
Ohana (Family)

asanth_1chan · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Chapter 2 "

Who's that?" I asked Sis.Lucy, pointing towards the direction of the girl. "Oh! that's Avaline. Why do you ask?" Sis.Lucy replied. "Nothing just curious".

"What happened to her?" "Well I don't exactly know,she hardly speaks unless absolutely necessary and hardly smiles." she replied.

"I see "was all I could say, feeling really sorry for her and knowing Dylie could feel the shift in my mood. Excusing ourselves he led me to the car. "What's wrong,honey"Dylie asked once we were seated in the car

"Dylie I feel sorry for her, something terrible must have happened to her"

"Janie it's alright to feel sorry for her but what do you want to do about it" leaning closer I whispered to him what I wanted,he seemed surprised at first but later seemed to have come to terms with it. "If that's what you want let's go break the news to the kids." and with that we drove back home.

Stella's POV.

This is seriously not what I expected from the outcome of their visit to the orphanage. Seriously what are they thinking adopting a kid after just one visit,I really respect my parents but this is just too much.

I'm Stella Yue Vermillion, eldest daughter of Dylan Steven Vermillion and Janice Melody Vermillion.My mom and dad left a few hours prior to visit this orphanage they've been supporting and now they've arrived few hours later with news of adopting one of the kids.

"Mom,dad you can't adopt a child, who's going to look after her"says Belle. "Oh darling! she can look after herself just fine she's 14" Mom replied "WHAT!"I exclaimed "she's my age,?why mom?." "there's nothing wrong with her being your age,Stell I'm sure you guys will be great friends" mom replied.

"As if"I scoffed.i then blanked out of the conversation or argument they were having and tried to look for reasons as to why mom would do this, but coming up with nothing after failed attempts. My thoughts were interrupted by mom's voice"how bout you Stell" I snapped out of my thoughts to find everyone's gaze on me, "I'm sorry what!" I could see some of my siblings sighing and huffing in annoyance and displeasure,but I paid no heed to them fixing my mom with a look to come again,"we have all decided to adopt her, but we need to hear your opinion as well" I sighed deeply"will my answer make any difference"I asked"it's still no".

"Oh pumpkin I wish you'll say yes it will make us happy but your decision will always be yours to make. We really are sorry but we're going to adopt her the moment everything been finalized" dad replied "Whatever"I said excusing myself to the serenity of my room. Thankfully I was left alone since we'd already had dinner. Sleep didn't come easily to me since I was still dissatisfied with the way things went but after a while I felt the tell signs of drowsiness as sleep claimed me.