
On blood and tears.

What if there's a vampire apocalypse? and you're one of the only humans left, well, that's what happened to Leviathan

Marine_Amathiste · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Welcome home

William POV

I realized that after a while in that position Leviathan had fallen asleep, he didnt seem as if he was going to wake up soon, so I carried him to one of the rooms in the department, and then I decided to eat some cereal, yeah, vampires can eat things that aren't blood, however, it's more of a paliative, we do need blood to live, but it's kind of tiring to have always the same flavor, so we eat other things, actually, there's a myth of people destined to be, and it's said that if you drink the blood of the person you're connected to it will taste great, this is actually one of the reasons the humans are treated like this right now, all vampires want to find their destined ones, however, its very hard to find them, they could have died before, or they could not be even born yet, afterall, vampires are almost inmortal, so, theyre destined ones won't be born around the same year as you, plus there's the option that they had been turned into a vampire, so, yeah, finding the "perfect" person for you is quite the problem, even tho it's really hard to do so while being a human it's nearly impossible to do so as a vampire there are just way too many options, and that's why I've never cared enough to search for it... wait... what was I doing again? I hate when this happens, like, why does it happen in the first place? the frustrating part of it is that it's totally random, like the rulette, thats actually one of the games I've never have been good at, I have really bad luck, well, it could be like one of those sayings that goes like "people have bad luck to compensate for the good things theyre gonna get" well, I don't know if that's true, but if it is, where's my good things???

I was thinking, after completely forgetting about the cereal I was planning to eat, when I heard some rumble around the dorm, I didn't recognize what could have made the sound until I remembered that Leviathan was there, why would he make so much noise?? I wondered why, till I remembered he probably thinks he's been kidnapped or something, after all, he literally woke up in a strange place having no idea on how he ended up there, I should probably go explain the situation.

I walked towards the room and found him with a silver pin... doesn't he know that the fact that they hurt us for being silver is a lie? I tought he knew... damn, if he wants to disguise himself as one of us I will have to teach him many things. However, to calm him down I lifted my hands as in a "I mean no harm" sign. 

Leviathan POV.

What in the devil's name happened? I knew I shouldn't have trusted him "I'll protect you" yeah, as if, there isn't anyone who actually cares, there has never been one, and there will never be. I heard some footsteps getting closer, so I took out the silver pin I have for protection, it should help me, right?

Then William entered the room, he seemed confused at my hairpin, it must actually work! I'm so glad to have brought it with me... even tho it costed me a goddamn fortune, suddenly he started laughing, huh? whats he laughing at? definetily not me... right?

"Why are you laughing?" I ask

"Well Darling, the answer is easy, that's not gonna hurt me, or any vampire actually the silver isnt the thing that hurts us, you know?"

"it... doesnt?

"Yep, it doesn't, its just an uncomfortable feeling, if anyone saw it they would have tought you were trying to show you could bear that feeling or something"

"NOOOOOO" He groaned

"What happened??" 

"It costed me 200 dollars, they said it was an effective protection"

I chuckled

"Well my dear, it seems they lied to you"