
And we died

Our lives are not that fantastic. The world became like a fantasy game where players fight off monsters. It was a mess at the first years, but now it felt like a office job, but you're more likely to die if you messed up the boss.

I am a registered archer, Danny, got hit by the ceiling of growth and society when I am stuck with E Rank. Same goes with my colleague, Savion or Savy, he is Pre-D Rank an assassin.

We both got our mid-player crisis since only the lucky and powerful players get it big. The World calls them HERO PLAYERS. The players who got the fancy weapons, influence, and riches beyond any tech billionaire could ever have.

And there's us the majority, the public calls us MOB PLAYERS or pushovers/NPC for the suckers on the internet. We are still more capable than a non-player, but we always get less recognition and less treatment if your Rank C and lower.

"You should never give up!, " A vlogger and player once said in his meetube videos. You can say that again if you do not have your B-rank player collaborator behind your every thumbnails and videos. Hayst. Society sucks. The Fantasy-Themed Society sucks more.

I finished my opened time at a nearby internet cafe with Savy. We have to reset our days again to earn a living. Just like any other day, from 8-5pm we find some requests and dungeons that pities lower ranks, then release those frustration at the internet cafe, dinner, sleep, and repeat.

That's all there is. We just waiting for death or being unable to be a hunter/player.

We were about to take the tricycle. Until an explosion occur, there was a alert notification of a possible portal break in the area. But being this close and speed is a big slap of bad luck.

We both looked into each other. The eyes of exhaustion and demoted ranks from the consecutive ranked games are present. We both wanna go home and evacuate with our family. We both wanna not bring out our soon-to-be-broken weapons into the uncertainty.

But...but...The tricycle already left us because of the explosion. So, we got no choice but to stare at the death's door once again.

We got into the scene, Rubble and dead bodies are common when a portal break occurs in this country. It means its either undermanaged or abandoned by the contract keeper.

We scout the area and there's a bunch of people running away to one direction. This means there's a monster on the opposite direction... We hold our bow and daggers after the hesitation and fears kicked in.

It was a Soul-sucker. Taller than 2-storeys and blacker than the night. Giving away its green flames and bleach white skeleton.

"Only the one monster" We felt a little relief yet scared as shit. It is a B-rank.

There was a person about the same age as us. He must have been left behind from the crowd. The most scripted course of action is to rescue that one person.

I casted a mana arrow and stretched my bow as tiresome it can be.

I fired my arrows over its abdomen. It turned its direction to me, so the attack touched a monster for once.

Savy casted sprint and invisibility. He grabbed the tripped individual and dash towards me. Looks like being more than a regular person can carry another human.

"cough cough. We have to run away..." The stranger gasp his breath and said it with sympathy.

"No can do", my colleague is about to say something cringeworthy

"We will hold it off", ahhh yess, knew it.

Without saying anything, we both turned towards the monster knowing we turned down another escape from death.

I sighed and inhaled my first.

"This is the fate of a mob player", that was one of my last thought and if my butt looked big when we posed in a mall mirror.

The Soul sucker released an incredibly big green flames. It was as bright as day when the attack covered the caster behind it.

Yes, there is the pain from getting burned alive. Welp It is what it is - is not I am saying when I am gasping for help as the flames purged over my skin and bones.

Then Poof