
One's decision can either destroy or make you

In order to achieve the best out of life, you have to weigh everything"how is this going to affect my life positively or negatively"if the negatives is more choose positive.

DaoistVVKlhL · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

High school

Teacher:if you think you will be among the first 3 best of this section can I see your hands

Almost everyone responded except me

Teacher:Pat why didn't you respond, don't you think you are good enough

I stylishly raised my hand, to my surprise I came out second best.wow I was filled with so much joy and excitement,I started celebrating.then I said to myself it is high time I stop down grading my ability indeed I can achieve good things if I work towards it.

I became the toper in class, I later change my school after my junior waec examination. My new was good with lot of intelligent student

Tobi:hi xup

Pat: hi fine

Tobi: let me just be quick to let you know that you can't be a toper in this school.no new student can.

Pat:I smiled and said well let see how it goes

End of term came and I emerge the as the best in class. I didn't let what people say get to me I only rely on God, plus I do what I have to do.

As time went by I came across a guy in the school who happens to be the son of the proprietor.he was quite friendly and was already done with high school,he comes to visit,we started been casual friends as he called it but later asked me to be his girlfriend (not again)..I told him I wasn't interested in any form of illicit affairs,I just wanted to be focused in my education so I decided to cut off the friendship.

Later in school I started hearing things he's into how he has so many girlfriends in each classes and I was like God just saved me

,I would have been one of those.