
C7. 1v1 against a true challenge, arriving on earth

*15 years later*

'Damn that was hard, I got my ass handed to me multiple times, cultivators are no joke. Atleast I not only grew stronger but I managed to create my own martial arts, I no longer need to use ki to fly since these martial arts have something similar to Geppo but superior since I use my physical strength to fly'. After 15 years of fighting and learning I ignored my system and worked my ass of. 'Status'


NAME: Raizael

AGE: 25

RACE: Devouring Sayain Godkin

BLOODLINE(S): Primordial Devouring Sayain God

BATTLE POWER: 123 quintillion total

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Primordial Devouring Saiyan God Physique, Superior Mind, Blood healing, Immortality, All Devour, Gods Ocular, Magic Materialization, Healing ,Telekinesis, Telepathy, Ki Manipulation, Ki Control, Ki Sense, Synthesis, Conquerors Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Teleportation, Bestowal, Superior comprehension, Superior mastery

TECHNIQUES/MARTIAL ARTS: (Renewal Taekwando, Muay tai, Everlasting Dominating Fist, Uchiha taijutsu) = Saiyan god everlasting art (SGEA)

TRANSFORMATIONS: Great Ape (x50), Super Saiyan 1 (×150) Super Saiyan 2 (x250) Super Saiyan 3 (x300), Legendary Super Saiyan 1 (x300) Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (x650),Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (x10 000), Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 1 (x1500) Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 2 (x3000), Ikari (x20)

SHOP POINTS: 102 848 606 447

'Damn, something ain't right here my transformations are weird, the multipliers growth ain't matching up, if my guess is correct it must be because I never used them properly so my mastery might dictate the full power. There is onlky one way to test this out'. "Instant Dimension". After entering I choose 1v1 again, this time I used an environment with 10 moons because I choose someone I have been saving up. Now I'm facing Jin Mori, Jecheondaeseong, Supreme God yes he is the best opponent ryt now. He is still in his Jin Mori form but he is still hella strong and crafty so I won't underestimate him. He instantly uses 'Renewal Taekwando: Bo bup' and sends a kick to my head, I already saw it coming as I block his kick with my own kick, the force instantly creates cracks on the ground around us. He immediately twists his body and faces his back towards me 'Renewal Taekwando: Rising back kick', his kick almost connects with my head but I use armament haki around my upper body "Bam" his kick slides me over 15 centimetres, 'shit that kinda hurt even with haki, fuck it I'm only using saiyan abilities and martial arts for this fight'. "Arh" with a quick shout to pump myself up I turn super saiyan 1 and immediately dashed toward him sending a straight punch at his chest, he ducks and delivers a low kick 'Renewal lowest hoechook', I jump up and with my right leg i deliver a 'Renewal Teakwando: Axe' I catch him on his right side and he spits out blood.

He gets immediately and the aura around him changes, he then performs Nabong Needle Ryu No pain by using his thump to hit a pressure point in the heart. He vanishes and delivers a brutal knee to my chest, 'Renewal Taekwando: Baekdu, immediately sending me flying and breaking my ribs, vomiting blood i train to see where he is but he just used 'Renewal Taekwando: Bo-bup' appearing on top fo me and using 'Renewal Taekwando: Fang' delivering his elbows to my sides again causing me to crash on the ground. On the ground thanks to immortality I instantly regenerate gettin a insane Zenkai and a whole new mastery of supper saiyan one as the longer we fighting I can feel my grasp on the transformation tightens. I get up from the ground and charge him, he knocks me down again, I get up but last longer but still get knocked down, I get back up again and this keeps happening for couple of rounds, i still get up becausee I can feel it, my sense, instincts, most in important my mastery, they are all increasing and I can fight better and react better. I can feel I have full mastered super saiyan 1 so I turn it up by turning super saiyan 2. We continue fighting throwing kicks, punches, knee strikes while looking like savages as we exchange blows pound for pound. Slowly I start taking advantage till I reach the poin of being able to dodge consecutive blows from him. I deliver a jab at his ear to disrupt him momentarily which I succeed in and deliver a 'Renewal Teakwando: Recoilless Baekdu' instantly beating him.

I look at myself and see that the electricity is gone, finally fully mastered super saiyan 2. A light surrounds Jin Mori and he stands up and transforms in Jecheondaeseong, I immediately transform into super saiyan 3, its still not enough but I'm only just gonna use it till I masterd it. I charge at him but he delivers a swift 'Renewal Taekwando: Triple kick' which actually crushes my head after the 3rd kick, Immortalityfor the win, I instantly regenerate and we start a whole new fights causing shock waves and destructive blows to fill the entire field.

*1 hour later*

'Shit this bastard is tough, I have used and Masterd all my super saiyan transformations. He used his 'Nabong Needle limit removal' by hitting a pressure point in the brain removing all his body's limit. I immediately looked at the moon and turned Great Ape, I don't need the moon but this time I need it to try something crazy. My great ape form gets bigger then usual then I try to condense all that power in my body as much as i can, I immediately start shrinking till I am lkeft looking like a super saiyan 4 but with my normal white fur all over my body. The strength in my body has increased insanely. I look like an albino ancient saiyan, tsk I will call this form True saiyan, why because I can feel no sapping on my stamina meaning it can be used at all times. I rush at my opponent punching him in the gut which made him spit blood again, a deliver a flying knee to his face which inturn shattered the loop of binding and knocked Mori out.

A gold light covers him again and he turns into the Supreme God with all his weapons. I am fucked here, I got into classic dragon balls stance of powering up "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" pushing all the ki in my body to the max and A black ki Sorrounds me as I unlocked Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 3. My fur turns black like the universe. My body grows bigger, compacted muscles and my hair reaches my lower back. Mori uses his Kinto-Un to create thunder strikes aimed at me, while ducking the strikes he extends his Ruyi Jingu and smacks me so hard that half of my body gets smashed to a bloody paste. As soon as I regenerate I have to dodge more deadly blows from Mori but he still gets me.

*5 hours later*

Zenkai for the win. I can now tank the damage from Mori's weapons, we are now exchanging blow for blow and a huge ear to ear grin is plastered on my face. We take a step back and look at each other, we throw punches at each others fist 'Renewal Taekwando: Recoilless fist strike' we both do the same move and as our punches connect the space around our fists is bent and shattered, the Instant Dimension fixes itself, another thing happened I can feel inside deep in my bones a spark of some energy. It felt like I reached a state of epiphany, I then decide to end this fight quickly by charging a ki blast with all the ki I can muster then threw it at Mori. He tried using his gourd to block the attack bit I appear behind him with a bo-bup and I use my own martial art 'SGEA: Recoiless Asura's assault' I throw multiple punches that were so fast that it looked like I grew extra limbs. He is sent flying towards the blast and gets engulfed. Finally winning I end the dungeon mode and enter training mode. I return to my base form, sit down and cross my legs and try search for the power I felt earlier. Finding it I try moving it along with my ki but they start fighting, ignoring the pain I try and intergrate the energy with my ki. Out of no where my body enlarges and my hair slowly turns pink, I explode and come back together. Opening my eyes I just realized I just achieved God ki no Divine ki and a pseudo metamorphosis, my god form looks like Goku blacks Rose but there is a black hue around me. "Status"


NAME: Raizael

AGE: 25

RACE: Devouring Sayain God

BLOODLINE(S): Primordial Devouring Sayain God

BATTLE POWER: 1.2 sextillion total

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Primordial Devouring Saiyan God Physique, Superior Mind, Blood healing, Immortality, All Devour, Gods Ocular, Magic Materialization, Healing ,Telekinesis,Telepathy, Ki Manipulation, Ki Control, Ki Sense, Synthesis, Conquerors Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Teleportation, Bestowal, Superior comprehension, Superior mastery, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Analytical Skill

TECHNIQUES/MARTIAL ARTS: (Renewal Taekwando, Muay tai, Everlasting Dominating Fist, Uchiha taijutsu) = Saiyan gods everlasting art

TRANSFORMATIONS: Great Ape (x50), Super Saiyan 1 (×200) Super Saiyan 2 (x400) Super Saiyan 3 (x800), Legendary Super Saiyan 1 (x300) Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (x650),Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (x1200), Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 1 (x1500) Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 2 (x3000) Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 3 (x6000), Ikari (x20), True Saiyan (x45 000), Super Saiyan God: Rose (x10 000)

SHOP POINTS: 102 848 606 447

'I see so that fight gave me alot more I thought possible. I alsp discovered that my True Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan and Primordial Super Saiyan forms multipliers are always improving however I need an equal or stronger opponent for it to improve further, these forms use stamina but primordial super saiyan uses less and true saiyan uses none'. I leave the Instant Dimension the first thing I saw was a massive tree with all sorts of weird looking fruits, the environment around Eren has improved and is bursting with life and Vitality. In the distance the World Tree can be seen, it has gotten very huge and its still growing.

Turning my attention back to the True devil fruit tree. I spot the devil fruits I want for myself which are the Yami Yami no mi, Goro Goro no mi, Gura Gura no mi, and the Uo Uo no mi Model: Seiryu, I only ate Yami Yami no mi and put the others in my inventory, which turned out to be delicious like the nectar of the gods. I pick other fruits to give the z fighters which are the Sube Sube no mi, Tori Tori no mi Model: Phoenix, Hie Hie no mi, Mera Mera no mi, Mochi Mochi no mi, Hito Hito no mi Model: Daibutsu, Zushi Zushi no mi, Inu Inu no mi Model: Wolf, Pika Pika no mi, Ope Ope no mi,Bari Bari no mi, Jiki Jiki no mi, Kira Kira no mi and Moku Moku no mi. I place them in the inventory as well.

I seal my battle power and leave it at 1 and I immediately use my map and teleport outside Earths atmosphere and find an isolated Desert thats been untouched my humanity then i flare out my ki at 1 billion battle power for a full three seconds then I brought it back to one. While waiting I test my devil fruit by turning my hand into darkness and extending it out, in a couple of minutes I can feel a presence coming towards me then I stop the whole testing process and wait for who will arrive first and it was Vegeta.

He lands and looks at me and he crosses both his arms and says "hmph, you must be the Raizael that clown was talking about", "You must be the loser that died on Namek" I troll him. A vein can be seen on his forehead and I couldn't help but smile since I was a huge Vegeta fan in my 1st life and here I am meeting him, he gets more angry seeing my smile taking it as a smirk. "You bastard dare look down on me the prince of saiyans". 'Ohh right, this guy is hot headed' I feel more presences heading towards me and Vegeta but I ignore it, "Say prince of saiyans lets have a quick spar to show me what you got won't you".

He then starts grinning, powers up and charges at me, I teleport behind him and brought my battle power to 300 million and punch him in the back. He gets sent flying and he regains control of himself and lands. He looks up only to see me infront of him proceeding with a kick, he crosses his arms in an attempt to block my attack I change my kick into a 'Renewal Taekwando: Guard breaker' and use my knee to slam his jaw. He staggers back while coughing blood he looks at me and his grin grows wider, saiyans and their battle lust are maniacs. He stands up straight and with a shout he turns super saiyan 1, I aswell decide to turn super saiyan 1. Above us the other saiyans and z fighters have arrived and are watching us fight. "Damn another saiyan, I hope this guy is not crazy" is what I heard from Krillin thanks to my superior senses, Vegeta says "Interesting you can go super saiyan as well but can you do this" he immediately turns super saiyan 2 and I smirk at him and say "I can do one better, ARGGHHHHH" getting into posture I turn into my true saiyan form. I can feel all they gazes on me and they get shocked by the power emitting from me. I dash at Vegeta appearing behind him and tap his right shoulder and he immediately crashes on the floor with a broken shoulder and fractured spine, he loses his transformation and he goes unconscience. I drop my blood in his mouth and he heals also receives a huge zenkai. I power down and return to my base form, everyone decends down and decide to meet me.


NAME: Raizael

AGE: 25

RACE: Devouring Sayain God

BLOODLINE(S): Primordial Devouring Sayain God

BATTLE POWER: 1 (1.2 sextillion total)

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Primordial Devouring Saiyan God Physique, Superior Mind, Blood healing, Immortality, All Devour, Gods Ocular, Magic Materialization, Healing ,Telekinesis,Telepathy, Ki Manipulation, Ki Control, Ki Sense, Synthesis, Conquerors Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Teleportation, Bestowal, Superior comprehension, Superior mastery, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Analytical Skill

TRUE DEVIL FRUIT(S): Yami Yami no mi

TECHNIQUES/MARTIAL ARTS: (Renewal Taekwando, Muay tai, Everlasting Dominating Fist, Uchiha taijutsu) = Saiyan god everlasting art

TRANSFORMATIONS: Great Ape (x50), Super Saiyan 1 (×200) Super Saiyan 2 (x400) Super Saiyan 3 (x800), Legendary Super Saiyan 1 (x300) Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (x650),Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (x1200), Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 1 (x1500) Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 2 (x3000) Primordial Devouring Super Saiyan 3 (x6000), Ikari (x20), True Saiyan (x45 000), Super Saiyan God: Rose (x10 000)

SHOP POINTS: 102 848 606 447