
Chapter 19

They would at least be safe but that day he knew who he was but he wanted it to be a joke but then he tried to hunt him down like a prey for fun but he managed to escaped for a time until he find him again then he has to face the music david says he can't let that happen he will help him deal with the unwanted guest that has come to his planet and defeat him they must be protectors in the universe to send the hunter away for a long time rattrap say he thinks they are guardian's of the universe who sends bad guy's to a prison for a long time david say that's good he can defeat the bounty hunter with his help and no one has to be another victim of this hunter weird obsession of strong warrior's trophies for an unknown reason he ask rattrap that there isn't anything on him for collecting a bunch of strong warriors from all over the universe he just shakes his head to the side's not knowing anything else about him just that he was about to be the fourteen prey in his list by the way but he dodge that bullet by now david says they can win and beat him until the space guardians come for him so he ask rattrap if he can count on his help to beat this evil alien for good.

He shakes david hand saying yeah he can count on his help but he might take a couple month's to find him since this small galaxy wasn't in the space system david say that's good for now he just has to train with his crew and reach new strength for the incoming battle david ask does he know what kind of alien species he is rattrap say he looks like a yautja but might've been hallucinating since he was fighting for his own and the planet safety david says he doesn't know what kind of alien that is but he will take his word for now until they meet david gets up from his sitting spot telling rattrap that he will go back to the village and tell them about the good news that they talk over with peace negotiating and no violence rattrap waves goodbye at his new alien friend saying to himself that he will finally be able to rest peacefully as he goes back to his ship fixing the remaining parts of the ship he need to fly back to his planet and handle the long trip but to also hide it from the human's eyesight who want to expect it david makes it to the village telling everyone that he has fix the problem with the rat's army and the mysterious spaceship that has crash landed by the village and the weird forest emerges.

From out off no where he tell the people of the small town that he has made a peace agreement with them to live in harmony with water and food system no more fighting between one another the whole town people look at him with a confused look on there entire face trying to see if he's lying about that working situation gael comes out if his house with his mom telling everyone that he is thinking about their safety and health so they can survived the fall and cold winter everyone begins to cheer at this idea on working together saying that they will agree to try for the future children's david goes back to his tent telling everyone that tommorow is another peaceful day for them both david is seen munching on the last couple snacks he has prepared for himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a soda to drink as he finishes his dinner he fall's to a deep sleep ignoring everything around him just getting a we'll earned bed rest for today waking up the next day he looks at his tent to see the sun brightening up the whole day to come he gets out of his tent getting ready to help the farmers and the water system but to his surprised he see that both the town people and the rat army.

Being lead by rattrap are helping on another with the hard labor work focusing the farm and bringing back the stolen animal's plus removing the barricades from the near by river he see rattrap talking to gael asking him he can sense a good amount of energy in his center core he has potential to be the greatest if he continues training everyday like he has been doing david walks to them asking how the training going and what about the working together is it weird or they getting along we'll gael turn to his young master telling him he's been doing everything that he has taught him but he wants to learn the more advance moves like to be able to defend the town he loves and cares about rattrap smile telling david he has found a good pupil to train david say he's proud on his achievements but he can't stay here for long so he was hoping that rattrap would continued training him more and more until he has the fundamental memorized and no longer needs him to be by his side he thinks about david suggestion for a moment before he looks back at gael talking to his people and rat army as they work together to fix the area around them and grow the farm plus a water system to grow more advance.

Like other's nearby town like this one rattrap give a small smirk across the face to let david know he will give it a try for a while david stands more straighter looking proud to do good without any violence so he smile proudly while rattrap congrats him for helping both species coexist in this growing town as he head's back to his tent preparing everything to go back to his bunker base for the next mission on the list as this happens gael turns around wondering where his young master headed to this early he goes to check on him asking rattrap if he's nearby pointing to the village as gael makes it back to the village he see that the tent is gone by the well and there's not a single mess left behind he took everything with him and just left without saying goodbye david comes out gael mom house holding onto many plates of home made food that she cooks her own son gael face light's up in excitement telling himself that he didn't leaves at all without saying goodbye first he walk in front of david way asking him if he's already leaving for good he say yeah he was just heading to his location right now so he can give him his final lesson before they depart and go on there separate ways.

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