
Chapter 12

Sleeping soundly in his hard looking bed tapping on the prison cell bar to wake up the sleepy head who's probably must be starving by now as he wakes up yawning loudly he sees oscar by his prison cell holding two plates full of delicious breakfast food opening up the cell saying let's eat together and talk as conn says sure getting rid of the chain cuff off his wrist getting comfortable on the floor taking his plate of food and oscar takes a seat on the floor with his food plate as they both dig in talking about thinking there own temples and what they believe in with conn saying they have couple day's to train hard before the big army come to attack there temple oscar says let's train with one another so it can be helpful for our benefits conn say he would like to but he's technically there prisoner in the first place oscar say don't worry about that he will deal with the monk's attendants and his two master's at a later time telling conn we'll is he coming with him they don't have much time as he has told him conn gets up off the floor taking the finish plate with him placing it on top of oscar finish plate as they walk out the prison cell oscar says he's surprised that there's.

No alarm for escape convict so let's go we are free to do whatever we want but he needs to train first as they walk up the stairs heading into the temple first floor walking through the long hallway with the monk attendant giving them both a weird stare as they pass by arriving at the open training ground with them saying okay let's see what you got conn no holding back he wants to see how he do against him in a real life battle as both power up to there max not holding back at all both charging toward one another in the middle clashing with there brute strength that causes the area to be blown away with oscar summoning many force missiles above his opponent heading toward conn who creates a aura shield that protects him from the enemy attack both begin to smile at each other acknowledging their strength conn then creates many aura spheres that follow close behind oscar who is dodging them with ease using his ki technique and haki to see what conn next couple of moves will be and what he has to do to changed the future from him losing conn then touches the ground while making a staff to defend himself in close combat.

Heading toward oscar who coats his hand in aura energy blocking the incoming staff hits that do some damaged to his armor defense jumping back he then fire's a force roar attack at conn who spins the staff in circle reflecting back the attack toward oscar who gets push back against a rock wall taking considerable amount of pain and damaged to his own body as he gets up conn say now something comes out the ground fast before oscar has a chance to see what it is and predict a smart move to escape his defeat but he get bit by a aura beast launching him up in the air from the temple open roof area before blowing itself up along with oscar at such close range taking them both out conn say before he sees nothing fall oh my god did i just kill the chosen one but oscar calls out to him saying that was a good try but he's better powering up to his aztlan form he then drops down fast getting closer to his enemy who laughs at his cocky attitude no more holding back then he creates many sharp aura spears out of nowhere saying take this that fly to oscar direction as he sees them using his haki skills to see ahead in time before the spear come right at him.

As he plays out the event not getting touch by the once before he teleports behind conn who say all part of the plan stomping his foot that summons four huge spike out the ground behind conn weakspot point knowing before hand this would happen but oscar moves out the way saying fuck it's gonna be harder to attack him head on than he thought firing many force shots attack as a counterattack at conn shield wall which he had already prepared incase of this event happening both see one another eye's not leaving the other person view before they dissapear out the area there in appearing once again in the air punching each other across the face hard sending strong shockwaves all over the temple reaching down to the village scaring the villagers who say earthquake get down it should go away soon as the duo continue fighting one another with precision strike landing hits on each other body one after another without stopping once for rest oscar show up in front of conn who makes a wall in front of himself made of aura saying you will need raw power in order to break through this defense oscar says force cannon fist.

Breaking through the wall with ease landing a direct hit on conn aura armor who says that was close enough backhanding oscar to the side who spits out blood out his mouth saying to himself that he has much more room to grow and adapt so he better start getting this experiences punching back at conn face armor over and over again who see it start to crack little by little with the tenth fist attack break the armor into nothing landing a powerful blow directly to his jaw left side sending him across the air with so much power he says ouch ouch ouch nice hit but he won't feel that soon keep on going both clashing all over the sky that makes more shockwaves causing the people to feel it as oscar knees conn on the stomach armor before he then punches oscar on the face spewing out blood he then headbutts conn on the head that makes him feel wobbly that can be seen with him walking sideways before oscar then land a strong kick to his stomach hard that cough up blood feeling the hit from now he charges toward oscar body slamming him on the nearby mountain side that causes some snow to fall on them both blinding them temporarily.

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