
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Chapter 12.12


Sup guys,

So Me has decided to post 2 chapters a day.

If anyone has any doubts, comment. I would likely be answering you, even though I am busy saving the entire mutliverse and wasting my life.

Vote if you like, Bruhhhhhh!!


Izuku was the center of attraction or rather the source of comedy, this was his plan, make yourself look like a clumsy kid and get that recommendation, like cancels like attraction cancels attraction in the future.

Results were announced, "Midoriya – 4.12 seconds..... Todoroki – 4.13 seconds... Inasa -4.13 seconds"

"I am first, I passed, Yahoo.... Does this mean I get the recommendation?"

"There's no way that boy could have beaten Shoto's record, he didn't even use his quirk, hey boy what is your quirk?" Endeavor asked Izuku.

"I have a dual quirk, both are very weak. I think I am a combination or your quirk and All Might's"


"I can create fire", Izuku brings out the flame after desperately trying really hard to burn it, "My second quirk enhances my physical aspects, I am above an average man in every aspect", Izuku proudly declares, "I received special permission to use support items that I bought yesterday"

"No one is allowed to use sup..."

Nezu arrived, "I am sorry but it's true, he has been given special permission by the Boards"

A tall boy came, "You are great, how did you talk to Endeavor with such fluency. Oh, I forgot My name is Inasa Yoarashi, what is your name?"

"How can I talk with like that, I mean he is my favorite hero, I love everything about him"

"Your favorite hero is Endeavor, I didn't know that", the wind user left.

"The next test is Quirk Endurance Test"

"Please use your quirk till you reach your limit, the longer you use it the more you score"

Everybody activated their quirk, everybody was continuously straining, crossing their limit except the messed up green-haired boy, who was just standing, activating One For All at its lowest output and making a small flame in his finger.

Soon after twenty minutes, everybody gave up, now everybody was looking at the emerald boy who rubbed his hairs, "My quirk isn't at all powerful so I can use it as long as I want"

After the next ten minutes, Izuku started panting, "Uhhhh.... Uhhhhh.... I thought I could use it forever", Izuku deactivated his quirk.

"Results are as follows:"

Midoriya: 33 minutes 10 seconds

Yaoyorozu: 15 minutes 57 seconds

Todoroki: 7 minutes 59 seconds

Inasa: 7 minutes 58 seconds

Izuku muttered, "I came first, so I finally completed the test. Did I pass?"

How did he even do that, his quirk is basically useless

His sponsor is one of the Board Of Directors maybe he cheated

That's unfair.

"What is he doing?" a man in a suit said

"He is just making other laughs" another man commented.

"Shut up, he is limiting his quirk so that he can use it for longer, for a hero he must have full control over his quirk unlike the others who in the heat of moment used their full power", Hatiro putting his glasses.

Izuku who was standing was called out by Nezu, wishing me good luck, he announced, "The final results will be sent to you in a week"

"So, can I go, I have to go now, see you all at UA", Izuku left the field

"Will he get the recommendation?"

"It is likely, he just exploited the exam"

"Maybe he's sponsor told him about the test"

"I think that too, he got the first place easily"

Todoroki looked at the door with cold eyes, "His favorite hero is Endeavor, he's no good than him"

"Your Results will be sent to you, so you can now leave"

Izuku was running in the corridor where he was caught by Aizawa, "Hey kid, did you pass the exam?"

Izuku replied, "I got first in the exams, but I don't know why they were laughing and talking behind my back, I even got Endeavor's autograph"

"You did something funny again, right kid? Geez, why did I take you in the first place?"

"I didn't do anything funny sensei", Izuku gave a grin.

"I can imagine what you did, now get out of here, I won't be dropping you"

"You are mean sensei"

"Run the whole way, you will reach faster don't you"

"Are you sure, you want me to run, I may end up breaking some rules"

"Who said to use your quirk, run without it. I am sure you will reach home in not more than an hour"

"You are terrible sensei, why are you so mean", Izuku left UA, running towards his house.

"That kid always creates problems", Aizawa sighed.

"Mr. Aizawa, I very well know that that's why you will be the homeroom teacher so the first year"

"Me, why? I don't want to see that brat's face every morning, appoint Hiyashi, he will be excited"

"But no one can control him except you if you don't then he will create a problem for the whole class"

"You are right. I can at least stop him from disturbing others or else he will spread that stupid ideology of his", Aizawa huffs and leaves.

Izuku's POV

Did Yaoyorozu's daughter come for entrance? Anyhow, I think I will pass the exam, after all, I got first.

I should tell others too

Izuku took out his phone and messaged Inko, All Might, and Nejire, "I completed the exam, I think I will get it"

Inko: Everything went normal. Didn't it?

All Might: Congratulations Young Midoriya.

Izuku replied back, continued running, and reached his house in thirty minutes. He said a few pieces of the exam and went to his room, he checked his phone, Nejire sent him a reply.

Nejire: Can you meet me near that staircase where you took me?

Izuku: Is everything all right?

Nejire: Yes, just be there tomorrow at 4, I will be waiting for you

Izuku: Okay.

Nejire: Bye

Izuku: Bye. See you tomorrow.

The next day Izuku after training with All Might in the morning went to school, he attended the class in spite being bored by them, he had literally completed the whole syllabus and there were still five months left for the finals if given a chance to appear the finals at present he would have gladly appeared it. He mostly spent the time reading scientific journals, which was the only reason he joined the literal club. Izuku would sometimes bunk his classes and go to the library to cut some time.

At last, the final bell rang, Izuku was about to go out but was stopped by Bakugo, "Zuzu, let's walk together. I have to talk with you", Izuku couldn't refuse him and ended up going with him.

Bakugo: I heard you took the recommendation exam at UA, so aren't you taking the entrance test?

Izuku: I will take it, I don't know if I will pass it so I appeared the recommendation exam as a backup if I failed

Bakugo: There's no way you can lose to those extras...................... Wait you have already plotted something, didn't you?

Izuku: I don't know but I will take the entrance just to play fair. I practiced for months just to appear in it, how can I not appear in it?

Bakugo: So how did your exam go?

Izuku: It went great, I am sure I will get the recommendation.

Bakugo: So were there any good participants?

Izuku: There were many but everyone had their own issues just like you, you don't control your anger

Bakugo: I am not always angry, am I?

Izuku: Nope, I think you should ask that to your brother

Bakugo: That brat...

Izuku: Sorry Kacchan, I have to go now

Bakugo: Wait...

Izuku left the blonde in the middle and ran, he quickly ate his lunch and got ready for the beach. Today was an off day for him, no training in the evening. He wore a green shirt that Nejire gave to him when they went out shopping, looking at the watch, "It's already 3:30, I have to hurry or else I will be late.

He usually ran whenever he had to go somewhere but today walking was fast enough for him.

After crossing in and out of the street he finally reached the staircase, he climbed it and saw Nejire in a pink dress was already there, the sun was already at the horizon and the ray that fell on her blue hairs made them sparkle, she looked stunning and Izuku was captivated by her beauty.

"N-Nejire, you are a-already here, I thought I would be the one to arrive here first", Izuku rubbing his hair, staring at the cyan girl.

"You look g-good in that shirt", Nejire blushed

"Thank you for this shirt", Izuku couldn't make eye contact, "Crap, my heart is racing"

"Beautiful isn't it", Nejire looking the setting sun

"Yes but why did you call me here", Izuku looking at the sun

"I want to tell you something...............", Nejire's face was red, Izuku froze, Nejire said loudly, "I LIKE YOU, WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?"

"What......................................", Izuku froze, unable to think

"I h-have always liked you since we met but couldn't confess. Will you go out with me", Nejire's eyes were sparkling, "Do you hate me?", Nejire was almost in tea.

Don't dare to say it's cringe or fucked up.

I like cliched plots.

Crazy_Beastcreators' thoughts