
Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Raping Supers in DC

A guy who pretty much just sees women as ways for him to get off gets godlike powers and goes after the Teen Titans. You can probably predict what happens next.

chastityqm · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Gaslighting Raven (Pt 1/∞)

A knock came at the door. "Markov?" Terra's real family name, Bradley knew. "Who do you have in there?" The door opened easily.

On the other side of it was Raven. One of the Titans. Her attention was on Terra for the moment, though Bradley let his eyes freely roam her hot body. Gray skin gave her an exotic note, she had short purple hair, but the real things he cared about were those nice big tits and her good round rump... "Excuse me," Raven snapped, as she noticed his gaze and lust. "This is for Titans only. Please get your Dad or boyfriend or whatever out of here, Markov. He's clearly a lecher."

She said it with a sneer. Bradley definitely knew stuck up bitches like her from his old life, before he got these powers and basically became a god. He didn't like them at all. But he could fix Raven up. Oh how he would fix her up. His cock twitched in his pants. "Oh, uh, he's actually- I mean, we're really close..." Terra said, hesitantly. "It's no big deal?" She squeaked out, as Raven turned her gaze back on Terra.

"I think it is a big deal to invite a stranger into the Tower," Raven continued. "Especially one who is currently more lustful than Beast Boy is when he sees pretty girls in bikinis." Beast Boy was her boyfriend, apparently. Well, not for long, not if Bradley had anything to say about it. And he did. He grinned at Raven. "You're disgusting. Are you getting off on this?"

Raven's words gave Bradley an idea. The almost immediate connection between "disgust" and "lust" wasn't her intent, but it worked to inspire him anyway. He altered it so that the more disgusted Raven was by him, the longer she was disgusted by him, the more lust she felt for him. Given how disgusted she currently was, she gulped as the emotions started to flood her, her nipples becoming perky and hard. "Not really," Bradley said, finally answering her question. His cock was hard in his pants, and he idly stroked it as he admired her sexy body.

"I'm an empath. I can tell what you're feeling, creep. Should I remove you myself, or can you show yourself out?" Her eyes glowed with power, but he idly batted the power away, made her not even notice that it had been batted away. Her pussy was wet. He tweaked her mind so that as she became more aroused, she'd eventually start servicing him sexually, and left it up to her how to rationalize it.

"I'm here with Terra," Bradley replied, idly reaching out for one of Terra's tits and giving it a squeeze. She just blushed and smiled girlishly, a girl utterly, completely, in his thrall. Raven sneered down at the pair of them. "I don't see why I should go anywhere."

"...I see," Raven said, before finally getting on her knees in front of him, the haughty little bitch already learning her place. "Perhaps I can make an argument for you to leave, by sucking your cock," she suggested, her trembling fingers stretching out for his dick. Inside, she was a furnace of lust and disgust battering against each other, but the disgust didn't even get input on her current behavior. It wasn't relevant to the decision to sexually service him any more.

"Why would I need a stuck up bitch like you to suck my cock, when I have Terra right here?" Bradley asked, groping Terra's tit for a moment, before just grabbing her by the shoulder, forcing her down in between his thighs, right next to Raven. He pulled his cock out - Raven's own trembling fingers had stopped when she'd been denied permission, her heroic side manifesting in her refusal to violate his consent - and he slapped Terra right in the face with it, smearing it against her features.

"I- just want you to leave," Raven said, still sounding so haughty despite the fact that she was watching as her great friend had her face rubbed with Bradley's dick, Terra just shivering in gentle pleasure and bliss.

He had some ideas about how to do this, but his first move was to make it so that Raven would feel pride and pleasure from pleasuring him - leaving the disgust in place. It helped make the girl remain kneeling right next to a now-salivating Terra, the blonde panting softly on his cock with lust and hopeful desire that she'd have it stuffed down her throat at any second.

Bradley gave the girl what she wanted, taking a firm grip on her long blonde hair, dragging it into a ponytail, and stuffing his cock right into that pretty young mouth of hers. He did always like young, eager girls best - they were easiest to get to do what you want, and Terra was no exception, noisily slurping on his cock as she slowly slid down his length, her tongue sliding all along his cock. She stared up at him, a look of pure lust and gentle love in her eyes, and he just pet her. "Man. Young heroines really do make the best cocksleeves, don't they?" Terra nodded rapidly around his cock, then slid forward - and his cock hit the back of her throat.

She gagged again, so he fixed that again, idly directing her down his length, choking her on his cock all over again. He looked over at the kneeling form of Raven, transfixed with lust and disgust as she watched her great friend (who she had hated just an hour ago, before he'd fixed history so that Terra had never betrayed her) suck his fat cock, glugging eagerly, happily, around his length, swallowing and licking at his cock, a small note of pride in Terra's expression.

Raven squirmed in place as she watched, getting more and more aroused from the show. She didn't say anything, though. She was patiently waiting her turn. He did like that, even if her attitude otherwise still left a lot to be desired. "You can only suck my cock after you apologize," he told Raven, making her blink, her gaze going up to him.

Hatred, rage, disgust, all bubbled up together as she stared at him. "Apologize for what? You literally just called my friend a cocksleeve, and you aren't supposed to be here."

"I called you both cocksleeves, and you need to apologize for being such a rude bitch. If you can't, I'm going to just keep enjoying Terra choking on my cock," he said, and Terra smiled with her eyes up at him, starting to tear up. Raven could feel the emotions of her friend, and could also feel the way she was starting to asphyxiate. He could make her pass out harmlessly, if he felt like it, but he really liked keeping her right on the brink, so he did exactly that, enjoying the quiet spasms, the sleepy half-bliss of Terra.

"F-fine," Raven got out, her voice bitter. "I'm sorry for being rude." Part of her was concerned for her friend, worried she'd pass out - but part of her was also just horny. "There."

"Not good enough," Bradley said, grinning like an asshole as he stared down at her. "You have to apologize in a dogeza."

"A dogez-!" Raven sputtered in rage. She knew what a dogeza was from watching some of Beast Boy's anime with him, the ones he thought she might like (she hadn't), and from finding some of his porn stash and looking through it in the hopes of maybe finding some fun ideas he would like. "Absolutely not!" It was a totally humiliating thing that she absolutely would never have done in a million years, certainly not for an asshole like Bradley. Even with the overpowering lust and neediness, it still wouldn't have been enough.

So Bradley decided to send Terra into unconsciousness, the girl's body going slack around his cock, tears continuing to run down her face as she docilely sat there, unable to breathe. As far as Raven could tell, she would literally die if she didn't stop sucking his cock. "That's alright. I've got Terra right here," he said, keeping her in place, his fingers firmly gripping the back of the girl's head.

"Wha- stop that!" Raven demanded. "She can't breathe!"

"No. Apologize first."

Raven may have had her pride. She may have tried to put up walls around her heart. She may have kept up pretenses with others, out loud... but as far as she was concerned, Terra was her dear friend. And right in front of her, Terra was about to choke to death on this man's cock, and there was a way to save her. She slid back and went into a dogeza, her head pressed against the floor; Bradley idly stuffed his foot on the back of the stuck-up cunt's head, just to humiliate her further. She fumed and raged, but lust continued to boil, and her friend was more important. "I'm very sorry for saying those rude things to you," she said. "Please, let me suck your cock."

"Give me your panties, too," he said. "I want to use them to jack off with." He didn't. He didn't need to jack off ever again. He just wanted to humiliate her that little bit more. Still, Raven squirmed with her costume for a few seconds. She had to strip naked, showing off dark nipples and a pink pussy, to get the panties off, but she handed them over quickly and promptly.

"There. Now I can suck your cock?" She asked, fidgeting as she checked on her friend with her eyes, making sure Terra hadn't choked to death.

"Sure, go for it," Bradley said, grinning as he yanked Terra off his dick. The girl in question came as she woke up, all the stimulation in her unconscious state seeming to hit her at once. Raven dove forward, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could manage - but given how big Bradley had made his dick, that wasn't much. She could take the first few inches into her mouth, as her lips stretched wide, but then his cock would hit the back of her throat and she'd started gagging, sputtering around his cock. "Yeah... you make a great cocksleeve too, Raven," he told her, enjoying her fuming look, and how ridiculous it seemed on her face. All the more because of the way that she remained incredibly lustful as she sat there, naked in front of him, with big heaving tits, a wet cunt, and a hard clit. "You like that? You seem to like it down here," he noted, taking the same foot that had been stomping on her head and rubbing it against her clit.

Instantly, she came, moaning and jerking and spasming in place, her eyes rolling up in pure bliss. He could only laugh at how completely obscene she was acting. In fact... he peeled her up and off his cock as she continued to spasm. "Terra, my dick's in the open air," he noted, and Terra dutifully dove right back down, taking him to the base again without a care in the world, not even the slightest concern in her mind that she might get choked unconscious again. Not because she didn't know she might, but because she didn't care. "God. You're such a ridiculous whore, coming from sucking cock," he told Raven, who actually flushed with a bit of humiliation at the comment. "You should apologize for acting all high and mighty."

"I already did!"

He idly tapped his finger against the back of Terra's head, a quiet warning that Raven received perfectly. She slid back and fell into dogeza as quickly as if she'd been his loyal sex slave. He idly put his foot back on her head. "I am sorry for acting all high and mighty!" She belted the words out, wanting to protect her friend. It was almost cute. Almost. The fact that her pussy was throbbing and her lust was sky-high owing to her equally sky-high disgust at him, did reduce the effect a bit.

"You should also apologize for being a pervert and a dirty-minded bitch," he added, enjoying humiliating her even more like that.

She twitched, but didn't hesitate. "I'm sorry for being a pervert and a dirty-minded bitch."

"You should be. You're supposed to be a cocksleeve. Young heroines like yourself make the best ones." He didn't let her up just yet, continuing to grind his heel into the back of her head as Terra gladly choked and slobbered on his cock, not even caring in the moment that her friend was being humiliated by him. Her tongue lapped wetly at his dick as Raven remained there. "One question. Have you ever lusted after your boyfriend, the way you're lusting after me now?"

He could feel the incandescent rage in the girl. The desire to spit venom. But her head twisted just a fraction of an inch, and she saw her friend was being choked out on his cock again, and any urge to fight completely vanished from her in a heartbeat. "No," she said. It was the truth, though she said it because she knew it was what he wanted to hear.

"Hmm... then apology accepted," he said, removing his foot from the back of her head. "Now, Terra doesn't have two mouths, or a super long tongue, so you can get in under her and lick and tongue my balls and asshole," he explained. She moved into it, still disgusted at him, but her tongue slithered along his asshole, her nose mushed into his pubes. She was doing it mostly because she 'knew' from Beast Boy that guys come faster with a bit of anal stimulation. But that didn't matter to Bradley. "Yeah... you heroines are better at this than you are at saving people's lives," he said, sighing as he leaned back. Raven got angrier, while Terra just nodded around his cock. In her head, that was half because she was really good at it, and half because she was a bad heroine.

Just as he was about to come in Terra's throat, he peeled back from her mouth, holding his cock just past her lips and depositing a full, complete load, so much that Terra's cheeks swelled - then he kept spurting and pulled back still further, taking Raven's panties and coming directly in the crotch area, just completely drenching them in his cum.

"There," Raven panted, as she pulled back from his asshole. "Now that that's- what the fuck did you do to my panties, you disgusting worm?" She angrily said.

"I literally told you earlier," he said. "Here you go," he added, handing the panties back to her. "Put them on."

"I will absolutely fucking not! You can take them with you, when you get the hell out of the Tower!"

"Hm," he said, ignoring the angrily screaming nude goth bitch on her knees in front of him. "I bet Terra would do that. Wouldn't you, Terra?" She nodded, her mouth still full of his cum. "Jerk me off with your panties and then put them back on once I've stained them with my cum."

Raven, of course, felt her lust climb alongside her disgust as Terra moved to do exactly that, not even speaking in acknowledgement, simply nodding like a well-behaved dog. Her mouth was puffed up with cum, but even as bits occasionally escaped her lip, running down her chin, because of saliva mixing with it and increasing the volume, she simply focused on the task of jerking off Bradley. He let Terra bring him off fast, and soon enough, he'd given a nice thick creamy sheen to Terra's panties, and the heroine was quickly pulling them back on.

"Ah, that helps," Bradley said. "Yeah. A good come is just what I needed to set my head right. Since you're being so problematic, Raven, go get all your panties - I don't care if they're dirty or clean or in the washing machine, get them and bring them here." She scowled at him, pulling on her costume with a fuming expression, her arousal still at a fever pitch as she considered why he wanted her panties so bad. Was he going to jack off on them, too? Was he just going to steal her panties except the one he'd come on.

"No," she countered.

"Yes," he said, and instantly she lost the argument, leaving Terra's room to go to her own. Bradley just smiled at her retreating ass, knowing she was going commando, that her hard clit was rubbing against her swimsuit. He glanced down at Terra, who was still dutifully swilling his cum, even as it bubbled up out of her mouth and stained her top. "You can swallow, Terra," he told her, and she greedily gulped down his cum, letting out a satisfied sigh when she finished.

"Thank you," Terra breathed out. "I'm sorry that Raven is being such a bitch, Bradley. I don't know how to make her stop."

"Ah, don't worry about it," he said, waving his hand. He was enjoying her being a bitch but still doing whatever he pleased. "Your job is to help me fuck Raven, not to fix her personality." He could fix that whenever and however he wanted. He could turn her into a bubbly blonde bimbo, if he felt like it. There was something sexy about that thought. Totally warping a heroine into something completely unrecognizable that she'd hate - especially a stuck-up bitch like that - definitely had his cock twitching.

"Ah... okay, Bradley," she agreed, remaining kneeling in front of him, feeling some note of pride and joy in her submission. He idly stroked her hair as he contemplated the full Titans roster. They were pretty heavy on girls right now. Of the seven - oh, eight with Terra now on the team - members, six were girls: Raven and Terra, of course, but also Starfire, Supergirl, Batgirl, and Miss Martian. Just two boys, Nightwing and Beast Boy, but he could get rid of them whenever and however he pleased, so they weren't important.

Still, though, he was enjoying Raven at the moment, and the girl in question soon came back, with a laundry hamper half-filled with panties. She huffed as she dumped it in front of him. "There. All my panties. Happy? If so, then get out."

"No. You have to offer them properly. Dogeza," he said.

"You motherfucker," she snarled at him. "It is just one goddamn thing after another with you! Can't you just get the fuck out? I've already sucked your damn cock, I don't see why you have to keep this going!"

"It's hot," he told her. "Especially with all your bitching and complaining, as you don't realize that it only makes your position worse. Speaking of - now it's a dogeza, and you have to offer the panties as cumrags."

She sputtered at that, ready to offer some more obscenities, but he used his power to make her just follow along. She got down on her knees, pressed her forehead into the floor, and spoke. "Please, take these humbly offered panties, to use as your cumrags. Is that good enough?" She added, once the order had been completed, looking snappy and ticked as she got back to her feet and crossed her arms.

"Nah," he said. He idly tweaked her mouth, so that whenever she spoke of her panties - or panties she was buying for herself, or the like - she would use the term 'cumrags' instead. She'd be aware of the substitution, but wouldn't be able to stop herself. "Now I am."

Raven frowned at that. "Good. Then you can get out. And take my dirty cumrags with you." She paused as she realized what she had said. "I mean, my dirty cumrags, though you're going to- what the?" She sputtered, looking up at him again. "You fuck. You're mind controlling me and Terra, aren't you! That's why she's acting so fawning around you!" She started to glow again, and once again, Bradley idly brushed the power aside, though this time he let her realize it. "What... what did you do?"

"I'm much more than just an ordinary mind controller," he said. He decided to let her panic for a bit, though he made one tweak - whenever she told someone about his mind control, they'd just treat it like she was obviously crushing on him and refusing to admit it.

She bolted, like he was chasing her. If he had been, she would have been unable to get away no matter how fast she moved, but instead he just idly monitored her as she rushed forward, skidding to a stop in front of Miss Martian's room. "M'orzz!" She yelled the words, panic obvious in her voice. "There's a guy - he's mind controlled Terra - and he's mind controlled me, too!"

Miss Martian - Megan Morse - didn't have the same physique as Raven: she had a more girlish (though still plenty hot) physique, with red hair, green skin, and freckles. Bradley knew she didn't really look like that - her true form was a freakish white monstrosity - but that didn't matter. She was a telepathic shapeshifter, so any physical imperfection you could have cared to name could be fixed up without even flexing his powers. "Huh?" Megan asked.

"He's a powerful psychic. You have to take him down! He makes me call cumrags cumrags, and I'm pretty sure he forced me to get really horny for him."

Megan gently placed her hands on Raven's shoulders. "Raven! You're not being mind controlled," she reassured her. "You just have a crush on him."

"Wha- no, I'm being mind controlled, check!" Raven said, waving her hands in front of her head.

"Uhh, I did check," she said. "There's no mind control. Or even any signs of it. You just legitimately like him, that's all! Don't worry, it's all lust. It'll peter out in a bit..." She glanced off wistfully, thinking of her own young romance with Superboy. "You should tell Beast Boy you cheated on him, though."

"I didn't cheat on him! I was raped! By a mind controlling rapist!" Raven insisted.

"No, Raven. I'm sorry. Those were decisions you made, because you were horny."

"No they weren't! Come on!" She grabbed Megan's wrist. "Read his mind, psychic judo him, something!" She said. Megan just sighed in response to the statement, but let her friend drag her along to where Bradley was getting his cock sucked. "See?!"

"Terra likes him," Megan said. She sighed again. "Unlike you, she can be honest with herself." Raven looked completely bewildered by that claim.

"Gonna come," he breathed out, and Terra peeled up and off his cock, pointing his dick at the hamper. He promptly exploded, meeting Raven's gaze as his cum sprayed out in copious, unending streams, splattering the entire contents of the hamper full of panties, completely drenching them in a huge pool of cum.

Megan was blushing by that point, green skin colored red around her face. "Wow. That's a lot of cum," she said, looking at it all. She did feel a certain tingle of desire - Bradley was her type in the looks department, after all, and a shapeshifter doesn't have anything to fear from even the most massive of cocks - but not one but two of her friends were into him. It wasn't a good idea.

"So what?!" Raven said. "He just came all over my cumrags!"

"That you brought over, just because he told you to," Megan responded, sighing. "Look, just be honest with your feelings and stop bothering me!"

Bradley couldn't help but grin as Raven desperately tried to convince Megan that she was being mind controlled. Obviously, she was. But he'd made it so that nobody would believe Raven, not even the team psychic.

He decided to play with both their heads. Miss Martian was already attracted to him, so he got rid of her hangups about not wanting to mess things up by getting in the middle of a love triangle. He even gave it a little realism, by having Terra speak up. "Oh, by the way, don't worry you guys. I'm happy to share Bradley with anybody!"

"Oh." Miss Martian paused at that, looking at Bradley with rather more undisguised lust, her gaze going to his cock. "Well, I'm sorry about how Raven is acting. She just has the biggggest crush on you, and she's with Garfield, so she's totally rationalizing the whole thing," she explained, with a smile. For just a moment, Raven doubted herself - her reason would have overcome it - but he grabbed that doubt and kept it firmly fixed in her head. What if I really am just spazzing out? "To make it up to you, you can stay in the Tower for as long as you like. Oh, and, since Terra doesn't mind sharing," she said, slinking slowly forward - and he forced Raven to follow - "I could suck your cock, too?" She asked, giving him a flirty fluttering of the eyelashes.

Raven knelt besides Megan, her cheeks flush with humiliation at the position as she fought her instincts and desires. Why was she doing this, other than that she wanted to suck his cock? Was he really mind controlling her?

Miss Martian's lips wrapped around Bradley's cocked, and he loved watching the lusty way she looked up at him, as she started to slowly but surely devour his cock, sliding down his length, her slender green throat bulging with his fat dick. She didn't struggle at all, as she took it in her mouth, and he idly tweaked her just like the other two, so that the inside of her mouth and throat was an erogenous zone.

She immediately spasmed, going cross-eyed. In her head, she was amazed - sex with Conner had never been like this. She kept on sliding down his length anyway, her tongue slithering and slapping along his length as she pushed her way down.

Raven started to lean forward, looking just about ready to suck his balls into her mouth, but Bradley stopped her, putting his hand on her forehead. "Only if you apologize, properly, and beg for it," she told him. She scowled up at him, her uncertainty about her own role to play in this whole thing not reducing how ticked she got at him when he treated her like his personal fucktoy (which she was, even if she didn't know it).

Despite that, after only a few seconds, the lust and the need to suck his cock overwhelmed her. She pulled back, panting, and fell into the dogeza position again, head almost smacking the hard floor under her as she started to speak. He hadn't even told her to do the dogeza, this time - hadn't even fucked with her head to make her. Still, he liked it, as she started to speak. "Sorry. Please let me suck your cock," she pleaded, while Megan finished gobbling up his whole cock, her nose now pressed into her pubes, staring up at him with a fuckdrunk look in her eyes.

Bradley considered Raven, still kowtowing in front of him, idly putting his foot on the back of her head. He relished the wave of humiliation that came off her with that simple action, her teeth silently grinding against one another - and he quietly altered her costume. Her cape shortened, now reaching only a very short distance and showing off her ass, while her leotard slid up, so tight on her pussy that you could see the shape of it, while large portions of her hips were also revealed in the process. The shoes became towering high heels, the sort that would be a problem to walk around in. All her other costumes were much the same, and she'd find it impossible to change back to 'normal' variants of her costume, no matter how hard she tried. He just grinned down at her. "Sure," he agreed, taking his foot off the back of her head.

She leaned up in response, looking grateful and thankful - for a second. Then she noticed her cape didn't feel quite right and shrieked. "What did you do to my costume?!" She demanded, looking up at him. He let Megan up and off his cock to answer that question - Terra took the opportunity to slurp his cock down herself, wearing this smug look as her hands went to her throat and she squeezed around his dick right through her neck.

"Raven," Megan said, sighing. "Really? I thought we were past this... you're the one who changed your costume, to try to get Bradley's attention."

"I absolutely didn't! I don't need a costume change! I walked in here wearing something different!"

"No, you didn't," Megan said, shaking her head. "You showed up to my room wearing that." Terra nodded along, continuing to suck and squeeze Bradley's cock in her throat as Raven's confusion and humiliation rose. Megan sighed in annoyance, and Bradley tweaked her thoughts just a little. "How about this, I'll pretend to be you, and I can just say all those things you're thinking that you can't express?" Megan said, transforming into Raven - only an even sexier, sluttier-looking Raven. Her tits were bigger, her waist smaller, her ass rounder, her lips fuller. She looked like a porn photoshop of Raven, not the real thing, and Bradley loved it.

While Terra sucked noisily on Bradley's cock, Raven just finally acted on her instincts, leaning forward to suck his balls into her mouth, moaning around his length as she looked up at him, desperately pleading for mercy. Megan started to talk. "I'm so completely in love with you, Bradley, I just don't know what to do with these feelings!" She didn't really sound anything like Raven, but honestly, that just made the humiliation that Raven was feeling even hotter, as she mewled pitifully into Bradley's balls, unwilling to pull back to speak. "I'm a natural born pervert. Just lewd as hell and a complete deviant, but you're the one who woke that inside of me, and I can't admit that to myself," she said, hefting up her tits in either hand. "These fat jugs were pretty much made for you to grope and fuck," she said, and Bradley reached down for her tit, giving it a harsh squeeze, making the martian spasm in pleasure at the rough treatment. "Ahn... I'm way too horny. Garfield isn't good enough for me. I changed up my costume just to get your attention, because I'm crushing on you so hard, Bradley."

The real Raven quietly steamed and fumed down there, glaring at Megan as much as she was glaring at Bradley. That wasn't her thought at all! Was it? Only Bradley's lingering manipulation of her thoughts left her wondering - if she'd been in her right mind, she would've been sure that it wasn't. Megan just kept going, unperturbed by her friend's emotional state, if she was even capable of noticing it. "I just hope you can accept me, even though I'm so shy about everything... I'd be willing to let you sleep with me in my room, if you don't mind living with a pervert like me..."

Bradley just grinned, glancing down at the real Raven. He actually pulled her up and off his balls. "Sure, but only if the real Raven is the one who asks me."

Raven's mouth turned into a thin frown - then Bradley pryed it open with his powers. "Yes... please... live with me in my room," she got out, sounding coquettish and shy, rather than pissed off and baffled by her own mouth, which is what she really felt.

Bradley let go of Raven's hair, and she instantly snapped back down to his balls, practically burying himself in the crook between his thigh and his cock to hide from the humiliation that was ongoing. Terra continued to squeeze her throat around Bradley's cock, while Megan started monologuing 'in character' as Raven's 'secret inner thoughts' again: "Thank you so much, Bradley! I'm so happy you accepted my feelings, I don't mind sharing with Terra or Megan at all!" Bradley grinned at that, then peeled Terra up and off his cock, Megan taking his dick a moment later.

Terra wasn't as nice as Megan had been, now that her mouth was freed to talk. "You're such a terrible girlfriend," she said. "I'm trying to be a good girlfriend to Bradley, because he's hot and nice and so kind and his dick feels amazing in my throat," she breathed, almost squirming in place from lingering sexual desire, "but here you are, acting brusque and rude, while really you're interested in him? You're just an annoying bitch. I'm amazed that Garfield even accepted you as his girlfriend, or that Bradley decided to allow you to become his girlfriend! You're a total slut, too. I was a virgin when I became Bradley's personal heroine cocksleeve, while you were still Garfield's girlfriend. You haven't even told him!"

Raven burned red at that, squeezing her eyes shut as she was totally humiliated. It was hot as hell, seeing and feeling her mouth around his cock in duplicate, Megan a bubbly little horndog happy to suck him off with only a tiny modicum of modifications, thanks to her own taste in men, and also him having preemptively prevented Raven from telling anyone what he'd done to her. He finally exploded right down Megan's throat with a groan, then peeled her and Raven both off.

"You should apologize for being a stuck up bitch who can't accept her own opinions," he told Raven - and both Megan and Raven dove into a dogeza without another word, making his cock twitch.

Raven glanced over at Megan in surprise, and Megan spoke up, wiggling her ass for emphasis as she spoke. "I'm so sorry, Bradley. I'm a stuck up bitch who couldn't accept that she was a pervert, and hid that she was totally in love with you. Thanks for showing me what I really am."

Bradley glanced pointedly at Raven, who burned red as she saw what she looked like - but pushed her forehead against the ground (earning his foot on the back of her head) and spoke anyway. "I'm sorry. I'm a stuck up bitch who couldn't accept her own opinions. Sorry for hiding that I was in love with you by acting like some- some-"

"Shitty tsundere!" Megan offered.

"...yeah," Raven agreed. "A shitty tsundere. Thanks for correcting me."

"No problem."

"Can Raven take her panties back?" Megan asked, transforming back into herself.

"Oh, sure. As long as she wears them, like she promised," Bradley said, making Raven's cheeks burn. She was... pretty sure she hadn't... promised anything like that. Especially given that they were now drenched in his dry cum, and probably stank to high heaven. But... maybe she was remembering things wrong again?

"I'll wear them," Raven said, her voice a whispery thing. She wiggled out of her too-tight leotard, pulled on a pair of cumslick panties with a crinkled nose and an ever-spiking lust, and pulled back on the leotard. "Th-there," she said, not liking the weird wet feeling on her cunt. It was like that one time she let Beast Boy do it raw. She hated the feeling of cum touching her like that.

Bradley was starting to feel bad for Beast Boy. After all, his girlfriend was a huge, unbearable, cunt. He decided to fix that, rewriting reality - though keeping Raven unaware of the change. A few weeks ago, Beast Boy had finally gotten the spine to stick up for himself, and broken up with Raven. Almost immediately, he'd met a new girlfriend, Jill Jackson, who had all the same interests and kinks as Beast Boy, was head over heels for him (way more in love with him than Raven had ever been), and treated him with nothing but love and respect. She also had a dynamite body, which was pretty much just defined as 'whatever Beast Boy liked'.

With that done, he looked at Raven, currently squirming uncomfortably in her costume. He liked how Megan made her look better, so he tweaked her body that way, turning her to look more like sex on legs, her body tightening up in the right places and filling out elsewhere, even her lips getting bigger. She paused, looking down at herself. By this point, she had started to realize that something was off - with her memory. "Hey, do I look different to you, M'orzz?" She asked.

Megan looked her way, then just shook her head. "No, you look normal."

Raven sighed, one hand going to her head. "Jesus. How can I really be this in love with this jerk?" She bit her lip as she contemplated the question, then sighed. "I guess I... have to tell Garfield about this... I can't believe I cheated."

"What?" Both Terra and Megan asked. "Did you two get back together?" Megan continued.

"Yeah, I thought he was with Jill now?"

"What?" Raven asked, baffled, looking between the two of them. "Jill?"

"Yeah. She's an old ex of his, when he dumped your ass they wound up meeting again, hooking up. They're super cute together. Way more lovey-dovey than the two of you ever were."

"I... don't remember any of that..." Raven said, her head bowing in humiliation and degradation. Bradley's cock throbbed as he saw the haughty bitch reacting like that. He idly made it so that Jill was allowed into the Tower, and that whenever she was over (which would be a lot) Beast Boy and her would go crazy on the PDA, while Raven the empath would have to feel it all.