
on the low .

"You keep playing like I won't fuck the shit outta you" Ra smirked, studying Samiyah's body slowly. "We don't do empty threats here Ra," Samiyah smiled, biting her bottom lip slightly. Without saying a word, Ra reached over and grabbed Samiyah's neck. "Empty threats?" He questioned rhetorically. With his free hand, Ra snaked it down her stomach and into her pants. "Ra.." Samiyah whimpered as he made contact with her wet secret. *this book contains a series of flashbacks* there's always a little bit of truth in my stories. I hope you guys enjoy:)

jayla_wayla56 · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs

chicken tenders .

10:23 am

"Where are we going after we get finished? The man at Transportation said he didn't need us anymore," I asked Mahi, my friend at the hospital while rolling her a wheelchair. "Umm we can go to Mrs. Timmons office and let her know they didn't have anything for us," she replied moving the wheelchair into its spot. "Okay. I think she's gonna probably send us back up to OB/GYN unit or tell us we can go home. All of the departments opened up to us are closed from students now since summer is almost over," I explained, grabbing the last wheelchair and walking it over to its spot.

"I'm gonna go ahead and call my dad now to let him know I'll be ready in about 10 minutes," I said taking out my phone. "Well don't call him yet. We don't know if she has anything for us or not," noted Mahi. "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure we're going home. There's no other students here. And my dad takes at least 20 minutes to get from his house to here so I'm gonna call," I explained to her, leaving it quiet between the both of us.

"Hii daddy," I smiled into the phone. "You done?" He asked. "Yes sir. We just finished. Mrs. Timmons said we could go home because there's no more work for us to do," i grinned looking at Mahi as she shook her head in disappointment. I turned the opposite way and continued with the conversation I was having with my dad.

"Okay I'm on my way now," he said back. "Alright so you want to try and do some more stuff or go straight to Mrs. Timmons office?" I asked Mahi after hanging up the phone. "Let's see if the cafeteria is open. Maybe we can grab some food and then go by Mrs. Timmons office after," Mahi replied looking down the long hallway to see patients and doctors walking past each other.

"Alright," I agreed. I'm kinda hungry to be honest. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. After Kam and I broke up I went straight to bed. Not because I was upset because I was NOT. But because I had to wake up early to be here on time and I went to sleep late.


"What did you get?" Mahi asked as she sat down. "Chicken tenders and fries," I smiled. I eat like a 8 year old kid and I love it. "I should've known," she laughed. "You really should've," I laughed back. "What did you get?" I asked looking down at her tray. "A salad. I'm trying to loose some weight so I can fit into my dress," she frowned. "Oh okay. That's wassup," I smiled taking a bite of my chicken tender. *DING* *DING* *DING*

Daddy: I'm outside.

"My dad is here I gotta go. Could you sign out for me and tell Mrs. Timmons I had to go?" I asked getting up and grabbing my things. "Sure. See you Thursday," she smiled. "Why?" I asked. I don't even know what today is, why would I be seeing her Thursday? "We have the kids center on Thursdays girl," she laughed. "Do you even know what today is?" She smiled seeing the confused look on my face. I grinned awkwardly and shook my head making both of us to laugh. "Today is Tuesday Samiyah," she smiled. "Ohhhh okay. Okay. I got you. Okay. See you Thursday," I smiled before leaving the cafeteria.


"Hi daddy," I smiled getting into the car. "Wassup babygirl. How was your day?" He smiled back as he watched me climb into the truck. "It was okay. How was yours?" I asked. "It was ight. Still going on so that's good," he replied. "That's good," I breathed slumping down in my seat and leaning my head on the window. "Where we going?" He asked pulling out of the parking lot. "Umm..my grandparents house," I said into the window. "Alright no doubt. No doubt," he answered.

I can't wait to get in the house and take a cute little shower and sleep. I'm so exhausted. *BUZZ* *BUZZ* "who is this?" I asked myself out loud. It was some guy named Miles from Wizz.

Miles: Hey

Samiyah: hii

Miles: New friends?

Samiyah: sure:)

I locked my phone after texting Miles for a few minutes and closed my eyes. I know the day just started good but I'm ready for it to be over.