
On My Terms

After a brutal betrayal by his family and fiancée, Hendrix Frost is left for dead. But fate intervenes, and he's given a second chance at life. A childless widow, who works as a maid at the luxurious Dunwoody Villa, takes him in and nurses him back to health. However, Hendrix's memories are lost in the process, and he's reborn as Drix Anderson. As Drix, he takes on a new identity and becomes Camilla Dunwoody's personal bodyguard to support his new family. But as he gets closer to the rebellious heiress, their relationship evolves into something more. Camilla Dunwoody is a force to be reckoned with. Despite building her own successful company, she's determined to inherit her grandfather's empire. But there's a catch - her grandfather insists she marry before taking the reins. Desperate and enraged, Camilla proposes a 5-month contract marriage to Drix, her bodyguard. Little does she know, her 'husband' holds secrets that could change everything and fuel her thirst for power.

E_B_I · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

On my terms

D R I X ᯓᡣ𐭩

"MARry me, " she says with so much ease. It was more of an order than a request and I seemed to be left with no choice.

I've never thought of getting married before, I've never fantasised about falling in love with anyone but I sure didn't want my unsuccessful arse to bag a wife into penury.

I decided to take a break at a beach, to clear my thoughts and re-strategize, but why was I overthinking about this? Marriage wasn't such a huge deal, not to mention that it would last for a few months. But it would be hell, if I got married to someone like her now, what was I thinking?

My happiness didn't matter after all,my mom gave up the one thing she needed for me to live; this was the least I could do for her. Personally, I know that I can not raise the money unless I take out a loan and I have no reasonable collateral.

So, marriage it is. We could live separately and avoid each other since she just needs a ring and wedding certificate. Securing her legitimate position? What does that even mean?

It's already evening, so I decided on waiting for her at her place instead of going all the way to CDM . When I arrive, I focus on walking directly into the building, paying attention to the surroundings to avoid changing my mind and changing my direction.

"Drix," a voice squeaks, grabbing my wrist and I turn to see Penelope.

"Good evening," I greet.

Her brows are raised and her eyes are quite dim,"How's your mother? I heard what happened,"

"She's doing well, thank you," I informed her, pulling my wrist from her grip.

"If you need anything, I'm always here, okay?" Her words are quite comforting but the only comfort I need is seeing my mom back on her feet and that answer lies inside those doors.

"Thank you," I repeat with a forced smile.

Resuming my journey into the building,I clutched my briefcase tightly with high hopes that the offer was still valid and she hadn't found anyone else.

"Ms. Dunwoody said to see her in her study the moment you arrive," a member of the domestic staff informs me.

"Thank you,"

At least the offer's still open, that's a good thing, the walk through the spiral staircase isn't very hectic and I quickly dismiss any negative disapproving thought over the issue and finally, I walked into her study knowing that I was about to make a deal that would turn my life in so many positive and negative directions.

I find the woman who is soon to be my wife at her study desk, wearing clear round rimmed glasses and going through a few files whilst getting work done on her desktop computer.

I walk up to her, grabbing my briefcase harder than ever, "I will,"

Camilla pauses, before looking up at me with a raised brow, "You will?"

"I will marry you," I completed the sentence.

She steals a glance from me before rising from her swivel chair and making her way towards a mini shelf at a book of her library-sized personal study.

Her fingers run through a section of the shelf and she pulls out two binded files before sitting at her desk, motioning me to take the seat in front of her. I sat down, tensed that she hadn't given me a reply but a file and a fountain pen.

I find the heading quite interesting, 'CONTRACT OF MATRIMONY', flipping through the first pages, I see the terms Party A and Party B to represent us, A as her and B, me.

This first page is an introduction that states that I wasn't threatened or coerced into making the decision of marrying her.

The first condition is palatable, [During the months of marriage,both parties are expected to keep the circumstances behind their marriage a secret from family members and friends. Failure would lead to withdrawal of martial benefits as well as potential imprisonment.]

Of course, I wouldn't tell my mom and I bet her family would be kept in the dark as well, I don't have any friends so that's that.

I read all the way to the fifth condition, [If one party starts developing romantic feelings for the other, there would be an immediate dissolution of the marriage.]

I definitely wouldn't be the one falling so, I read all the way through a few other conditions until the seventh,[Party B is to remain faithful and have no sexual relations outside the marriage or any female partner during the period of marriage.]

"Camilla," I called.


"Condition 7—"

"I thought about it, the marriage would be kept from the public but not my family, you do not want to be found cheating on your wife by her sisters,do you?"

My wife? That word sounds so foreign, "Fine, but why just me?"

"Cause I have no interest in romance, you're the one who should be bothered since you're always around that gardener,"

I'm taken aback,"Penelope?"

She furiously slams her hand on the desk, "I don't care, just sign it already,we don't have all day,"

"I'm not just going to sign it, milady. I need to know if I'm not just selling my soul which I technically am and for the record,I have nothing with Penelope,"

Camilla stays silent and keeps surfing through her desktop as she taps her fingers on the desk. I proceeded with reading.

[There would be no need to get involved in anyone's personal lives or need to know each other intimately. Any party that gets nosy would be subject to certain penalties made by the other party]

I read other terms strictly prohibiting sexual knowledge of each other, hugs or kisses with exclusion of the kiss at the wedding day and so much more that I find decent and agreeable.

"Can I add my own conditions?" I ask, of course I did have a few things I would like to add. Things that she was missing out in the body of her contract.

"No," she replies curtly.

"No? You're not the only one getting married,are you?"

"Yes, but this marriage is strictly on my terms, Mr. Anderson,"

"On your terms?" I scoff.

"If you're not comfortable,use the door,"

Sighing, I pen down my signature on both copies next to hers, giving out four months of my life to this woman with hopes that I would stay alive until then.

Handing her copy to her, I watch her take out her phone and dial a number, "Send it," she says, ending the call before returning her attention to me, "The wedding date would be communicated soon, we're seeing my grandfather and parents next week, you'll resume your new job after your mother's surgery and lastly, here," She says, tossing a bunch of keys to me.

"Wha..what is this?"

"The first one is for the black Lamborghini parked in the garage,second is for your mother's new apartment at Beverly Hills,"

My eyes popped open, lips etching into a board smile as I tried to find the words to say, "Thank you,"

Who ever knew that marrying into a loveless marriage would have so many benefits attached? With just a swipe of ink, I've given my mother the life that she desired all her life but I wouldn't be just satisfied here, I need to work because soon after this marriage, the responsibility is on me.

As a reader, I get this cringe feeling when the title of the story is in the chapters lol and here am I! *screams in French*

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