
On blood and tears.

What if there's a vampire apocalypse? and you're one of the only humans left, well, that's what happened to Leviathan

Marine_Amathiste · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The start of it all.

Leviathan POV.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement I was panicking, would he reveal my identity? would he turn me in? I dont know, but the waiting is killing me, the worst part, is that im back in "school" even tho they're just teaching me things I already knew, because, since i already lived in this epoch i dont need anyone to teach me how to use a cellphone, i was born with them, and i already have one, but i guess this can help me gain information to survive in this world, so, ill pay atention to the way the others act and see if i can blend in, afterall, i don't want to be treated like most of the other humans.

Some hours later

Finally, the classes are over, tho im not sure if what comes next is good or bad... maybe it could be both, or neither, i could try to fool him... no, it wouldnt work, afterall from what i've heard hes really intelligent so the one that would look like a fool would be me.

I tried to remember where the dorms were located and after some minutes of confusion and getting lost I managed to arrive, it was some pretty spacious buildings, yeah, buildings, every building has 5 floors, each has a department for two vampires, I was confused, where did William wanted me to go? there are just way too many possibilities, I was going to call him and then I remembered I don't have his phone number... wait a second, does he even have a phone? does he even know how to use them? I should ask him, if he doesn't I could teach them, it would be better to have communication between us... wait a second, why am I thinking that???, I should be thinking about ways to get away. I better find him soon so that I can know what's the deal with him, maybe he's not that bad... yeah, as if, he's a vampire, what am I expecting?

William POV.

I was waiting for him, I chuckled internally imagining what he may be thinking about me, it was pretty funny, to say the least, after all you can't get to meet a human every day well, maybe you could before, but right now, it isn't such a common thing, after a while I saw him arrive, he was searching for something, and I was happy to know that something was me. I called his name and he looked in my direction, I was in the special dorm building, it was one with only one floor, which meant it was made to be used by only two people which could help the fact to protect his identity, in part I feel sorry for him, if it weren't for that dumbass who decided to let out blood that soda(it was called like that, right?) factory, the world would still be the same, but those filthy humans that were turned into vampires were so greedy they didn't want to live in secret as we had for years, and so, they started this vampire apocalypse, now it's way harder to find blood to feed from, and well, maybe some might not want to live forever, however, I can assure none of us want to die a painful death, society is shit right now, the few humans that are found are used as blood bags for that trash, and that's why I'm going to do all I can Leviathan doesn't get that treatment, I'd like to stop this treatment, however, I know I don't have enough power to do so, at least not yet, and that's why I'm willing to risk my life for it.

I noticed how Leviathan was in front of me, waiting to see what I wanted, I had gotten distracted, I wondered if I was different in some sort of way, I don't think so, well, I better tell him I mean no harm, he's probably thinking I'm going to reveal his secret. 

Leviathan POV

I guess I can't avoid it anymore I have to talk to him.

I got closer to him, he seemed lost in his toughts, he looked so pretty right now, i mentally slaped myself, I couldn't think like that, not if i wanted to survive, he suddenly came back to earth, which may or may not have scared the hell out of me, there were some uncomfortable seconds of silence, and it seems we tried to talk at the same time.

"Please don't reveal who I am" I said, at the same time, he said "I'll protect you" I got shocked, did I actually hear that correctly?, he couldn't mean what I thought, right?

After a minute of silence, i said "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am, why wouldn't I be? I think that what is happening to humanity is horrible, and I'd like to help with the situation"

I heard that, and tears scaped my eyes, I tried to stop them, but I couldn't, it had been so hard, and, I guess I just wanted for someone to tell me this words.

William POV

Oh shit- he's crying, did I do something wrong? Should I apologize? No, I think it's not that, it seems he's looking for something... could that be comfort? Should I hug him? No, we aren't close, well but thanks to the situation we're in he wouldn't mind it, right? No, of course he would, to him I must be bad, but... he looks so desperate... 

Leviathan POV

I felt the tears rolling through my face, suddenly, i felt something wrapping around me, was he... hugging me? suddenly he started patting my back, I hugged him back, how long was it since I was last hugged? It's been so long I can't actually remember it... I cried in his shoulder for a while, till I slowly drifted off and fell asleep.