
Four Remaining Attempts

"Ah!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria shouted as a sword managed to slice through her defenses.

The Darkness Dragon King was able to destroy the light barriers that protected the Goddess of Light Luminaria when she was distracted by Gomory. Her shout also distracted the Angel of Diligence Uriel which made the spells of the Light Dragon King connect. The Angel of Diligence Uriel was sent crashing to the ground where other elemental dragons surrounded and bombarded her with spell.

"You should never look away from a battle." The Darkness Dragon King Drakness stated as he swiped the golden blood from his dark blade.

It is often stated that the blood of the gods does not run red but gold which is the origin of the gold mines since many gods died back then. Not a lot of weapons could make the gods bleed though since they are extremely durable. Also, bleeding for a god is a sign of great invulnerability which means that something could kill them indirectly.