

Mori tells Shima everything and Shima hum , " So .. You are once a boyfriend to Kai??" ask Shima and Mori hum , " Yea .. I am interested to him because he .. Loves kids " say Mori and Shima hum , " Oh .. " say Shima and Mori smile .

They go to Mori's house and Shima get a call from Sai , " Uhn , Sai?" ask Shima and hears Sai's worried sigh , " How are you at Mori's place ? If he hurts you , tell me , okay?" say Sai and Shima hum . Mori sees that Shima is fully happy when he hears Sai's voice , how about when he is with Sai? Probably extremely happy and Mori sigh , " How about you go to your house? It's no use living here .. besides , Sai knows about your knuckles " say Mori and Shima hum . He smile and Mori smile .

Shima look at Sai as he see Sai sit on the bed , " Here , now " say Sai while tapping the seat next to him and Shima nod . He put down his bags and sit next to him . Shima look at him while Sai hug his waist and put his palm on his neck . Shima lay down and Sai sigh , " What do I do next , Sai?" ask Shima as he wrap his arm around his neck and Sai smile . He kiss Shima and Shima flinch . He remember how Mori kisses Kai and he close his eyes . Shima gasp when Sai put his hands under his shirt and Shima moan , " S-Stop , Sai !" say Shima and push him . Shima look at him , " It .. it feels so weird when you touch my chest .. " say Shima and Sai smile . He hum and hug his little bro . Sai sigh and kiss his forehead , " Am sorry ,okeh " he say and Shima nod .

Kai look at Shima as he have a call with Mori and giggles , " Oh ! I remember about the fight ! I am sure .. about the one I harass .. " say Shima and laugh , " Yes ! The one who bully me .. Darn his face .. He is fully scared , lol .. " say Shima and look at Kai . Shima wave his hand and Kai walk to him , " I lend my phone to Kai , eh .. " say Shima and Mori hum .

Kai say , " Hey .. " Mori hum , " Hey .. So , you free .. tonight? I want to go to your house .. " say Mori and Kai hum , " Just bring what is needed .. Besides .. you are doing project , hum?" say Shima and Mori hum , " yes .. so .. I need to hang up , I am still at work , actually .. " say Mori and Kai hum , " Okay .. " he say and Kai hum .

Shima look at Mori as he talk with Kai and Hinata . Then , Sai hug his waist and kiss his head . He hold onto the wall as Sai kiss his neck and rub his pants , " No .. Uh .. Uhn .. ah !" say Shima making Hinata dart his eyes to them and widen his eyes , " What are you both doing?" he ask and Shima push him . Sai smile and say , " I tickle him hard " Hinata hum and nod .

Hinata call Shima , " Shima !" call Hinata and Shima run out of the room . He sit on next to him and look at Hinata , " Uhn?" ask Shima and Hinata ruffle his black hair , " How are you ?" ask Hinata and Shima smile , " Good .. I am reading some books about science in my room !" say Shima and Hinata hum , " Good .. " say Hinata and smile . Shima smile and hum, " Hinata " call Shima and Hinata nod , " Do you have a girlfriend?" ask Shima ans Hinata silent . He look away and say , " Once .. But she left me because she is married to a man .. " Shima hum and smile , " Ouh .. it's okay , you have me here " joke Shima and Hinata laugh .

Mori run to Shima and Shima look at him , " RUN ! NOW ! GET YOUR LEGS RUNNING !" shout Mori and Shima widen his eyes while he look at the group of gengsters behind him running after him , " GET THEM BOTH NOW !" shout the person ans Hinata sees them , " Get in the car" say Hinata and Shima nod . Hinata drive the car infront of the gate and Shima open the door for Mori . Mori jump in and lock the door as Hinata speed to the one way road .

Mori breath heavily , " It's the GROUP OF THE BULLIES THAT WE HIT ONE LAST DAY !" say Mori while breathing and Shima give him a bottle of water , " What? I thought it's the street gangster .. I have fight them last year with Kai without telling Hinata " Whisper Shima and Hinata say , " I can hear you !" Mori hum , " Noo !!! It's the one- INFRONT !" shout Mori and Hinata brake . It's Kai and Sai who rides their motorcycle . On their ways to teh school , " USE YOUR EYES !" shout Kai , not knowing it's Hinata and Sai say , " It's Hinata "

" And also Mori and Shima " say Kai and Sai hum . They give a sign to their house and Hinata nod .

When they get home , Mori immediately fall to the floor and Shima say , " Sit on the couch , Morinaga " Mori hum and sit on the couch . Kai and Sai look at Mori while Hinata watch out for the doors , " What happen ?" ask Kai and Mori breath heavily , " Why happen ?" ask Sai and Mori look at him , " Last time we fight , Shima and I ... " say Mori and Sai hum , " And the bullies comes back with a larger unit of member .. " say Mori and Hinata say , " Ready up for weapons , Take some swords in my room " Sai nod , while Kai , Mori also Shima have their jaw on the floor after hearing ' Weapons , take it from my room " ...

The bullies bang the door and Shima open it . His cute expression making the bullies stop their acts and stare at him , " Uhn .. What happen ? Why are you banging my door !?" say Shima , cutely and they look at each other , " Ah .. sorry .. wrong house .. " say the leader , blush is all of his face and ask , " But , is this .. Hinata Akiri's house ?" Shima nod and rub his head , " But he is still working " he say and the members look at him , " Ah .. " they say and blush when they see Shima pout , " Are you gonna stay here ~?" whine Shima and they scream , " How cute ~ !!" Sai feel jealoisy in his heart and just want to attack them because of calling him cute , " I will tell you if he comes " say Shima and the leader ask , " You have my number ?" Shima look up and shake his head , " Give me your number " he say and Shima take the mobile phone . He type his number and add it as " Shima " , " Call me for necessary things , okay ?" ask Shima and his expression turn evil which gives spine to the evil guys , " Or my boyfriend will turn wild .. " say Shima and they nod . Shima smile and wave , " Bye " he say and they look down to see that Shima is just wearing short pants which make their self ' hot ' ...

They hurriedly leave and Shima slam close the door , " Ugh .. " he say and look at Kai , " If they barge in like that again and search for me , tell them that I am not here ... " say Shima and They hum , " And also .. Tell them that you are all my boyfriend , okeh ?" ask Shima and wink . They have blushes on their face and Shima walk away , " He is hot .. " " Who teach him to be like that?" Then , Shima slap his hip making they dart their attention to him and Shima giggle , " Bye " say Shima and run upstairs of shame . Kai look at Mori and look down . Hinata blush and shake Mori , " DID YOU TEACH HIM TO BE LIKE THAT ??" he say and shake Morinaga , " Nooo" say Mori and Kai smile . Sai laugh and sigh .