
Episode 76 - Book of Revelation (4)

[Every Constellation in the <Star Stream> has detected the existence of the Calamity!]

[Many Constellations have fallen into a state of fear!]

As the surrounding atmosphere transformed rapidly, Constellations enjoying the cease-fire all began repeatedly roaring out as well as speaking in their true voices. Some were panicking grandly, wondering what was going on here; some sensed the Status of the Calamity and became scared; some Constellations began lodging inquiries to the Bureau, hoping to escape from this scenario.

The bitter struggles of the stars trying to survive turned the battlefield into pure pandemonium in no time at all.

[The Bureau of the Star Stream is responding to the emergency situation!]

Finally, the Bureau was stepping forward.

Seeing that the messages regarding Constellations had decreased by a whole lot quite rapidly just then, it seemed that the Bureau also found the current situation rather concerning as well.
