
Omni-Dimensional Emanation

Formerly titled as "Omni-Dimensional Chat Group" WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Tea Lover ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Insect Hashira ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] ========= [ World Mission ] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Done) Solo Leveling (Ongoing) ========== 2/day chapters Cover made by Me

Try_hard · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
352 Chs

Chapter 17 - Deserve

The news showed the bloody mess that was censored heavily that would easily make anyone vomit. Ryuu looked at his parents to see their reaction as he was the one responsible and afraid but to his surprise they were unfazed.

"Human trafficking ah? Well I think a quick death was a mercy for those scum."

His father angrily said looking at the people's rescues that vary from young teens to small children.

"Dear you shouldn't say, we don't know what those people reason for doing such a thing."

"I know but it would have been better if they were sent to prison and severely punished. They had a choice and chose the cowardly path!"

"*Sigh* Dear calm down….sister in law wouldn't want to get angry."

Ryuu heard them recalled his aunt that had been kidnapped in human trafficking and thought she was safed before getting sold end up in her death. She was played with by those scummed that led to her committing suicide.

It had happened before he was born and hardly any feelings why he wasn't in rage for them being human traffickers but still understood his father's pain.

"*Sighed* you're right…." 

After having breakfast with his parents, Ryuu soon excused himself telling them that he needed to go to his jobs which they had let him do. They trust him enough that he would do anything drastic which made him feel his heart being pierced. 

Ryuu disliked lying to his parents as they were the one who raised and loved him and owned everything from them.

He's not some selfish protagonist who would suddenly go lone wolf to protect them and focus on getting stronger to help and protect them. Ryuu learns about the supernatural and realizes that danger lurks in the shadows.

'They still hadn't opened the chat group. I guess it's best to start training since my breathing technique still hasn't acquired a style.'

The reason why his [Breathing technique] was only breathing was due to the lack of style in fighting. He first needs to train with any weapon and create his own technique. Ryuu pondered if it was possible to be trained by Shinobu but her style was completely different from his. 

He went ahead and bought some food along with pigs blood from the market to test something. His magic was better if there was an outside source to turn into his magic blood to increase its quantity and control. 

Ryuu soon arrived in the mountains where the oxygen was thin to help him train his lungs and create his own style of fighting. He laid down the plastic bag on the grass and immediately went to test his new skills.

His palm soon produced blood that was the same height as him and started to form hands and legs to hair and clothes that had the same appearance as Ryuu with the only difference his color was completely dark red and made of blood. 

He used his [Parallel Thought Processing] to split his mind and was able to control it without a problem. Ryuu felt that they shared the same thought without any delay as if the blood clone was him.

Though, he is not one who used this on the bed if he ever plans to do it. Ryuu felt disgusted at the thought of blood busting and focusing on training with his clone. 

He was unsure if it functioned similarly to Shadow clone to cut his training as the Blood Clone didn't need to breathe. 

Ryuu created more clones to see the limits and found that he was able to make 20 to 40 times without feeling a pulsating pain in his mind. Even if he had split his mind did not mean it wasn't taxing. 

He soon dispelled the clones since his skill was already recorded by the system and only needed to train his body in order to handle the skill. Ryuu sat down taking deep breaths, maintaining a constant rhythm, having a slight difficulty due to the high altitude causing the oxygen to grow thin. 

It was difficult to control while he tried training his body and instinct by running around the mounting to avoid any danger. Unlike the tanjiro who had trained in the mountains trying to avoid traps made by his master. Ryuu is left with the natural terrain to train him. 

"Haaa...haaa...dammit….I thought….it would be easy…"

He gasped for air having trained over five hours before taking rest to let his body heal itself. Ryuu could feel his muscle aching from the slip up he did while descending and ascending the mountains.

Ryuu sat down drinking the pigs blood feeling energized by the taste that was somehow sweet and sour compared to humans that tasted like fine wine. 

[Exhibitionist has gone online]

[ Tea Lover had gone online]

[Titania has gone Online]

[ Insecr Hashira has gone online]

He was surprised to see them get online at the same time but smiled wanting to know how they were doing after learning their future. Ryuu thought that they were able to find a way to tell their comrades about the information.

[ Exhibitionist: Good afternoon everyone.]

[ Tea Lover : Hello, how's everyone's night? I've checked some of your stories and now I understand why your hatred is deep, Young Shinobu .]

[ Butterfly Hashira : I am thankful for everything, Ryuu-san. I've read it and my future is truly Grimm…]

[Titania: I am as well. Now I'm well aware who my past was.]

[ Simp for Makima: It wasn't a problem and I should be glad that you believe me. I hope you don't treat it as set in stone. I'm surprised all of you watch it in single night? ]

[Exhibitionist: What do you mean single night?  it's been two days since I've gotten online ]

[Titania: How odd, mine it's been four days had passed ]

Ryuu was surprised to learn that their universe had a completely different timeflow. He had the same timeflow as Rias.

[ Simp for Makima: It appears that we have completely different timeflow and my theory is due how your timeline story should have been. Rias story only took a year which meant that mine hers is somehow closer. ]

[ Exhibitionist: that is probably the most logical explanation in our situation. Also, I must apologize to Miss Kocho. This is the same as when Devils turn stray in our world. They are devil's who lost their mind and turn against their master and become more violent and mutated. ]

Rias truly feels sorry understanding why she would hate them and realize how their society truly affects the innocents. She realizes many things about herself thanks to the clarity of the series. She can't deny how cringe it is to see herself fell in love with the pervert and spoiled and naive she had been. 

[ Exhibitionist: I've been too naive and spoiled only because Ryuu showed me my future did I realize my mistake. ]

[ Tea Lover: That is good, in order to overcome oneself, one first acknowledges their flaws. ]

[ Insect Hashira: It's fine….I also understand that the demons are just tragic creatures and have been misguided by their past. It is Muzan's fault for turning them into demons. ]

Shinobu realized that pointing her hatred to creatures that had tragic lives would just make her the same as them. Heartless monster. She now understands to end things is to kill Muzan and stop him from corrupting innocent humans into becoming demons. 

[ Simp for Makima: That is good to hear, I also hate that Michael Jackson ripoff. ]

[ Insect Hashira: Micha-What? ]

[ Exhibitionist: Hahaha I knew he looked familiar! ]

[ Simp for Makima: Just ignore what I said. I was just  trying to lighten up the mood. Oh right, I was able to unlock my magic and gotten [Blood magic] ] 

[Titania: Blood magic ah!? I haven't fought anyone with that magic before. ]

[ Insect Hashira: I wonder if it's possible for me to gain magic?]

[ Tea Lover: Magic? Is it like bending? ]

[ Simp For Makima : Kind of, Uncle Iroh. It uses energy in the surroundings called Mana. It's like Chi in the body. ]

[ Tea Lover: Ah I see. I thought it was like those parlor tricks. ] 

[ Simp for Makima: Anyway, I'll send you the book once I've finished copying the contents, Shinobu.  Though, I must say it would take a while for you to acquire magic due to having different worlds. I've only recently find out that my world has supernatural crap. ]

Shinobu nodded and was merely curious if they are able to acquire the ability to use magic since she wanted to save a many people as she could for the upcoming battle. 

[ Exhibitionist: Oh interesting, care to tell what happened?] 

Ryuu smirked and started to tell the story that caught their interest. Shinobu was unfazed by his action since she didn't primarily hate demons but human scum as well. Soon as they were chatting a new notification pipes out.

[ New member had joined ]

[ Welcome Pancake Lover ]