
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 4: Corrupting mom

Moving in the corridor of the house, Venus with his malevolent smile was going to his mother's room. It was not a long journey but it felt like he had been anticipating this day for quite a while now, most would be disgusted by the idea or even the thought that someone else could be this perverse and lost to actually romantically and even worse, sexually pursue their very own mother, the one who brought them to this world, but Venus was a young man who had come to terms with the fact that he was not good or morally righteous individual at all.

If taboo was what made him happy or excited, then taboo he would pursue, and the norms of society didn't matter to him at all, he was after true freedom, pleasure, and revenge; nothing would stop him from achieving those, much less something he considered so basic. Some would ask what he would do about any possible problems that might actually arise from this, like judgment or biological deformities in his children. To that, he would probably answer by saying that one, he didn't care what others thought, and two, not only was he uninterested in having kids anytime soon, even if he did want any or got requested for such, he would find a way around it. After all, he lived in a fictional reality where the laws are at the whims of those with power, so he would just get the power to change that, as simple as that.

Without letting the excitement build up take over him, Venus knocked on the door, and calmly waited as he made sure to have a more decent and cute on smile rather than outing himself with his devious smile. Soon her voice could be heard from the inside.

"Give me a second!" In a few seconds, the door opened, and there wearing only a towel was Elesia, Venus' mother. Her pinkish hair was straight and wet on top of the very tight towel trying to hold itself together under the pressure of her voluptuous body. Her dark skin and reddish eyes all only combining to make her even more appealing to look at, as Venus could feel the lust energy in him going erratic and building up almost ready to explode.

(Image Here)

"Oh, it's you, Venus? What do you want? Do you need something?" Elesia leaned in showing her cleavage as she did so and creating proximity between her and Venus' face, which not only spread her aroma as it invaded his nose, with its sweetness and rough naturalistic state as she had yet to apply any perfume or cologne or creams, so aside from the products used to bathe she was as natural as it gets. Even her breath was reaching him, only making Venus all the more eager about his plans.

"You've been working really hard lately going over time a couple of times this week, so I wanted to prepare a surprise for you." Venus announced with a joyful smile.

"Oh, sweetie, you didn't have to do anything. Don't worry about that, I've got everything under control. There's just a big project I've been working on and it requires me to stay in late, but I have to admit, you got me curious. What did you prepare?" Elesia hugged Venus tight, before moving back and trying to kiss him on his cheek, but 'accidentally' at that time tripped and fell lips on lips with Venus, she was supporting both and ultimately stopping them from fully falling on the ground.

Venus' <Lucky Pervert> was starting to work.

"Uhhh... Well, I- I learned how to massage to help you relieve your stress." Venus let himself blush and stuttered for a bit to drive home his shock at the sudden situation.

"Aww! That's very sweet of you honey. You know what, I'm already wearing a towel anyway, so might as well do it now." Elesia was a bit disappointed by his words as she had a slightly forced smile, not that she hated the idea, she simply didn't believe Venus would actually know how to give a good massage. Very few people could give good massages and most who claimed to be good at it sucked. Even still, he tried and that was more than enough, she would just let him do his thing and move along with her, what mattered at the end of the day, were his PURE intentions, to make her happy.

"Don't worry, you'll be in great hands." Venus said as he followed Elesia inside her room.

She then proceeded to lay on her stomach with her head down, and said. "Go ahead, I'm all yours. *giggles*" There was a very faint wing of sarcasm in her words as she didn't take the massage seriously at all.

Noticing this Venus smiled viciously now out of her line of sight before he slowly approached her body with his <Harem Aura>, <Lust Aura>, and <Ruler's Sins: Lust> all giving him an intense lust energy pressure per se; the moment his hand touched her back, it was as if a whole symphony of pleasure was being played with her body in that single instant, she immediately found herself tremble as a climax came through immediately. This due to how strong Venus' lust energy was, combined with the fact Elesia was just a normal human, meant that no matter how much he tried to contain himself, this was something that would always happen.

Soon Elesia's body stopped trembling and she hid her face even deeper, unable to believe what she just experienced. How could she have such a strong reaction? To her son's touch nonetheless! Was she always this perverse and deprived? Or did something change deep inside without her noticing? No matter the answer, this was unacceptable and she was about to ask Venus to stop before it was too late, alas, she was too slow.

Venus unprompted began the whole massage without any mercy, utilizing his hands as instruments to destroy her tension and more importantly, any chance of her escape. Each movement was a new wave of satisfaction like she never felt before, 10 seconds in and she was already not conscious of her moaning anymore, making all kinds of sounds without any care. Then, the young man who was very much so enjoying himself just in the process intensified things, by moving his hands around from her back to her juicy and bubbly ass, making it jiggle as Elesia's expression was simply losing reason no longer bothering to hide her face, just enjoying every single second and letting it out every now and then.

Even then, that was far from over for both of them, as Venus calmly asked. "Can I remove the towel?" as he stopped working altogether.

As he did, Elesia felt this weird sense of emptiness overcome her, and even though she was experiencing a surreal level of pleasure when compared to anything she had before, it still felt like it was far too soon to stop, there was more to be had, she knew it! A part of her was telling her that she should take this chance to stop, but that was buried very deep down and completely overwhelmed by her desire for more, for stronger, for harder, for faster, for deeper. Just from the massage so far.

"Yes, please." Without letting her more concise thoughts or shame tell her otherwise, she lost to her desire and allowed things to proceed.

The very tightly put towel that was basically only staying glued to her for some weird miracle was opened by Venus, as her back and lower assets were exposed for his appreciation as enjoyed the blissful view with another one of his perverse smiles. Not losing time, Venus immediately got back to work using his hands on her booty, and moans filled the room as he slowly but surely worked all of her legs going up and down, before ascending all the way to her shoulders to Elesia's surprise.

The pleasure she feeling was absolutely great, but unfortunately, as direct contact with her more intimate parts never came, there was this weird lacking and edging building up on her, and she could feel Venus her close only to go around those parts as if he was purposefully punishing her! How could he hold back on her like that?! She needed to know what lies beyond, how pleasure was to be found at the next level! There was only one problem, she was still his mother, no matter how they got here or even the embarrassing fact that he definitely saw that she was as wet as a waterfall since she was purposefully spreading her legs for him to move closer to her nether regions, but he just won't! And it's so frustrating! How could something so blissful turn into such a tortuous process?! She was barely able to hold herself from masturbating then and there, not out of decency, but out of fear of scaring Venus away and losing this marvelous experience, it couldn't end like this!

"I'm done, mom." Venus very well aware of what he was doing, announced before stopping all movement.

"... Done?... Are you sure... Are you sure you're done?!... Surely there's... su-.... Surely, the- there's more to be had, RIGHT?! This can't be it?! I'm sure you're jesting... Actually, let me show you where to... No, no, I mean are you really really sure sweetie?!" Feeling her expectations though deprived, betrayed Elesia couldn't put herself to just accept it and almost offered to corrupt her PURE and helpful child who was only trying to HELP her. How could she do such a thing?! Even still, her current feelings didn't allow her to give up on the idea that there was more to be had.

"Hum... Not really, that's all I learned, but I could try looking into it some more, and then come back. You seem a little stressed so maybe I'm doing something wrong... And here I was just trying to help you relieve some stress." Now having Elesia's eyes on him, Venus toned his smile down to a less devious one, but no longer an innocent one, instead having a more daring smile on.

"Oh... Is that so?... Hum... I... It's nothing, just remember to come back as soon as you know more!" A part of Elesia wanted to beg her son to do more to touch her in places he as her son should never and even to go beyond the point of no return, but she couldn't, not just because of morality, this was also fear of scaring and losing, something that she could never afford as a mother and now, can no longer as a woman.

"Will do! Don't worry, I'll make sure next time is a thousand times better." Venus replied slightly letting his deprived smile be seen by his mother, only for an instant.

This led Elesia to rub her eyes and to question how corrupted of a person she was to even project her taboo thoughts so strongly she would imagine her son of all people, looking at her with the most lecherous eyes which still contained love even though perverse. Worse of all, that idea turned her on... She was the worst mother, absolutely unforgivable! How would she be able to lead a normal life with this new discovery of hers about herself? Only time would tell.

While Elesia was trying to come to terms with herself, Venus who had already left her alone was internally laughing to himself, as he had already started it, and now he just had to give it some time and do this a few more times before it was time to reap.