
On My Terms

After a brutal betrayal by his family and fiancée, Hendrix Frost is left for dead. But fate intervenes, and he's given a second chance at life. A childless widow, who works as a maid at the luxurious Dunwoody Villa, takes him in and nurses him back to health. However, Hendrix's memories are lost in the process, and he's reborn as Drix Anderson. As Drix, he takes on a new identity and becomes Camilla Dunwoody's personal bodyguard to support his new family. But as he gets closer to the rebellious heiress, their relationship evolves into something more. Camilla Dunwoody is a force to be reckoned with. Despite building her own successful company, she's determined to inherit her grandfather's empire. But there's a catch - her grandfather insists she marry before taking the reins. Desperate and enraged, Camilla proposes a 5-month contract marriage to Drix, her bodyguard. Little does she know, her 'husband' holds secrets that could change everything and fuel her thirst for power.

E_B_I · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


♬: Mr. Forgettable — David Kushner.

C A M I L L A𓍯

I DON'T understand whatever came over me but here I was, sitting in the living room and trying my best to chat with Drix's mother even if I hated lengthy conversations.

When I returned, I lied about an important phone call I got to reduce tension in the room and suspicions his mother might have developed so here I am.

He was right, we needed to make this seem as believable as possible to our relatives to avoid getting busted, and the last thing that I would want is to watch Drix walk out on my family after they approve of our marriage.

"But you just did that to his family, "my subconscious scolds and I frown. No one had countered my opinions before or scolded me before, I've never been wrong before so this was awkward.

Drix has taken a shower now and changed into the black sweat suit I got him, looks better than I imagined him to be in. It is fantastic how adorable he looks while laughing, I've never seen him laugh.

He looks away from his mother and glances at me, I hastily take my gaze away and stare at my wristwatch instead. It's already past one hour, I'd better get going.

"I'm sorry. I have to go, I have a meeting in a few minutes, " I announce.

"It's fine dear, we should see you off, "his mother offered with a beam.

"No, no it's okay, "I turned her offer down with a grin.

When I step out, I feel a strong weight leave my chest immediately as I inhale the breeze despite the steaming sun. My driver had already opened up the car and was walking towards me with an umbrella when Drix called after me.

I swirled to look at him, running to me like an athlete; with a wave, I signalled my driver to halt while I listened to whatever he had to say.

"What's up?" I asked when he came closer.

"Nothing much. Umm… can you close your eyes? "

, "And why would I do that? I'm not some kid, "

"Adults close their eyes too, "

Thanks for the information, Mr. Smarty-pants.

"No thanks, what if there was potential danger? "

He laughed, "I was your bodyguard, remember? "

I eyed him warily but after a few seconds I decided to close my eyes to avoid wasting my time.

What does he want? If he dares to kiss me, I would hang him and bury his body without a trace. Uncertainty is one of the things I despise, it kills not to know anything.

Slowly, I feel the warmth of his palm on mine that sends chills down my spine and then, a cold object sliding down my ring finger.

"Okay, you can open now, "he whispered.

My eyelids opened to see him once again, smiling like he had just won a trophy; I quickly examined my finger to see a ring sitting above the diamond ring I had previously purchased.

"What is this? " I request an explanation.

"An engagement ring, "he answers curtly.

"Why did you get this?"

"Because we're getting married, "


"You said you have a meeting, excuse me? " he called for my driver, who quickly approached the scene. "She has a meeting, so please take her to CDM," he requests and the moron raises the umbrella above my head.

"Look, I'm only taking this because you're forcing this on me, okay? "

"Splendid, Ms. Dunwoody, "he winked awfully.

"It isn't even beautiful, "

"I know," he beamed, turning on his heels and heading into the house.

I gaze at the ring for a while, confused about how he got my ring size and why he even bothered to buy it. These were questions that I should've asked him instead of stupidly asking why he bought it.

Aside from my grandfather, no one had ever given me a gift, so I don't even know how to act or how to behave but contrary to what I thought, he did have good taste, but I would never admit it to his face.

Rather than going to work, I went home to rest my head and proceed with plans for the wedding. I don't want Drix to get involved, I work better alone, and he needs to take care of his mom.

I decide to spend the evening searching for a wedding dress shop out of town, or maybe I should contact my designer in Paris? She can't work fast in a short period of time, so perhaps the store out of town would be perfect.

Clicking on my keyboard continuously gave me the opportunity to feed my eyes on the ring Drix got me. I thought of taking off mine to check if I could find it 'attractive' if I wore it alone, and it kept pulling my heartstrings.

"Girl, get a grip. This isn't the first time you've worn a ring," My subconscious mind mocks and I ignore her voice by raising and angling my hand from all sections in the room to have a proper glance at it. Things sure feel different when I'm not the one buying.

"Nice ring," A voice complimented, and I turned to look at Stephan. If he finds out who gave me this then my whole life would be ruined and pride would be swept under the drain.

"Hi," I greet.

"You didn't come to work today, what happened? And why weren't you answering my calls? "

"I was busy," I admitted.

"Busy with what? "

"I have a wedding coming up soon, Stephan. That isn't new to you, "

He chuckled, "Oh that, I never knew you could take it seriously. Why don't you just hire a wedding planner? "

"There is no need to do that, I just need a simple wedding, "

Stephan nodded before heading to the coffee maker at a corner of my study to make something to drink.

"I don't think he has plans on divorcing you, "


No, I haven't told him about the wedding contract, and I have no need to do so.

"I went over to his place, you know, "

What is wrong with this dude? Why does he always have the urge to interfere in everything?

"What did you say to him? Why would you go there in the first place? " I hissed, slamming my hands on the desk as I stood on my feet.

"Camilla, calm down, and why aren't you even bothered by what he said to me? This man is clearly in for your money, he isn't even bothered about the pressure this marriage would bring, "

"Then let him be, he could have all the money he wants from me. It's my money, isn't it? "

"Are you out of your f×king mind, Camilla? You grew up in marriage without love, do you want your kids to have the same thing too? I don't —"

He just crossed the line.

"Get out, Stephan, "

"You should really think about them too, don't be so caught up with greed for power —"

My face flushed with anger, my cheeks burning like embers as I grabbed the nearest object on my desk, a paperweight and hurled it at him, "Stephan shut up and leave! " I thundered.

Luckily, Stephan ducked just in time, the paperweight shattering against the wall behind him. He looked at me with a mixture of shock and concern, his eyes wide with worry.

My heart rate has increased rapidly and if he stays a second further and spews nonsense, then I'll kill him. Why did I tell him about the wedding in the first place?

Stephan says nothing further but just nods his head slightly like he was just wounded, but I couldn't care less. He always has stupid things to say, like he's always right and wise.

I was seething with anger, my mind racing with thoughts of how dare he question my choices. But deep down, I knew he was right. I was so caught up in my own desires that I wasn't thinking about the consequences. I have no intention of having kids with Drix, if only Stephan could just trust me and let me do my thing; we wouldn't be bickering over the same thing over and over again.

"Fine, I'll leave but if you really want it that bad, just know that I'll support you in everything you wish to do including this marriage,"