
It's Not That Simple

Collin and Jason both gaped at Charlotte but the latter spoke first. "You what?"

"I had to throw my dad off somehow! He was threatening to cut off my cards and you know I'm using them to buy a lot of easily liquidated stuff for when I leave that horrible world behind. I was desperate."

"How in the world did you get someone who looks and sounds exactly like you?!" Collin exclaimed. "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard!" 

Charlotte sighed. "She doesn't look exactly like me but she looked similar enough and had a similar voice so I got this amazing stylist to transform her into me. She was on the yacht too and hid out in her room the whole time to help when needed.

"I told her not to make any waves but I guess that's out the window. Whatever. I don't really care as long as this doesn't blow up on me. You promised not to tell and no one saw you propose. Does anyone know you were planning on doing it?"


"Then we're good."