
End of mission

The people who looked at the battle between Gin and the Grey Boar felt like they feel sympathy for the Grey Boar more. From the start of the battle, the Grey Boar gets attacked by Gin in various ways and it can't even protect its virginity.

After that attack, the injured people are healed by Haruna, and Group A also took a rest.

The next morning, the forest mission is complete and the heroes are ready to go home to rest as this mission really took a toll on all the heroes.

The cars of the hero association picked up the heroes and get them to their homes.

Gin also went home about 2 hours later and cooked the last demon-level monster meat from the cold storage and he also told the hero association to sell the fur and bones of that boar monster. The meat will have to be delivered to him. He then trained the whole day and slept.

The next day Gin didn't go around the neighborhood as there is someone who is defeating the monsters and the proof of the monster is its body parts.

So Gin only went when the monster alarm to his phone is reported and he trained his best. Currently, Gin can handle up to 1 ton of weight so the weights that he bought have already become useless.

Fortunately, his lance can provide him with enough weight for him to handle but that will not last forever so he requested the hero association with the heavier dumbbells.

The days passed like the wind and just like that 2 months passed. Gin is doing his usual kinds of stuff without the missions from the hero association.

Gin felt like these days all he doing is training and killing monsters so he thought about spending his time in another way so he went to visit the dojo of Bang. He also upgrades to S-13 but the reason for his upgrade is because of his second kill of the demon-level monster.

The reason is that Gin felt difficult to increase his raw strength after he passed the 5 tons weight. The two demon-level monsters' meat provides him with sufficient energy for him to improve his strength but the demon-level monsters are rare and the street of Z city is also filled with tiger-level and wolf-level monsters.

Gin felt like he needed better nutrients at least demon-level. So he is going to the Bang dojo to learn the martial art of Bang.

The Bang dojo is on the mountain but with his speed, he can reach there in less than 40 minutes.

35 minutes later, Gin is standing in front of the gate which said Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style dojo. There are more than 100 disciples practicing and he also saw Bang in front of these disciples instructing them.

"Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style is a martial art that makes the body of us become like water and strike the enemy with the hardest and defend by softening the blows. So don't defend the attacks in a blunt way but defend by redirecting the force toward the enemy or the other places," said Bang in front of the crowd while performing the martial art.

Then Bang saw Gin in front of the gate and he passed the head disciple to continue to teach and come toward Gin.

"Yo, young lance, welcome to my humble dojo, welcome, welcome," said Bang.

"Please don't humble yourself, Silver Fang after all you have created the best martial art school in the world by your own hands after all," said Gin.

This is not flattering as the martial art school of Bang can be called the best as he is the only martial artist with the strength to kill dragon-level monsters.

"Hohoho, please don't make flatter me after all the dojo of my brother is also as good as mine," said Bang.

"So, tea?" invited Bang.

"Absolutely," said Gin and stepped into the room behind Bang.

"Silver Fang, why don't you open your dojo in Z city, that way you will get more disciples and you can also protect the city better," asked Gin.

"Dead lance, you can call me Bang, the reason is that if I opened the dojo in the city, I will get many disciples but there will also be many people with bad intentions who will also mingle and I don't want it. Also, my dojo also welcomes the people who want to become my disciple but they have to first climb these stairs after all I don't want to teach people with weak determination," said Bang.

"Bang can also call me Gin, you are right but how do you differentiate the people with bad intentions," said Gin.

"That is because of the nature of my martial art, this martial art demands the person who practices focusing on only this art, and the person who practiced must also be true to his or her nature, or the full potential of the martial art will not appear,' said Bang while thinking back about his younger days.

"Is it possible for me to learn this Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style?" said Gin to Bang solemnly.

"Why do you want to learn?" said Bang while looking carefully toward Gin.

"In the last fight, I without my lance became really helpless and I want to improve my strength to continue to fight even if I lost my weapon," said Gin.

"Gin, I can feel that you are telling the truth and you are also a person with a good heart but I can't teach you Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style. Just like I said this art demand the person who practices to only focus on this art alone. The reason is that this art is completely balanced with attack and defense and it also demands the people who practiced to completely immerse in its Intends," said Bang.

"Bang, I can focus on this martial art even though I am training with my lance after all this is a complete matter between armed and unarmed arts," said Gin looking puzzled.

"Gin, you don't understand what I am saying, what I am saying is that most of the human body has a limit and that limit will certainly block that person from getting stronger but this Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style has a way to bypass that limit," said Bang.

Gin who heard that surprised and said "How? Am I also have that limit?"

"Yes, Gin, every human has a limit and your limit is higher than the other people that's all. The way Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style bypass that limit is by training the Intend of water. This Intent of water is also a very strange thing as you have to train your mind, body, and soul to become like water," said Bang.

"Ehhhh, I haven't known it. Are there other martial arts with the Indents," asked Gin.

"Yes, my brother's martial art has the Intend of the tornado and there are also many martial arts with each type of intends," said Bang.

"So, this Intend thing is what prevents me from practicing?" said Gin.

"Yes, that is correct. You have practiced your lance for a long time and your mastery of the lance is also very good. If you changed to Flowing Water Fist Fighting Style then you will have more negative results than positive results," said Bang.

"My mastery, I can only thrust and swipe my lance that is all I do, what mastery are you talking about," said Gin while laughing.

"Yes, but that is also lance's purpose, isn't it? Just like water's purpose is to flow," said Bang.

Gin felt like he heard important advice but he doesn't know what it mean so first he will memorize the words and thought carefully when he got home.

"Thank you for talking to me as I really get some useful ideas to improve my strength. If there is anything I can help you please don't hesitate to call me," said Gin.