

"You really were in our room that morning?" Yixing asked, whispering into Huobai's ear. Huobai turned around, stunned and completely speechless. 

"You talked to me. Why are you asking a question with such an obvious answer?" he asked, trying to subdue his voice, but it still gained the attention of his mother. 

She carefully nodded toward the table, which was still streaming. Just to gently remind him of it. Huobai nodded and pointed at the table for Yixing to see.

"I don't care about that. I only care about us. I missed you so much," Yixing said. If Huobai wasn't in public, he would actually go and kiss Yixing at that moment. But then he recalled the words Yixing said to him when they were parting and his excitement was gone again. 

"You could see my face in a photo. No need to miss me." Yixing looked pissed when Huobai said it. He stopped eating, placed the chopsticks on a plate, and focused on Huobai only.