
One's decision can either destroy or make you

In order to achieve the best out of life, you have to weigh everything"how is this going to affect my life positively or negatively"if the negatives is more choose positive.

DaoistVVKlhL · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

Thinking about the future

Life of a 7years old girl can be so challenging, getting entice by the things of the world, found myself loving so many things and wanted to accomplish them.

My name is Pat, the last child I have 6 siblings (four girls and two boy) altogether makes it seven children from an amazing mom and dad.

At 7 years my elder sister and I were having a conversation

Sister:pat I want to tell you that you can do all things but not by your own strength.

Pat: oo really

Sister:yes, but by the strength of God, this is the moment you have to decide how your life would be, this is the time you let God take the lead because life is full of temptations.yeah there are stages you will get in life that you will think you can do things yourself.

Pat: being independent you mean?

Sister: yeah and that your teenage stage, it a stage where you undergo puberty, you are all grown with breast and hips.


Sister: yeah boys will want to mess your life up because you are still naive and wanting to have a say, but am telling you all this in order for you to be prepared I don't want you to bring shame to our family

Pat:I will never God forbid

Sister: well many have said that and yet have brought shame upon their household.i want you to know that temptation are bond to come but in order to resist it you need God.

Pat:so inorder to succeed in future I need to tell God to lead me?

Sister:yes let Him be your guide.we are done for today you can now go out and play with your friends

Pat: Thank you sis I love you