
Chapter 388 : Five Thousand

"Dan hasn't come back yet?"

Although he became King, Isadore preferred his old office so he kept using it even after ascending to the throne. He just asked Christopher, the minister of finance and his long-time friend.

"No, Your Majesty."

The fat minister shook his head while saying that.

"Oh come on, no need to be polite when we're alone."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Christopher said

"N-no can do, Your Majesty. You're our king an-"

Isadore cut him off while retorting

"Before we're a 'king and his subjects', we are friends. It is for this reason that I only allow you to come here and speak of my secrets to you."

The fatty scratched the back of his head while smiling

"I'm flattered, Your Majesty."