

Before we begin.

My name is Scarlet Vida, I'm a 31-year-old woman, married to a decent man. I got married at the age of 17 but by then I got pregnant with twins. I know 17 is quite young to have a baby but carelessness took over us. Soon we were blessed with two adorable and sweet daughters, Ivy and Olivia. But unfortunately for our sweet daughter, Olivia, she was born with an unknown illness. The illness is unknown to this day and we had to spend quite a lot of money on treatments,tests and some surgeries. At first, the doctors believed Olivia would heal by time but oh how wrong they were….Olivia's body became pretty fragile and weak as time went on. When Olivia turned 17 we got the shocking and terrifying news that Olivia might not make it to the age of 18. Ivy on the other hand was very healthy, Ivy was a bit spoiled and often talked back and never listened to me or my husband, She was especially rude to Olivia but we still loved both our daughters equally unconditionally. My life has always been filled with surprises...but that doesn't mean surprises are always good.

Grocery Shopping Trip

One day my husband and I went shopping to pick up some stuff for dinner at 5:00 PM. We drove to a grocery store near home. Once we walked inside we saw people going on about their business, we decided to do the same so I looked down at my list.

"Vegetables…" I repeated while reading the list.

Austin (my husband) started walking towards the vegetable aisle of the store and said "The vegetables are over here,"

I followed Austin to the vegetable aisle, there were all kinds of vegetable some of which I didn't recognize. It was a bit crowded today and it really made me uncomfortable. The vegetables were all wet, probably to make them appear fresh.

Austin stopped walking and I called to him "Austin, you okay?"

Austin seemed to be daydreaming so I patted his back gently, he looked at me and said "Sorry."

"Is something wrong, dear?" I asked feeling concerned.

"No, Just a bit distracted by my thoughts." Austin said, I felt like asking about it but decided not to push.

I glanced over my list again, reading it again out of anxiety.

"Should we have soup tonight?" I asked Austin as I read the list.

"Soup? Sure."

I carefully picked out some good vegetables while Austin watched me, Austin seemed to be anxious

about something. After I put all the vegetable in the basket my husband was holding, I spoke "We need

some packed mineral water for Olivia next"

"Same brand as before, right?" Austin asked.

I nodded before we went to grab the packed mineral water, this specific brand was expensive but it was one that our daughter Olivia liked. Olivia's taste buds aren't really the best and even water can give

her a bad appetite and taste.

We put the packed mineral water in the basket, it was a bit heavy but I'm sure Austin can handle it.

"What's next?" Austin asked.

"Uhm, We need to grab some medicine"

"Again? Didn't we do that yesterday?"

"Yeah but Olivia has been vomiting and I need to get medicine for that"


We went to the pharmacy and picked up the medicine we needed.

The pharmacy smelled like that of an hospital which I really did not like. There were also people there,

I saw a woman buying a pregnancy test and a man buying what seems to be a bottle of pills.

"I wonder what those are for…" I said as I got distracted observing the man.

"What?" Austin looked over to me and said.

"Huh?" I looked back at Austin.

"What are you saying, Scarlet?"


We started walking to the car, the parking lot was a bit empty and the air felt fresh. We could see our

car from the outside of the store. It's a black Nissan Versa. We bought that car the same month me and

Austin got married.

We sat in the car and Austin sighed as he sat down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


"You sighed, why did you do that?"

"No reason."

Austin started up the engine and he looked distracted because his movements were slow.

"What time is it?" Austin asked he started driving.

"5:43. why?"

Austin sighed and responded after a moment "Do you wonder why Olivia looks so different from us?"

"What?" I say getting surprised by this sudden question.

"You heard me."

"I know her features are unique but she is our daughter, alright?"

"I'm not saying that you might have cheated on me."

"What are you saying?"

"Scarlet, her hair is white and her eyes are purple and she doesn't look even a bit like Ivy."

I sigh and respond after a moment "Ivy and Olivia are twins. Ivy probably was given the good genes

while Olivia got the odd ones."

"You think?"

"My point is that both of them are our daughters and we love them both equally."

"Yeah...I hear you." After that the drive home was quiet, we didn't say anything for the rest of the


Ivy's Insolence

When we got home, we heard some sounds coming from Ivy's room. When we came into the living

room, we saw Ivy sitting there on her phone.

"Ivy." Austin spoke as we both stood in the same room.

"Uh, yeah?" Ivy replied with, still on her phone.

"Who is inside your room?"

"Hm? Oh its Olivia."

"What is she doing in your room?""I asked her to clean my room"

"You did what? Don't you know she is sick?"

"Look I'm busy, alright?"

This made Austin made. He took Ivy's phone from her hand and spoke in a slightly loud voice "Ivy, are

you even listening?"

"Hey! Give me my phone back."

"I am talking to you and you will listen."

Ivy crossed her arms and said "Whatever."

"Why did you tell your "ill" sister to clean your room?" Austin asked

"I told you, I was busy."

"Busy doing what? Being an insolent child?"

Hearing this I put my hand on Austin's shoulder and said "Hey.." Austin looked back at me and shook

his head before saying "Sorry." He then looked back at Ivy before sighing and walking to Ivy's room.

On the way he put Ivy's phone on a table in the hallway as I followed him.

When we entered Ivy's room, we saw how clean it was. Olivia can be seen organizing Ivy's books in the


"Olivia?" I called out

Olivia looked at both of us and said "Y-your back…"

"What are you doing?"

"Cleaning Ivy's room.."


"She asked me to."

"Olivia, you know your ill...do you not?"

Olivia nodded and said "Y-yeah."

"Your a sweet girl, Olivia. But you have to take care of yourself."


"Lets get you back in bed, alright? You must be tired."

Olivia nodded. I walked up to her and took her hand slowly leading her to her bedroom before tucking

her in her bed.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked

Olivia nodded before saying "Yes, mother."

"How are you feeling?" I asked after a moment.

"Under the weather but that's everyday is it not?"

"I guess…"

After a while I kissed Olivia on the forehead before saying "We're having soup for dinner, I'll bring it

to you when it's done." I said with a soft smile. Olivia nodded and smiled back.

I went into the kitchen where Austin was sitting by the counter reading a newspaper while drinking


"Coffee? At this time?" I asked.

"Don't ask." Austin said before sighing and turning the newspaper.

I started cutting the vegetables. It was quiet. The only sound that existed was the sound of vegetables

being cut and the sound of the newspaper being turned. Every now and then Austin would sigh a bit.

"You know you can talk to me." I said

"Is that so?"


"Well, there is nothing to talk about." It felt like Austin was lying but I decided not to push.

Its silent in the kitchen now. It feels like I'll be killed by this silence any minute now. Suddenly I put my

knife down and turn to Austin with my hands on my waist.

"Austin, are you really going to keep this to yourself?" I said with a slight upsetting tone.Austin put down his newspaper and looked back at me.

"What?" Austin said.

"Tell me what's wrong!"

After a moment of silence Austin responded with "Its Ivy."

"Ivy?" I repeated.

"Ivy hasn't been the nicest to Olivia."

"Yeah...i guess I've noticed."

"Why does Ivy treat Olivia so harshly?"

"I don't know, dear…"

Austin looks very troubled and frustrated. He lets out a sigh before speaking.

"Doesn't Ivy feel even a little bit bad?" Said Austin.

I looked down not knowing what to say. Austin also looked down.

"I'll talk to her." I said.

Austin nodded at me and returned to reading his newspaper after sighing again. I also returned to my

cooking. It was now quiet once again.

Olivia's Dinner

After I was done cooking I poured the soup in a big bowl and put it on the dinner table. Ivy and Austin sat at the table.

"I'm going to Olivia. You two can eat without me." I say to Ivy and Austin.

I pour some soup into a bowl and go to Olivia's room. When I get to the door, I can see Olivia on her

bed just looking at the ceiling thinking about something. I knocked on her door and said.


Olivia looked at me and slowly sat up straight before saying "Mother…"

I walked inside the room and sat on the side of the bed before putting the bowl on the table besides the


"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I feel...okay I guess…" Said Olivia.

"I got you some soup"

"I see that, mother. Thanks." Olivia said with a soft smile.

I took the bowl in my hand and started to mix the soup before blowing air on the spoon and feeding it

to Olivia.

"It's a bit bland but that's just my taste bud. I'm sure it actually tastes really good though." Olivia


"Is that so?" I said with a soft chuckle.

Olivia nodded, waiting to be fed more soup. I continued to feed her slowly and slowly while talking.

"Mother?" Olivia said.


"I was wondering if you can...take me to the library tomorrow morning?"

"The library? Are you sure?"

Olivia nodded and said "I'm sure. I just wanna read some books."

"if you say so...but I'll be staying with you in the library."

"That's fine."

Eventually the bowl emptied. We talked some more before I stood up to go eat myself.

"Alright Olivia. I'll be going now, do you need anything?"

"No, mother." Olivia said with a soft smile.

"Well goodnight, Olivia."

"Goodnight, mother."

I gave a kiss on the forehead and a soft smile before leaving the room.

Find any issues with the novel, let me know!

Also i really love hearing feedbacks so do that while your at it. :)

SaleeOnlinecreators' thoughts