
Okita Souji in DxD

Alright random guy begins at the fight were the og DxD Souji lost his life. He will be in a peerage. No it is not slavery. Yes it is yuri. Also this is fan art I found, if you want me to take it down just ask. All rights belong to their original owners.

Bats3245 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Chapter 2

1823, Kyoto

The streets were in shambles and everywhere you looked was fire. It was if the whole city was bathed in orange.

Just recently a young Pureblood devil thought it would be a good idea to forcefully reincarnate a youkai into his peerage. Luckily, or rather unluckily he failed. Why would that be unlucky you ask?

Because after the devil failed the youkai in question lost control of his senjutsu and started to rapidly suck in all of Kyoto's miasma, therefore losing control and going on a rampage.

As such the Japanese supernatural task force was sent to stop it, the Shinsengumi.


On top of a rooftop next to the rampaging youkai, you could see people wrapped in blue and white kimonos and carrying nothing but single edged swords. Standing in the middle of them all was an average height male with short black hair.

However, what set him apart from the others was the air he gave off. Like a polished sword that could strike you down in a heartbeat.

"Listen up." The man at the front called out. "This is an enemy beyond our ability to fight. As your captain I am ordering you ro retreat." He said with a solemn look.

"But captain!" One of the other figures started. "If we leave who will stop it?."

"Hmph! Don't worry I will stall it until someone stronger shows up." He said with a smirk. "Hehe! Just make sure you don't miss it." Before they could respond he had already leapt of the roof towards the rampaging youkai.

"Haha! I am Okita Souji! Captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi, I challenge you to a fight!" All he got in return was a roar, as he unsheathed his sword and swung it down.


"Will captain be alright?" One of the newer recruits asked.

"I am afraid not..." A withered old man said, as he reached into his sleeve and pulled out a bottle of sake. "But I will be dammed if do not stay and watch it." He sat down right where he stood and swore to burn the figure of their captain into his eyes.

"Hmph. Like hell I would leave.."

"Yeah it is about time we saw captain lose for once."

Every member ended up staying. Each and every one of them watched with tears forming in their eyes. They could tell. Okita and his squad together could barely fight a High-Class being, much less a rampaging Ultimate-Class himself.

But they could't help. They were't as fast or as skilled as Okita. The moment they stepped down there is the moment they would die. Okita was protecting not only the citizens of Kyoto, but also his squad.


The Underworld, Sitri territory

Serafall PoV

"This is bad! This is really, really bad!" I couldn't help but exclaim as I read the report, I had just received from one of my workers in Kyoto.

"Gah! Stupid inbred pricks! What gives you the nerve to just try and forcefully reincarnate a senjutsu master!" Jeez.. And I had just finally gotten Yasaka and Amaterasu to agree to a meeting with me.

"This is why I disagreed on Ajuka-Chan's peerage system." Standing up I activated my magic and made teleportation circle. "At the very least I should clean up their mess."



In the White Space

"Hah! Well no time to waste lets start! Transmigrationnnnnn go!"




Okita Souji PoV

I knew that I was gonna lose or rather I knew this fight would be my last. Hell, I wasn't even trying to win. Ducking under one of the youkais swing's I grasped my sword with both of my arms and gave his gut a horizontal swing.

*TINK* Only for it to barely scrap across his rock hard skin. Damn touki, I sweat I will learn that if I get out of this.

I continued to jump around and dodge his blows, taking a swing when I got the chance. Eventually though I wasnt fast enough and took a punch straight to my organs.....and as I was flying through the air my heart stopped beating.

Right here I died.

Everyone from the Shinsengumi was crying their eyes out.

And then a miracle happened. Okita's heart started to beat again, and his eyes fluttered open. But what no one knew, was that someone else was piloting the body.



Serafall PoV

Stepping out of my magic circle I looked around and saw hell. Buildings collapsed and on fire. And countless injured people. It was shocking. Not because of how bad it was, I have seen worse during the devil civil war, no..I was shocked because the destruction was kept to a minimum.

As if someone was leading the rampaging youkai to less populated parts of the city. Spreading my demoinc power out, I felt for the location of the said youkai. Getting a wuick ping I speed into that direction.

"Just you wait. Magical girl Levia-Tan is on the way!" Speeding off in the direction I felt him I came across a strangely uniquely dressed group watching the youkai fight a man.

"What are you guys doing?" I questioned them, as I landed next to them.

Startled they all drew theirs swords faster than a normal human should be capable of and pointed them at me.

"Ah! Dont worry I wont harm you!" I waved my arms around.

The older looking one gave me a skeptical look before giving a sigh and sheathing his sword. "I doubt we could even stop you from harming us Lady Leviathan." He said matter of factly.

"We are watching our captain....throw away his life to save a few extra seconds until someone strong shows up to stop the rampaging youkai" He said gravely.

However just then Okita had a misstep and took a direct punch that sent him flying. Shouts of indignation left the Shinsengumi's mouths as they stopped paying attention to me.

A pity. While they were praying for his safety, I could see him draw his last breath. That captain of theirs was extremely good with a sword, if only he wasn't held back by his human physique, he would have reached great heights. Maybe Sirzeches-Chan will want him in his peerage.

However against all odds his heart started to beat again. His eyes fluttered and he slowly reached for his sword and tried to stand up again. Oddly enough he no longer looked like he was in terror. He no longer looked as if he knew he was going to die. Hell he even had the faintest of smiles.

Well whatever he did it is time to end this farce. Walking forward I was about to annihilate the youkai, before the people I was just talking to once again drew their weapons and prepared to fight me.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. "I am trying to save your captain." They looked at each other and started to hesitate....Until they glanced at Okita and stare at her with more conviction that she has ever seen.

"Captain doesn't want to be saved. Look at his eyes. That is a man willing to lay down his life to reach beyond his current limits." The old man once again took proxy and spoke for them. "And if he can lay down his life for us, we will lay down our lives and give him the chance to succeed at whatever it is he is trying to do."

"Even if it ends in his death!?" I threw my hands up baffled.

"Yes. Even if it ends in his death....."



Okita PoV

I knew the wheel landed on death, but to think I transmigrated right as he was killed in a fight. Honestly the pain from gaining all his memories and experiences would have been more than anything I have ever felt.

If my guts weren't spilling out of my ears. Damn I really did take a beating. Lookig at the person that caused all this damage made me crane my neck at the 3 meter tall youkai. I swear I am fighting a furry on steroids right now.

I am a little proud that Okita managed to stay alive as long as he did.

Grabbing the sword that lay to my side, I plunged it into the ground and used it as leverage to get up. A bunch of blood spilling from my mouth was my reward for getting up with my injuries.

But I am more disappointed than proud right now. As strong and skilled as this Okita is.... he is not 'My' Okita. Its not that he is a man, no...it is that during that whole fight not once was he aiming for victory.

The Okita I know would stop at nothing to win, hell she would win even if it meant she had to die. So, I will do just that. I don't care if my second life is cut short right here. I know for a fact that Sirzeches reincarnates Okita Souji as his Knight. I guess this is how he was supposed to die originally.

So with nothing to fear, and everything to achieve I pushed myself back to my feet and got ready for the fight of my life.