
omega with default (bl)

Ashton the eldest son of Smith family a defective omega. since birth he knew he was reborn again and for past years of his life were adventurous and filled with hardship. He was extremely happy to meet his family again in this life and swore to protect them but what happens when he found out that he was actually an NPC living inside a video game world? His character ,whose identity was not even important to have a side story. To posses such character but still fight and strike to reach the end of game to find his answers. Will Ash find the answers or unexpectedly come across some hidden truths?

Naz_6626 · เกม
30 Chs

so weak!

' you can only level up by completing quests!'

"That's unfair!"

'No that's the rule!'

Ash and rose were currently arguing as ash wanted to know why his level states were low when he had been hunting monsters since he was kid but the answer from rose was simply that no one could level up just because they fight random monster. They needed to gain experience point to level up after completing quest and defeating monster during battle in dungeon with other monster .

"Bullshit! "

In his past life Ash played game by completing quest so he never knew that if someone was  to play aimlessly or engaging in fights with monster without quest request will gain no experience point like how player play trial Battles for practice instead of actual battle and just don't level up.

"What a waste huh!" Ash looked at the blue screen and sighed helplessly.

' baby let's finish it fast! '

Rose said while pulling the light screen closer to ash.

" Why!? Why can't I at least have my current level states!"

Ash didn't want to lose his hard earned experience point from real life but rose didn't allow.

It was a rule set in period that everyone will be given equal chance to fight for top rank meanwhile there real states will be refreshed to starters point. That means ashton was going to even lose those low level states.

Damn that felt like scam but what ash could do against the world window when even his specie was at the mercy of other strong specie who also can't do anything to it!

'if everyone started the period with there current states than there would be no need to compete for ranks !'

Ash understood what rose meant if everyone fight with there true states level specially those five strongest races who are already strong and if they were to compete them with original states there would be no need for losers to even hope up to climb chains!

"Shit! Okay let's go with it for now"

For now Ashton needed to become strong so he needed to do it quickly and start leveling up also if he wanted to know the answers for his questions he only needed to patiently strive forward only after finishing up the game he could find the truth of world  but it was easier said than done!

' then I will refresh it for you'

Ashton shed invisible tears when his states were being refreshed. When rose was done only a blank blue screen was remained.

' baby now let's fill it again!'

Ash stared at the screen that required him to fill it with his general information.

" Is it necessary to write my real second gender?"

Ash didn't want others to know his second gender through this so he at least wanted to make sure no one will find him out.

' No it's not important because this information is what you want to share publicly but your real data is already saved in the records of world window and it's 100 percent secure!'

Rose reassured him so he could write whatever he wanted.


Ash did what he wanted to do and wrote his second gender as beta.

' why didn't I realize what alpha Omega beta meant before when I played that game huh? Was it because I neglected that novel ?'

When ash played  the game in his past life his view for ABO was like some kinda of super extra identity attached to them for example he was from different pack of human species like dragons and faries species. Who could have thought that it had a complete different meaning. Also because ash's playing avatar was a dragon specie so he didn't know what extra ordinary things did those human alpha and Omega avatar do? Ash meant only to finish the game and that was all he needed to know and also the other reason he never played as alpha or omega player was due to there state being restricted like what they could and couldn't p.s they had too complicated quests and he was lazy to read novel to understand them.

' I can't blame my habit of ignoring lengthy books'

Ash shrugged his shoulders and finished filling blanks then he saw another screen that popped up.

" What's with this?"

' you need to give me a name too!

"Why!? Rose is already a good name though!"

Ash looked at blank lines where he needed to type a name for rose. He argued with rose that he didn't want to give it a name but rose insisted.

' just give me a name! Its is important to form a connection between host and guide as soul window! '

Now that rose mentioned it ash remembered that he needed to register a nick name for the system when he used to play game. It was so player could share the problems with the system that gave them quest  like it was a system friend but right now he needed to give rose a name to become bonded as soul window? Why? Whatever he just need to give a name anyway.

"Then I will just give you 'rose' name too okay?"

Ash typed the name but before he could rose already stopped him.

' we can't use the same name given by my previous host'

"Eh? Why?" Ash asked

'you just can't use what other have used ' rose sternly replied

"Then...what should I do?... I am not good with naming? " Ash grabbed his chin and looked at rose then his gaze fell at the top of rose. He saw a bud like a flower that looked like it will bloom anytime. Then suddenly an idea popped in his head "oh! Yes ! Bloom! that's it bloom! It's a good name right?"

Rose looked at ash who suddenly thought of a name for it but why bloom?

Rose looked at ash who was happily rejoicing for his idea of finding a good name.

" That bud on your head look like it will bloom into a beautiful flower so I will give you this name"

Rose was surprised that Ash finally noticed the bud on its head but even rose wasn't sure what kind of flower it will Bloom into?

Previously his past host gave it name as rose because the flower on it's head looked like a rose flower but was it really a rose flower? Who knows what kind of flower it was but for now the name bloom was better then rose at least  it didn't say a thing of unsureness but rather bloom looked perfect as referring to whichever flower it was going to bloom in at least it will bloom to be one.

"But..." Ash looked at rose "I will still call you bounce !" Ash giggled and typed the name as bloom.

'huh? Then why don't you give me that as a name '

Why did ash wanted to give rose name as bloom but still insist to call bounce?

"Because bloom suits you but I like calling you bounce like how they say two is better than one"

Ash finished typing and looked satisfied  with the name he thought for rose. Maybe it was the first time he was proud of naming others.


Rose didn't say anything and quietly observed him and when they were done they finally sat down.

"Why does it feel like we are forgetting something?"

Now that Ash was relaxed, he recalled the man they brought up with them then he looked back at the lying man on the cold ground .

"Oh! Thank goodness we already took care of him"

He forgot that he already took care of him and now he was completely exhaust.


Ash rubbed his sleepy eyes, afraid he might fell asleep so suddenly then he pinched his arm to make himself awake. The pain will wake him up from sleepiness but it didn't work as how he felt his eye lids heavy and was already tired from running around in that monster's stomach all day without a proper rest.

'baby you should sleep now or it's going to be dawn soon'

Rose suggested him to sleep but ash insist and asked.

"How soon it will be dawn?"

Ash was completely unaware of time as his wrist watch was not with him so he could only rely on rose.

'two hours before the sun will rise '

Just two hours and it will be morning again so he decided to wash his face with cold water.

"Stay here I will be back"

It was already dangerous staying in the forest and leaving a sick person alone is asking for that sick man  to die on the cold grounds, that's why ash asked rose to stay and look out while he can go to lake and splash water on his face to wash away sleepiness.

'come back quickly!'

Ash nodded his head and walked to the lake. It only took him five minutes to reach the lake area. He quickly filled handful of water and splashed on his face.

'"its too cold!"

Feeling the cold water on his face and the chilling air of forest , his body shivered with response. He walked back while rubbing his hands to warm them up.


when Ash was back, he noticed something was wrong. He called rose but there was no response and also the man who was supposed to be lying on the ground was also missing.


Before ash could finish his question, he felt like someone was standing behind him. He quickly turned his head back but his neck was forcefully grabbed by someone and that someone seemed to be the person they rescued.

'when did he wake up?'

Ash looked at the golden eyes of the man that were boring holes into him to find his hidden intentions but didn't ash save him so why is this man trying to choke him?

Ash grabbed the man's arms trying to push the man but his struggle seemed to be naught because the force that man give could easily break his neck bone!

"Who sent you?"

Ash eyes were little teary as he was losing breath and the cold voice of the man sent down shivers to his body like he was standing in front of predator and he was just a weak prey seeking his mercy, at this situation he didn't know wether he was shivering because of cold air or this man.

"Agh- I ..I.. "

Ash struggled to say something but the grip of man on his neck tightened and he was unable to complete his sentence.

" SPEAK who are you? And what is the purpose of your visit to this dangerous forest"

Man at least loosen your grip so he could talk!

Without giving a chance to ash speak the man put his other hand on ash's shoulder.


Ash winced in pain as his shoulder felt the shock and he could feel his bones cracking.

'why is my body suddenly so weak?'

He was suddenly so weak why? Then he recalled that earlier rose refreshed his skills and now he was at beginning point. so weak!

'shit ! Just why did I  have to refresh my skills when I am at dangerous place with such a dangerous person!?why!?'

Ash wanted to curse himself but it wasn't that long before he could deeply dwell in his thoughts that he suddenly felt a cold on his neck.

His neck was covered with ice cold hands. Is that how one repay your kindness?

When ash wasn't replying the man froze his neck.

'no way ! Is this person trying to kill me!?'

Only now could ash feel that this crazy person was really going to kill him if he didn't do anything.

Ash grabbed the man's cold hand to rescue his poor neck.

' I... No!'

Ash struggled but it was all useless, he was really too weak after his lvl states were  refreshed. He felt as helpless as he was back then he was just kid thrown into dangerous places.

'..I have.. no other choice'

Ash didn't want to suffer more pain and rose was no where to be seen so he could only rely on himself.

'lets do it then!'

Ash was determined as to what he was going to do now and didn't care anything else as long as his plan worked.

Ash looked on the ground. As long as he could save his ass nothing else mattered!


The man was startled suddenly.

Drip drip-

What was ash doing?

To be continued....


Name: Ashton Smith

Age: 18

Height: 175cm

Sex: male

S.G: beta


Basic skill : Healing

°Fighting Lvl.0

°Self healing Lvl.0

°Poison resist lvl.0 

°Spiritual lvl.0

°Luck lvl.0

°Mana lvl.0

•Possible  Awaken skill ???  

extra from author

Ash : help I am dying!

Rose: sorry baby I am scared too !

Author: Relax~ you won't die or else next chapter will become last chapter ╮(^▽^)╭

Ash: ....(^_^メ)

Naz_6626creators' thoughts