
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs


New York 11:20 Pm

*Ethan North POV*


-Flash Back-

"Finally finished the last episode of Ultimate Alien, next on the list is Omniverse. Although I am hesitant to start watching it because of the mixed reviews." 'Whatever, I will think about it more tomorrow as it is pretty late.'

*Click* *The Computer makes a high pitched noise as it shuts down*

*SIREN Noises*

"Anyone left in the building get out now, the building is about to colla.." - Random Officer

*Building starts to shake*

"Ok just got to get my shoes on and get out.."

*The ceiling breaks apart and a large piece falls on top of Ethan*

"Ok That was very... I.. Can't feel my.…. legs." "Shit ok ..calm down maybe I can call for help?"

*Crumble…. Crumble*

"I think I spoke too soon"

"Hold on we are almo..." - The random voice says, but it slowly faded from my ears and I knew I was doomed.

*A larger piece of Ceiling falls on top of him* *Crunch*


"That was the last thing I remember at least. Well the darkness is nice and quiet, and sometimes lonely but that is the least of my problems."

*Door Opening*

"And that is how your supposed to do it Jeremy, eh whatever I got to go talk to you later. Ok Bye. Well that was nice time to get some res..t" - Unknown

*Turns on the light to see Ethan just floating there*

"Well you're not supposed to be here little guy." - Unknown

"It's not my fault, I woke up here. That and where the heck am I?"

"Oh your one of those souls. Sorry it's been a while since a reincarnate showed up, that and this use to be the facility that took care of reincarnates. That was until it had to be moved and replaced with a normal house which so happens to be mine." – Unknown

"Anyway since you've been here for a few millennium I will give you three wishes, with some rules of course. One no system, I hate those. Second no Op powers off the bat, but that doesn't mean they can't grow to become that. That is all I can think of for now, so state your wishes I want to go to sleep!" – Unknown

"Ok. First I want the Ultimatrix version of the Omnitrix. Second I want the ability to keep my Omnitrix hidden, and can only be showed to those I want to show it to. Third I want the active mode to be longer, and the recharge time to be overridden once a day in case I am in danger."

"Alright for the Omnitrix, no you will start with the Prototype, however as long as you don't slam it you should get what you want. 'Unless I choose to have some fun' Second one is fairly simple, and the third is actually smart on your part. Although the time you can stay in a transformation has to be found out on your own as I want to have some fun watching you struggle for interrupting my sleep." – Unknown

"That is fine with me, now do I get to choose my age and appearance?"

"Yes and I will choose a world at random, with this wheel of fate." - Unknown

*Spin…. Spin. Spin*

*Lands on Fairy Tail*

"Well Fairy Tail is the world you will be sent to. Oh and by the way when you get there the Omnitrix will have to recalibrate to your DNA. Now hurry up and choose your appearance and age." – Unknown

(AN: I decided to have it recalibrate to his DNA because I thought it would be unique. Meh)

"Ok I want to be 18 and look like (Omnitrix and Character Image Here ). Oh that reminds me what aliens will I have?"

"Ha you have to figure that out now time to send you out.!" - Unknown

"Wait just a..."

*Clap… Clap*

*Ethan proceeds to be covered in darkness again as his consciousness fades to black*

"Finally I can get some shut eye!" - Unknown


AN: Thank you for reading this short Prologue. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and expect other chapters to be longer than this one. I will be writing the future chapters so it will be Monday before the next one is published. Have a great day, and comment any suggestions or ideas for future chapters.

BTW Thank you to TheMIDLANDER for the Idea!

"Maybe make it so that only he can see the Omnitrix... , And also make him keep the Omnitrix a secret."

"The two most powerful warriors are Patience and Time." - Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

HiddenReclusecreators' thoughts