
Omniversal Gamer

Waking up in a fictional world is not as exciting as it seems. Especially when that fictional world is a mishmash of two crazy worlds. How will he survive a world of EVOs, aliens and random threats that pop up each day? ========= Warning: Crossover between Ben 10 and Generator Rex. More than a bit AU so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Arokey · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 7


He let out a groan of pleasure as the warm water poured onto his bare body. He had managed to find a motel nearby and paid for a single night.

Though he had mostly recovered from his Fatigue by then, he still felt a bit tired. The warm water of the shower pouring over him seemed to soothe and relax his body.

Enjoying the feeling, he pulled up his stat sheet to finally make his choice. His fatigue earlier tempted him to dump all his points in Vitality but he restrained himself.

If anything, it was proof that he shouldn't allocate his points when he was in such a mentally state.


Name: Kenneth Tennyson

Level: 13

Title: None

HP: 500 [20 per min]

MP: 500 [10 per min]

Fatigue: 19


Strength: 16

Agility: 20

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 18

(Free Points: 12)


Each stat was important as shown in his previous fight but the points were simply not enough to satisfy his needs.

Agility was at 20, being the highest, which meant he wouldn't put points in Agility this time. He deliberated for a while before finally deciding on a somewhat suitable allocation.


Name: Kenneth Tennyson

Level: 13

Title: None

HP: 700 [28 per min]

MP: 700 [14 per min]

Fatigue: 15


Strength: 18

Agility: 20

Vitality: 14

Intelligence: 14

Perception: 20

(Free Points: 0)


It wasn't perfect but it would do. He had gotten accustomed to the feeling of change that occurred with the allocation of points, barely feeling bothered by it anymore.

Letting out a sigh, he decided to try out something that had been on his mind for a while. Something he wanted to test out.

He drew on his mana, building it up in his hand before releasing it outward. It took a few tries but it actually worked, mana firing from his hand and into the wall.

-[Skill Gained 'Mana Bolt']

His eyes immediately went to the wall where the attack hit, widening as he saw a decent sized crack in it.

'It actually worked.' He thought with some relief.

While it may be easy to wonder what would have happened if he had the skill when he fought the forever knights, he knew that if he did, the fight would have taken much longer.

[Mana Bolt] took more mana than [Power Strike] so he would have been out of mana much earlier. He'd have been forced to buy time for his mana to regenerate, time he did not have.

He washed off most of his exhaustion before getting out of the shower and eventually allowing himself to fall asleep.


Kenneth sped through the road as fast as he could, a disturbed expression on his face as he drove.

When he woke up from his nap, he decided to look through what he had gained from his encounter with the forever knights.

The guns filled with anti-nanite bullets were arguably the most valuable items he got and he now had a lot of them seeing as how he took all the crates.

Despite that, it wasn't the only thing he found. While disposing of the knights in the warehouse, he found a phone on one of them. He decided to store it to go through it later and now he wished he looked through it immediately.

He found some information about the knights but it was nothing he didn't already know. He also found a picture of a computer with a program actively running but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the caption below the picture, Zag RS.

From what he remembered, it was a nanite destroying AI whose goal was to eliminate all nanites on the planet, regardless of the fact that nanites now existed in every living thing.

Destroying all nanites meant wiping out the entire world, something Kenneth wasn't going to allow to happen…hopefully.

With the forever knights' misplaced sense of pure human superiority, he didn't find it hard to believe that they would be working with the AI. Whether or not they knew they would die is something he didn't know but he needed to get there fast.

The location was on the phone, saving him the time it would take to locate it. This urgency was why he was currently racing through the streets.

'If Max can get away with it, I can probably do the same.' He thought as he sped up even more.

-[Skill 'Driving' has leveled up!]

'No better time than now.'


Standing beside his car, he now understood why his allowance was so high. The cost of refueling a sports car was nothing to scoff at.

He was currently at a gas station, watching a news report about an EVO incident that occurred the previous week, holding the entirety of New York hostage until Providence managed to put a stop to it.

Apparently there was an EVO that could control people in a zombie like manner and he managed to control the whole city.

Kenneth vaguely remembered something like that happening in the show but the problem was solved before it could spread out of the city so he didn't need to worry about it anymore.

Pocketing his phone, he turned his attention back to the car just as the attendant finished filling the tank. Just as he was about to pay, a shrill screech as well as animalistic growls rang through the air.

He quickly turned in the direction of the sound only to find himself staring at an EVO that seemed to be a combination of a rat and a canine.

The staff and the customers at the station screamed as they ran/drove away. With everyone's attention on escaping with their lives, Kenneth discreetly stored his car in his inventory.

'If I recall correctly, this is a Gnasht.' He thought as he called forth the guns from his inventory into his waiting hands.

This was as good a chance as any to test the anti-nanite bullets. And he also needed to level up more.

He was in a rush when he left the motel so he only pulled on a hoodie before starting his journey. He was currently happy that he made that choice as he raised his hood to cover his features as best as he could.

The Gnasht growled as Kenneth ran forward. In return, it did the same, drool leaking from its mouth.

Kenneth almost paused as his eyes easily kept up with the creature's speed as it raced towards him. Stopping himself, he quickly aimed the gun and fired.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

It managed to dodge the first one but the other two bullets struck its front limbs, causing it to stumble and roll forward as it tore through the skin. He moved out of the way as it rolled past him while attempting to bite him.

As it came to a stop, his gun was already aimed. Disregarding its own preservation, it tried to rush at him again.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

It was unsuccessful as the bullets drilled into its head, killing it.

-[You have killed your opponent.]

-[Level up!]

His confidence soared as he looked at the fallen form of the EVO with some pride. He turned his attention to the gun in his hands.

'I think I'm going to like these.' He thought only to pause as more growling was heard.

Turning to the direction the Gnasht came from, he saw four more of them screeching and growling in his direction.

'You've got to be kidding me.'