
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 18

"Alright I will tell you all as much as I know, although to be honest its not that much" I get up and Madock rushes to help me, I give him a side eye.

"I'm not dying you know, I can walk from my bed to the sofa" I smile at him.

"I'm sorry I can't help but worry so you will just have to suck it up" The cheeky little so and so, I'm broken out of my thoughts by 201 handing me a large Brandy.

"I thought you might need that" I nod at him and down it, I take a seat on the arm chair, I motion for everyone to sit down as well.

"Okay so as I have said I don't actually know all that much about my life its jumbled up and fragmented. Im not sure if thats because of the experiments or the PTSD or because of how long I have been alive."

"Lets start with what you remember about the experiments, and if its to much just stop we will deal with It another time" lestat asks me.

"Right, as I have told you before the witch Cassandra and the Wolf King Elijah experimented on me to create the curse on bittens. Well that was not all they did to me they also spent many years trying to turn me into their ultimate weapon, what exactly they did is a blur to me I only get flashes and I remember a pain so strong I would black out. I do know that because of one of the experiments I can use some magic. I also know that my wolf form can't cure the scars I get anymore as well so although the wounds heal a scar will always remain." I look at everyone to see their reactions and they all seem to be holding back a level of anger.

"Please say no more about this we don't need to dredge up anymore on this subject. What about what happened in the war you mentioned PTSD" David asks me.

"201 you know about this as you where there but unlike me you can in a little late, I was there at the very start of the war. I have killed many innocents for my master at the time, I never wanted to but if I did not then he would kill my comrades. As a way to control me I was also tasked with serving out punishment to the bitten that betrayed him and any enemy bitten from other Alphas. All of their faces are ingrained in my mind, I can never truly be at peace. I committed some atrocities in the war and I will never be able to pay anyone back for them. For whatever reason when I fight in my wolf form I get confused my mind goes back to the war and I almost black out, I have no control over my actions."

"This is a lot for one person to deal with, have you seriously never thought of finding your mate to help clam you, thats what they are meant for" Lestat looks at me.

"You have got to be joking .... a mate, from the supposed moon goddess. Even if she existed why in the hell would she care about me I'm not one of her children like you, me and 201 have no god we were abandoned by the human one when we turned and the moon goddess would not dirty herself with our kind. A mate is something I will never have not only are they rare for my kind but I most defiantly do not deserve one. Please never bring that up again, I consider the subject dead, am I understood" I look directly at Lestat.

"Yes my Queen" He bows his head.

"Thats pretty much my story you know everything else, like I said there really isn't much to tell. Now I know the subject was heavy but I would like to hear the report on the third brother of the wolf King?"

Hi, I relased a small chapter hope you like it

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