

I open the door to the cabin, walking towards the kitchen. Even though dad's not here any longer, I still keep the kitchen stocked. Mom helps pay the water and electric bills, and I think she knows that I go there sometimes. Grabbing snacks from the kitchen, I walk up the old, creaky stairs into my old room in the cabin. While I eat my snacks, I turn on the television and watch a movie.

I wake up to someone shaking me vigorously and briskly, opening my eyes to see Blake. Frowning, I look up and ask, "Why are you here?" "You've been gone since first period; it's about to be fourth." ' Oh. Still, what are you doing in my family's cabin? How did you know I was here? Why, "could you ask one question at a time?" "We're best friends; did you think I wouldn't know where you sometimes go?" "We are not best friends, let alone friends in general." "Right, still mad?"

I look up with a vexed glare. I'm getting up to change my clothes, as my current ones are covered in the variety of snacks I consumed before falling asleep. "Can you get out, so I can change?" He nods, making his way from my room. Changing into ripped jeans and a cropped shirt with the matching jacket. I walk down the stairs, shoes in hand, ready to go back to school, only to be stopped by Blake. ' What?' "Go change." "What?" No. Who do you think you are? My boyfriend told me not to stress the whole "not friends" thing, but I felt this was the best moment to do exactly that.

Clenching and unclenching his fist in what seemed like exasperation. "Cali, I'm asking nicely; please change." "No, I have no time. The fourth ends in thirty minutes, and it takes fifteen minutes just to get there" "Change" he demands "Do you believe you can come here and demand crap from me" I grab my bag and walk out. In annoyance, I hear him grunt and huff. Taking a quicker route, I rush into the front office, signing myself back in and taking a late pass.

U.S. History is one of my easiest classes, and it happens to start right before lunch. I greet Sam and Nat, my friends, and begin to take notes.

We pack up our notes as the bell for lunch rings. I get up, with Sam and Nat following close behind me, as I rush to my locker, shoving my bag in and hastily slamming it shut. I walk to the cafeteria, indulging in conversation with my friends as we grab lunch and then grab seats. After eating, we walk to the courtyard, finding spots in the grass." So" "What Nat" "What happened to cargos and t-shirts" I went to the cabin, and my clothes got dirty. That was the only thing I had in the closet. Did you know? That he's back? Silence follows closely after.

"Yeah, we knew he'd been back a week, but you came back late, so you knew nothing of it" Sam explained nervously.

"Well, thanks for the freaking warning," I grumbled out. I get up now, feeling eager to go to my next class, walking past the group of obnoxiously loud jocks. "SMACK." A loud slapping sound resonates through the hall, quieting the group of students passing as one of their hands connects with my backside. I turn to face them, my face reddening, ready to shout, but, as I turn, Blake has already gotten up and launched a fast series of punches towards my assailant. I gasp quietly as blood spurts on the floor.

Blake turns to me, his eyes softening at my fear of the situation at hand. "Turn around, Cali," he says lowly as my eyes widen. "Calista, turn around." I look at the boy on the floor, hearing him groan out in pain. I turn around and say quietly, "Blake, let him go," hoping not to enrage him any further. He turns to look back at me and says, "Please." He gets up, letting me grab his wrist, and we lead him to the nurse's office. "Why did you do the Blake?" Don't you remember why you had to leave in the first place? "Do you like him, Calista?"

I raise my head, surprised by the question, "Why would you ask that?" " Why did you stop me?" "He deserved that." "No one deserves for you to have visibly broken his nose, jaw, and teeth." It was excessive and unnecessary, Blake. Jesus Blake.' I rub my temples in irritation. I've been back in school one day, and this is what happens? Grabbing the first aid kit, I rest my palms on the counter and say, "Wash your hands, Blake." He gets up and runs the water, rinsing the blood from his hands. He was following behind me, his hands wet but still dripping with crimson. As he gets closer behind me, my heart races.

'Blake' He moves to sit on the exam table as I sit crisscross next to him and start to wrap his hands. "What happened when you were gone?" "You tell me Cal, don't call me that," I look up. "Why? Your dad does." 'Did. My dad passed two months ago.' "I'm sorry, Cali, about your dad and scaring you earlier." I hum in response. "I heard about your mom, and I'm sorry," he grabs my hand and stops my movements. Looking up at Blake's face, I begin to notice how his features have changed. He's bigger and stronger now. His eyes seem so much darker despite their light brown, almost hazel color.

"I'm sorry about giving you such a hard time; we were both kids when it happened." He grabbed my chin, making me look at him: "You have every right to be mad at me, Cali; I was supposed to be your friend." "You are always so forgiving." I look down. "I'm not done proving how sorry I am." I blush, finishing wrapping his hands and climbing down from the table. "I've got to get home; I have two free periods after lunch until seventh period." he rushes out, "let me come with you." "What?" "I left my car home, and you live close."
