
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

First real fight

As soon as Whitebeard agreed to the deal, I bought Cure illness potion, Healing Potion, Stamina potion and threw them directly at Whitebeard with my Telekinesis. These were splash potions, so they broke directly on contact with Whitebeard and started to show their effect.

Then I bought and transferred 30 years of lifespan to Whitebeard. The effects were immediate, as he rapidly started de aging. From an 71 year old man to an 41 year old man.

Lifespan can be bought from the Store easily. It usually takes 1000 OT for one year of lifespan, but since I made a deal with CC, this price got reduced to a mere 200 OT per year. A freaking 80% discount because of CCs code.

I would have just transferred some of my lifespan to Whitebeard, since I am immortal now. But the Shop doesn't count the immortally I got from CC as Unlimited Lifespan, but instead as Eternal Youth. So I don't have an infinite lifespan. I just don't age.

Fucking scam. I could have made soo much money from selling my lifespan...

Sadly the Shop also doesn't allow me to sell the 200 per Year lifespan back to it at the 1000 OT price. It just gives me 200 back. So no infinite money Glitch for me. Such a tragedy...

While this was going on, everyone on the battlefield had stopped fighting and was looking at me and Whitebeard. Absolute silence fell on the battlefield when the effects of the potion started to take effect, as Whitebeard's injuries healed quickly, and then Whitebeard started to get younger.

He turned from an old ill man, that was B+ rank to a healthy Middle Aged man, and ranked up to A-. He could kick Lava guy's ass so easily before, who was just one rank below at B rank. Now what can he do when he ranked up?

First everyone was in awe seeing something they probably haven't seen before. But it changed from awe to horror for the Marines, when they realised that their enemy, the one called the Strongest Man was getting back to his prime.

While the Marine stared in horror, the pirates started to laugh and celebrate, seeing their leader get buffed.

The battle just took a major turn, with the winning Side, Marines, suddenly falling into an disadvantaged position. Their Strongest enemy got buffed, and one if their Strongest, Kizaru, got taken out by me.

I honestly love this invincibility range of the shop. If not for this, how would I have beaten the shit out of Kizaru? And he couldn't even escape, despite being a light human.

"Now what shall I do with you, Light human?" I asked, but no replies came, as Kizaru was unconscious now.

Thinking for a minute, I decided to do the best thing I could do with someone that tried to kill me.

Take away everything they have.

So I bought a Contract from the shop to make a deal with him. It says that he will give me all of his Haki powers, Fighting skills, as well as Fruit Powers. Basically everything that's good about him.

Though I didn't take any battle experience or memories. I am not fucking with my brain. I don't know what will happen if something goes wrong, and have no wishes to find out.

If I ever bought something that will effect my brain, it will be from the shop, and only after I have read all of its description a 1000 times. Like I did with Asuna.

After taking out the Contract, I slapped Kizaru's face to wake him up. Contracts can't be made unless the people making the contract are awake. A weird thing, since the contract can be made despite the people being unwilling.

I would have just made a verbal deal with him, but since I suppressed his powers and beat the shit out of him, he isn't in the perfect condition. To make a verbal contract, the people in the contract need to understand what they are agreeing to.

Which sounds pretty stupid to me, since I can take his powers despite him not wanting to lose his powers. I can threaten or blackmail him to get him to agree, and the deal would be made. But for some reason, even if someone is willing to lose their powers, the deal won't be made if they don't understand what I am saying.

[THE DEAL] has very weird agreement conditions. But it's still an amazing skill. I still wonder how all three of my amazing skills combined are worth only a little more than 4 million, when just a few of Ophis' Scales are worth nearly a million. The price just doesn't seem right. But I can think about it later.

After Kizaru Gained consciousness, I forced his thumb to touch a bit of his blood and then forced it down on the paper. Then I made a little cut on myself and put my thumb print with my own blood on the other side of the paper.

The Contract then Glowed golden and vanished into thin air. Hence the contract was completed.

I could immediately access my new abilities, as I used Armament haki on my hands and stopped an incoming punch, that I sensed with my newly acquired sixth sense, with my now black coated hands.

The hand I caught was made out of lava, and as soon as I caught it, a ton of lava rushed towards me, trying to envelop my whole body. I dodged it by turning into light. When i appeared a few meters away, a huge Spear of ice appeared under me and tried to kill me.

Ahh, so it's a 2v1. "Aren't you two ashamed, attacking a teenager 2v1 despite being adults? And you are even Admirals, the strongest people of the biggest Faction in the world." I said, instead of just suppressing them both instantly.

I want to test out the powers I obtained from Kizaru, as well as have my first real battle. The only things I have fought till now are monsters from Terraria, and they aren't very good at fighting. So I don't really have any experience against a good fighter. An intelligent fighter.

So why not take this chance to get my first fighting experience, in this safe environment? This might be the middle of a Battlefield, but the 10 metre domain of my shop makes this the safest place in the planet for me.

"Excuse me for my rude behaviour, kid. But after seeing you take out Kizaru so quickly, we can't underestimate your power." Said Kuzan as he appeared behind me and punched my back with his full power. As soon as his hand touched my back, ice started to form all over my body, trying to turn me into an ice statue.

In retaliation, a roaring red fire formed around me, melting all the ice on me as well as burning everything around me. Sadly, Kuzan dodged my fire by forming an Ice wall.

While I was trying to deal with Kuzan, massive blobs came rushing from behind me. I dodged in them in time, but I couldn't dodge the punch thrown by Lava guy in time.

The punch was Powerful enough to break my skull, but it didn't even make my head move. I might be trying to have a genuine fight here, but that doesn't mean I will allow these attacks to actually harm me.

"My my, Acnee san, aren't you a little too rude to sneakily punch me like that? I could have gotten hurt." I said in a mocking manner. How could he ever hurt me, in this 10 meter domain of mine.

He didn't seem to like this as he started attacking me with even more ferocity. "Shut up you pirate scum. Scum like you don't have the right to talk about rude behaviour. And my name's Akainu, you bastard." Screamed the now named Akainu, as he launched multiple fist made of lava towards me. While multiple spikes of Ice rushed at me, trying to impale me to death.

I once again turned into light and successfully dodged their attacks. This time I counterattacked, using Great Destroyer Flames, and sending a Sea of flames in their directions.

In response, Kuzan sent a sea of Ice towards me while Akainu sent a sea of lava. As our attacks clashed, a huge shockwave sent everything nearby flying. But soon it was shown whose abilities were superior, as my fire started to lose against their ice and lava.

It was expected, I am just C+ rank while they are both B rank. Not only are they 2 minor ranks above me, it's also 2v1. But the fight is still soo unfair to them. Thier Strongest attacks can't even scratch me.

As their attacks rushed at me after diffusing my sea of flames, I turned into light once again, making them greatly annoyed. Not resting for even a moment, they both rushed towards me at high speeds, as they both tried to attack me using their Haki Enhanced fists, trying to stop me from turning into light.

As soon as they got close enough, I used my Telekinesis to pull their legs and made them misstep. I also launched multiple spears of ice at them, hoping to injure them while they are out of balance. But they quickly gained their balance back and dodged my attacks as well.

Akainu decided to continue attacking me immediately, while Kuzan took a step back. As Akainu closed the gap between us, I launched a barrage of ice towards him, which he again managed to dodged easily.

When he was close enough, he suddenly turned into lava as he enveloped my whole body, as he tried to burn me to death with the intense heat of his lava. When that didn't seem to work, he started to apply pressure on me from everywhere, as he tried to turn me into pulp.

But all of that didn't even manage to harm even a single hair of mine, as I pulled his lava body off me and threw him towards Kuzan.

"Why can't I harm this pirate scum?" Akainu said to himself in frustration, as he clenched his teeth in anger.

When I heard that I couldn't help but laugh. "You can't hurt me because you are simply too weak." I said while looking Akainu in the Eyes, with a mocking smile.

Akainu didn't seem to like this as his face turned red from anger and his whole body started steaming. "You lowly pirate dare mock me?"

"Yeah, I dare. And stop calling me a pirate. I am just a humble Shopkeeper."

"Oh, a shopkeeper? Where's your shop?" Kuzan asked suddenly, seeming very interested in this new topic.

I pointed towards the door to my shop, "That is the door that leads to my shop. I sell all kinds of stuff there. If you didn't try to attack me, I would have been happy to do buisness with you."

Kuzan looked towards where I pointed, as he squinted his eyes, "I don't see anything th... I see a gap in space. The gap leads to somewhere completely different from this place. That is your shop? How mysterious!"

"Yeah, it's my shop. And it's hard to see because it's a door made through space. Since it's almost completely closed, it's hard to notice it. If it was fully opened, you would have noticed a big gap in space here." I explained.


"Shut up and try to kill him, Kuzan." Shouted Akainu, as he attacked me once again. Kuzan also followed and we continued our fight for a few more minutes. After their complete failure to harm me in the slightest, they finally stopped attacking.

"Why aren't our attacks doing anything?" Akainu screamed in anger. Both of them were getting really irritated and worried at their attacks not working on me.

"As I already said, you both are just too weak?" I replied, with a arrogant look on my face. It really feels good to have such an unfair advantage in battle. Hopefully I never fall on the other side of such an unfair battle....

"Us being weak? While we might not be the strongest, we are still one of the strongest people in this world. Aren't you the weird one? You already showed multiple powers, from fire, ice, light, haki and even that weird invisible hand power. Are you even human?" Asked Kuzan, with a frown.

"I am just a normal human. Not a God or Devil. It's just that I am super strong. I could have taken care of both of you in an instant, just like I did with Kizaru. It's just that I am really young and lack battle experience. So I was having a practice battle with you, while holding back my power. But since you two have gotten tired of this, let's end this." I blatantly lied about me being overpowered. I still have a long way to go to become as powerful as that.

Hearing me Kuzan's frown got worse, while Akainu's fists clenched and his teeth starting grinding in pure anger and frustration.

"We are just practice dolls for you?" Kuzan asked in a slightly sad voice. He seemed a little upset about this, but not as upset as Akainu, who looked like he was ready to blow up, like a Minecraft creeper.

"Don't get sad. You two might still have a chance. Why don't you two use your strongest attack, at the same time, and I won't even dodge it. I won't run away or turn into light. I will take it head on. I Promise!" I said, giving them a little bit of hope.

"If you say so, kid." Saying that they both retreated, getting ready to launch their Strongest attacks at me. They might think it is me getting overconfident, and that they might have a chance. Ohh how wrong they are. Poor fellas.

Soon a Gigantic Lava Dragon formed to my right, where Akainu was standing. While a Gigantic Ice Bird formed to my left, where Kuzan was standing.

The Dragon looked like a Chinese Dragon, and was around 20 meters in diameter while being atleast 100 meters long. While the Ice bird looked like an Ice Phoenix, and was atleast 40 meters in size.

When they both were finally done preparing their attacks, they both rushed at me at extreme speed. A Lava Dragon from the left and an Ice phoenix from the Right.

The ground around the Lava dragon melted just from the heat emitting from it, as it left a huge molten trail in its path towards me. While everything around the Ice Phoenix froze and turned into ice, as it left a trail of ice in its path.

When they finally collided with me, a huge explosion was created, that destroyed a large area around the area of impact. Shockwaves from the attack sent everything flying.

As the destruction started to calm down, Akainu and Kuzan as well as many others waited with bated breaths to see the result of the attack.

From the huge amount of dust and debris in the centre of the impact, a lone figure walked out, totally unharmed.
