can you give us your address? We will come to get the parts and we will also need the size of yours so please give it to the delivery man with that" said Maki.

"Ok, the address is xxxxxxx"

"Ohhh, we are near so I will immediately send a delivery man to get your parts," said Maki.

"Also what kind of design would you like for your costume?" said Maki.

"I want something which can cover my face along with the black hood and the long trousers whose color and design can be as the designer wish but the black hood is the must include".

"Ok, we will do our best to meet your expectation," said Maki.

"Ok, bye"

I then go to the living room and do push-ups while waiting for the delivery man to arrive at my location.

15 minutes later, the delivery man arrived and I give him the carapace along with the sizes of my clothes.

I then continue to do the workout until the time to take a bath.

'I have never done this much exercise in my whole life but I can feel that my muscle are tired so I will eat the shrimp monster meat more'

After the bath, I eat the shrimp meat and he feels better and goes to bed.

In stylish star, there is a middle-aged woman who is looking at the carapace in the box and the paper which wrote the requirement of the owner.

The middle-aged woman is named Alina and she is the head designer of the stylish star and she has experienced over 20 years of design.

'Light pick carapace and it is quite hard but not to the degree of not able to add to the clothes' thought and she drew some designs on her book.

'Yes, that will do it

Gin is sleeping and what he doesn't know or anyone doesn't know is that the monster meat is meat which is full of energy even the one of wolf threat and the wolf threat meat is about equal to the energy of 15 times normal meal of the same size and this monster meat has an energy which can awaken the energy in the consumer. But how much you have to consume is the question.