
On the mountain

Kaeya gets sent to check on albedo, who asks him for help working on a love potion. The cover is temporary btw

Kaebedobrainrot · วิดีโอเกม
2 Chs

A new task

Knock knock

"Mr.Kaeyaaa, ....Kaeya?"

"Yes Klee one second..."

A tall man with blue hair opens the door to find Klee waiting by his door holding another one of her bombs. Kaeya hurriedly snatches away the bomb trying to prevent it from doing any damage but the bomb just explodes in his hand. The explosion didnt hurt his hand too badly but it was pretty scrapped up. He quickly began using his vision to help with the pain.

Klee made a sad face in response to her bomb blowing up at the wrong time and having such a small explosion before thinking about Kaeya's hand, then the small child's face turned to worry. She began stuttering out an apology.

"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean for the bomb to go off inside or hurt someone!! Is your hand ok Mr. Kaeya?"

She tried to get a better look at Kaeya's hand but he pulled it away, not wanting to worry the small child.

"Of course I'm ok, I'm a knight!"

Kaeya grinned and used his other hand to ruffle Klee's hair and lead her into his office. And then crouched down on the ground to speak to her

"So what brings you here little spark knight?"

"Oh right! Jean sent me to ask you to check up on albedo since he hasn't been down in a while! Lisa was also looking for his help on something but she's been busy collecting overdue library books! "

"Is that right? I suppose I'll have to if the Acting grand master is asking for me. Lets bring you back to jean then "

-They arrive at jeans office-

Kaeya knocks softly on her door and when he hears no protest he slowly lets himself in, holding Klee's hand with his good one to try not to lose her. They both enter to see Jean asleep on her desk with tall piles of paper surrounding her. Klee begins to open her mouth to wake jean but Kaeya quickly puts his finger over his lips to stop her.

"Shhhh let's let jean rest, she deserves it."

He finds a blank piece of paper and writes a short note for jean to find when she wakes up.

Hello dear Acting Grand Master,

Klee told me you needed me to check on Albedo so ill be on my way once I'm done writing this. Klee will be in her room. Please let me know if you need any of my help.

By the way i hope you had a nice nap :)

You deserve it.


He returned the pen to where he had found it and placed the small note on her papers she was sleeping on and hurried out, bringing Klee along with him. He walked her back to her room so that he could be on his way to see albedo who he hadnt seen in a while, he did have to admit he was excited to see the blond boy again. Last time they had seen eachother was when albedo stopped by Diluc's tavern for a short while and drew some of the people there. Including Kaeya, who still had the drawing lying on his dresser at his house...

"Kaeya? Your cheeks are a little red, are you ok?"

He quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts and said goodbye to Klee, also asking her to be extra nice to Jean in exchange for a trip to the good hunter and a TCG lesson with Kaeya soon.

Kaeya began making his way to Dragonspine unable to stop his thoughts from wandering back to the blond boy. On his way out he stopped by the good hunter to pick up a snack for him and albedo to eat, he hoped it would still be at least a little warm when he found albedo. He also hoped Albedo liked chicken-mushroom skewers which are one of kaeyas go-to snacks there.

He almost made it out of Mondstat when he saw his brother giving him an odd look before mumbling something like "what's got you so happy today" which made kaeya realize he was practically skipping with a smile starting. He slowed his pace to walk somewhat normally but he was still in a hurry to reach Dragonspine.

It was still quite early in the day, getting close to lunchtime so kaeya kept telling himself he wanted to be there with the skewers for albedos lunch. It was really just an excuse to spend more time with albedo. He made his way out of mondstadt happily waving and smiling to everyone.

He did feel like he was forgetting something but the sooner he arrived the better.

This is my first fanfic ever, i also dont know how webnovel works yet. Im hoping to have the second chapter up soon sorry this one was short!

777 words

Kaebedobrainrotcreators' thoughts