
ONE CART MAN - A Taste of Resilience

"One Cart Man: A Taste of Resilience" follows the extraordinary journey of Hiro, a young orphan living in the bustling metropolis of City Z. Despite facing hardships, Hiro finds solace in the art of cooking, running a humble food cart and crafting dishes that bring joy and warmth to people's lives. One day, when a monstrous creature terrorizes the city, Hiro musters the courage to face it, armed only with his culinary talents. To his surprise, he manages to tame the creature with the power of his cooking, earning the admiration of the city's inhabitants. Word spreads about the "Unassuming Food Cart Chef," and Hiro's reputation grows as someone capable of taming even the fiercest monsters with his culinary creations. Though the Hero Association tries to recruit him as a hero, Hiro declines, content with his role in bringing happiness to others through his food. As Hiro's food cart gains popularity, he encounters a unique group of tiny monsters, the Munchies, who become loyal patrons and friends. Together, they form an unlikely bond, strengthening Hiro's resolve to use his cooking to protect the city from harm. However, when a powerful monster threatens to destroy every restaurant and food cart in the city, Hiro's newfound path is put to the ultimate test. With no way to escape, he must rely on his culinary skills to face the formidable foe. In the face of adversity, Hiro bravely prepares a meal that not only satiates the monster's hunger but also touches its heart, turning it from a destructive force into a peaceful presence. The tale of the Unassuming Food Cart Chef spreads far and wide, and Hiro's extraordinary journey leads him to cross paths with various characters in the One Punch Man universe. His unassuming demeanor and culinary talents prove that one doesn't need superhuman powers to make a difference in the world, but rather a heart filled with compassion and a desire to spread happiness—one dish at a time. As the story unfolds, Hiro's cooking adventures attract attention from heroes, monsters, and the mysterious figures that lurk in the shadows. "One Cart Man: A Taste of Resilience" weaves a heartwarming and action-packed tale of heroism, friendship, and the power of a humble food cart in a world filled with extraordinary beings.

Aldigi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Gourmet vs 100 Monster

Despite the chaos and destruction brought upon City Z by the meteor, the city had slowly started to rebuild itself, and life was returning to normal. Hiro's food cart became a symbol of hope and resilience, as he continued to serve his delicious and affordable meals to the people of City Z.

After his defeat in the Annual Culinary Tournament, Hiro had taken it upon himself to perfect his recipes and culinary skills. His determination and hard work paid off, and he managed to elevate his famous curry into a gourmet masterpiece. The flavors were now so exquisite that even the gods would be satisfied.

As word spread about Hiro's extraordinary curry, famous restaurants and culinary establishments came knocking on his door, offering lucrative opportunities and promising him fame and fortune. But Hiro, true to his values and principles, humbly declined these offers. He didn't want his food to become a luxury that only the wealthy could afford.

Instead, Hiro remained committed to his original vision, to provide delicious and accessible food to people from all walks of life. He believed that good food should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their social or economic status. So, he continued to run his food cart on the streets of City Z, making sure that his gourmet curry was available to everyone, the wealthy, the middle class, and even the poor.

During the day, he noticed a swarm of crows perched on buildings, electrical lines, and various places, quietly watching and following the citizens of City Z. Day after day, the swarm of crows doubled, leaving a messy trail of droppings throughout the city.

Until one cloudy day, as he opened his shop, his munchies, Toro, and Tora, suddenly detected danger and transformed into large lion-like beasts. He was surprised to learn that they had the ability to shape-shift into other creatures.

Then a humanoid crow appeared in front of him, its talons covered in blood. The munchies leaped off and attacked the crow. Hiro didn't know what to do. He looked in all directions and saw the humanoid crow annihilating people one by one. In a horrifying display of power, one of the crows grabbed a man by the shoulder using its sharp talons, flew high into the air, and then dropped the man, causing instant death. Hiro panicked and felt scared, realizing he couldn't fight these crows. So he decide to try again if his food can calm those flying beast,

As his munchies fought the humanoid crows, heroes began to appear on the scene. Among them were famous heroes like Death Gatling (Class A || Rank 8), Stringer (Class A || Rank 10), Spring Mustachio (Class A || Rank 28), and Golden Ball (Class A || Rank 26

The sirens blared, sending a warning.


While his munchies were at the forefront, fighting the Humanoid Creatures, Hiro started cooking. Spring Mustachio and stringer with the munchies stood in the front line while golden ball and death gatling at the the rear firing their projectiles, the sweet aroma of Hiro's cooking drew the attention of the Humanoid crow who began targeting his food cart. Toro jumped off and attacked the crow, ripping its head apart.

The number of crows doubled, estimated to be around one thousand, and the heroes and munchies were growing tired. Death Gatling released his Death Gun shots, firing millions of bullets in the blink of an eye, reducing the crow numbers significantly. But suddenly, a giant crow with muscular arms appeared from the sky and punched Death Gatling at lightning speed, defeating him almost instantly

Unfortunately hiro ingredient are missing and he started panicking, then he remember the man who blows up the meteor in the a single blow, a unformidable hero who saved thousands of people including him, so ge decided to run and find the missing spice.

--- Bow down, land dwellers! I am the king of the sky, the true ruler of this planet. You, parasites who pollute the air, must perish! I summon you, Royal Guard of Heaven! ---

Hundreds of White Humanoid crows suddenly appeared from the sky, proving to be more powerful and faster than the regular humanoid crows.

Un fortunately Hiro's ingredients were running out, and he started panicking and losing hope until he remembered the man who had blown up the meteor in a single blow a formidable hero who had saved thousands of lives, including Hiro's. He gain courage and decided to run and find the missing spice.

Spring Mustachio, Golden Ball, and Stinger attacked the king simultaneously, but their efforts had no effect on the formidable creature. One of the royal guards struck Stinger, sending him flying through an establishment.

As Hiro ran toward the market, his munchies followed him. The vendors had evacuated in panic, leaving their goods behind. Fortunately, Hiro found the missing spice and hurried back to his cart.

The situation was dire, and Spring Mustachio kept attacking the royal guard of the Sky King, but their iron skin was impenetrable. Golden Ball's projectiles shattered upon hitting the crows' skin. The crows launched a counter-attack, and both heroes were knocked unconscious.

As Hiro rushed back to his cart, the king noticed and commanded one of his crows to attack it. The munchies bravely guarded the cart with all their might, but the crows struck them with their sharp beaks, causing the munchies to revert back to their normal form.

With intense focus, Hiro continued cooking until the food was ready to serve. As the crow approached his cart, ready to attack, Hiro swiftly used a spoon to grab a portion of the food he had prepared and launched it into the crow's open mouth just before it could strike. Miraculously, the crow stopped in its tracks and began to walk slowly.

Hiro skillfully placed the food on a plate and served it to the crow. The crow seemed intrigued by the delicious master gourmet before it and took another bite. To Hiro's relief, the crow appeared to be calmed and captivated by the delectable flavors.

The crow king noticed the calming effect of Hiro's food on one of his crows, but he was determined to stop this interference. He commanded another crow to attack, and it flew towards Hiro's cart with menacing intent. However, the first crow, still under the influence of Hiro's food, intervened. With a powerful punch to the face, the first crow knocked the attacking crow to the ground, protecting Hiro.

Thinking quickly, Hiro fed the downed crow a scoop of his curry. Slowly, the crow stood back up, seemingly affected by the food's magic once again. Hiro then served a plate of his gourmet curry to the newly calmed crow. The scene unfolded as the crow king watched with a mix of shock and anger, witnessing his own followers swayed by Hiro's culinary prowess.

As the Sky King observed his royal guards being swayed by Hiro's food, he grew even angrier at their betrayal. He commanded yet another crow to finish the job, hoping to put an end to this defiance. However, to his dismay, the same outcome occurred once more. The three crows that had previously tasted Hiro's delicious masterpieces were now happily indulging in his food, seemingly unfazed by their initial orders to attack.

The display of curiosity among the crows caught the attention of the others. One by one, they flew towards Hiro's cart, not with the intention to attack, but driven by their eagerness to taste the remarkable food that had captivated their comrades. The situation seemed to be turning in Hiro's favor, as more and more crows succumbed to the allure of his culinary creations, leaving the Sky King further frustrated and perplexed by the turn of events.

The Sky King was devastated as his entire royal guard betrayed him and succumbed to the temptation of Hiro's food. Amidst the chaos, Hiro remained calm and confident, looking directly at the Sky King with a determined expression.

Hiro called out, holding up a plate of his exquisite gourmet curry towards the Sky King.

- Great Sky King, why not taste this? -

The Sky King suddenly felt offended by Hiro's words Then fly towards Hiro with a fierce intent to kill, Just as the Sky King was about to strike, one of the royal guards intervened, With impressive speed he pulled Hiro away from the path of the Sky King's deadly attack.

As the devastation and turmoil escalated, the Sky King's rage reached a breaking point. With an earth shattering transformation, he revealed his true form a massive black crow with three ominous heads. Each head had its own menacing glare, and the presence of the three headed creature sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it then, the three heads of the Sky King split into three individual humanoid crows, each possessing the same strength and speed as the original Sky King. Now, there were three formidable adversaries instead of one, multiplying the threat to an unimaginable level.

As the three Sky Kings lunged towards Hiro, the royal guards sprang into action to defend him. However, amidst the chaos, the pot full of curry accidentally fell to the floor, spilling its contents.

The Royal Guards notice it, then they start attacking the three Sky Kings with remarkable coordination and precision, their beaks honed like sharp blades. Working in a harmonious pattern, they penetrated the three sky Kings massive body, leaving him heavily injured.

Despite his formidable power, the three Sky Kings could not withstand the relentless assault from his own guard. The crows' loyalty seemed to be torn between their king's fury and their newfound attraction to Hiro's food, then the three sky kings, once again merge into one and fall to the ground. He shouts loudly to the royal guards.

--- Traitors!!!! ---

The Sky King let out anguished cries, his once-mighty form now weakened and vulnerable. The combined strength and unity of the royal guards had taken a toll on his seemingly invincible body.

As the Sky King lay on the ground, unable to move due to the injuries inflicted upon him, Hiro approached him with compassion in his eyes. Holding what was left in the pot of his gourmet curry, Hiro fed the fallen king a small portion.

As the taste of the exquisite curry touched the Sky King's tongue, a wave of emotions washed over him. His memories began to flash before his eyes....