
Oh..how the tables have turned

Taichi was the school bully that everyone was afraid of and Kenji was his victim. Taichi wasn't as tough as he seemed and Kenji wasn't as sweet as he seemed. One day Kenji pinned Taichi to the wall. Taichi: ???? Kenji: I'm done waiting for you.

Falaki_Favour · สมจริง
3 Chs

Boys don’t cry

Taichi POV

I have no friends. Normally you would see bullies with their 'lackeys' that would do anything for them. Me on the other hand is always alone. The whispering began once more as I stepped through the school gates.

'He has no friends'

'He's such a punk'

Wow.....even the teachers joined in in ridiculing me. Apparently people like me are a waste of space and are just plaguing our community. Before my life went to shit I tried to tell the headmaster but he just ridiculed me and said I should know my place after all I am scum.

I glanced to the right of me and I wasn't bewildered to Kenji and Shota talking. Kenji glanced over at me whilst their discussion....they were talking about me weren't they. Shota was probably telling him what a useless piece of shit I am. He has a thing for the new kids; he sidles up to them and badmouths me to the extent they don't even want to look in my direction.

Even when I looked away I could still feel his gaze on me so I looked up. And at that moment our eyes met and there was that feeling again...the feeling to show him the real me. I looked away and put my head down.

No more time should be wasted messing around; I headed towards the school. I have some business to attend to...

After that BuSiNeSs

We had PE this period so I hurriedly changed and got ready for some basketball tying my hair into a low ponytail.

Class had already started when I arrived. Per usual I felt everyone's eyes lock onto me but this time it was more sinister. Nobody said anything for a while they just looked.

Shota broke the silence "Why did you steal it?"

I was not in the mood for anything that Shota wanted to pull. "What the fuck are you talking about you glasses wearing fuckboy?" I may not be able to fight but I could make you cry with only verbal abuse.

Shota gave me a stern look,he was sensitive about his glasses " You know what I'm talking about, you scum"

Shota always gave me shit for no reason. " I really don't know what you are talking about, you four eyed freak"

Shota was running out of patience with me "Ha like mother like son, you would do anything to get what you want" He smiled he knew that he had touched a sensitive point.

Before I could respond Tamura spoke up "Would you please for the love of God give me back my PE shorts?" I hadn't noticed earlier but Tamura was indeed missing his shorts he was wearing his school trousers instead. Of course I was the main suspect, it's always me isn't it

The other people in my class started adding comments as they were losing their patience too.

'He really is a scumbag we have proof he took it but he still won't give it back'

'I'm not surprised he stooped that low'

'Is he that poor'

' His mum sells his body to make ends meet'

' I heard his mum was a whore maybe that's why'

The last sentence set me off I left the gym and headed to.... God knows where? I just wanted to leave and leave fast. After I finished my journey I ended up in a storage room.

I bit my lip and my body quivered as I tried to calm the tide of sorrow that was welling up inside of me. My eyes welled up with tears that I couldn't stop if I tried. The warm sensation of my tears trickled down my cheeks. I could never understand, even after how badly she treated me my love for her never died out. Why do I love the person that hates me the most?

I rubbed my eyes vigorously. The makeup covering my black eye was smudging off. The damage from my mothers abuse. I had to pull myself together.




The words rang in my head.


My father stood before me his tall frame looming over me menacingly.

"You little bitch, stop crying, I haven't even hit you that hard"

My little delicate body shook with sadness and anger, he hadn't hit me that hard? I glanced over to the broken chair that he had hit my back with.

"Mother... he..help me"

I begged for her help but she looked away it was rather me than her.

My father laughed at her reaction as I struggled to crawl away from the demon called my father. Tears rolled down my cheeks from the pain.

In that instant my father jumped on me with intense speed. He grabbed my face and held it up to mine. The overpowering smell of alcohol and weed blasting through my nose.

" Repeat after me you little shit




My voice shook as I rasped out my response as my energy slipped away from me " bo-boys don't cry" despite saying this tears still slid down my cheeks.

He slammed me down and turned towards my mother. "You useless woman you've given me a prissy little bitch for a son"

My consciousness slipped away and I could hear the cries of my mother and the blows that he made to her.

'I couldn't even protect my own mother'

Back to da future

I only snapped out of my delusions when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned to the source of the noise but I was too late the person had realised I was looking at them and the footsteps had already started retreating.

I couldn't let anybody see me like this but of course I fucked that up as well. I can only hope that they won't expose me.

I dragged myself out of the closet and just decided to head home. I would rather be with that woman than in this hellhole any longer. I hadn't bothered to change I just wanted to be alone.

Kenji's Diary

I walked to school with Shota. After the whole fiasco the day before we kept in touch and now I'm comfortable to call him a friend.

As we walked he kept talking about Taichi. If he wasn't saying the rudest shit about him you would think he was in love.

A/N There's a possibility yk 😖

"I hate Taichi! He's such a waste of space!"


"He's such a menace to society!"

I may not like the guy but I don't gossip behind someone's back. So I just replied vaguely with a 'mhm'

Now that I thought about it that Taichi guy didn't look too good when I saw him enter the school gates. I glanced over in his direction and saw his mat of golden hair and his sharp crude features. He looked up at me menacingly and I jumped out of my skin.

My heart was not ready for him looking at me like that. His eyes pierced into me and he looked like he was trying to tell me something.

He shot me a scowl. I don't know what got into me at the time but he reminded me of an pouting little cat.


I smiled and turned back to Shota who continued rambling on about how bad of a person Taichi was.


Tamura's PE shorts had gone missing. Tamura was not a happy man he ransacked the entire changing room and even headed back to our classroom.

Somehow the shorts were in Taichi's desk. I couldn't help but think that Taichi didn't do such a thing so yeah maybe he was a bad person but still I don't think he would steal. My classmates thought otherwise they didn't bat an eye when it was found in his desk. They thought so lowly of Taichi.

I had tried to argue for him and protested that maybe he was framed. I got a few looks from my classmates and they said that he had headed into school early and it was probably to steal Tamura's shorts.

Despite wanting to stick up for him earlier I couldn't help but think …Maybe it <i>was </i>him....

<b>Sometime Earlier....</b>.

My PE teacher is the definition of a lazy fuck. Did I forget to tell you he's a dumbass too?

How can you send the new kid out to get shit for you? Like I don't know where I'm going? You would have thought the stupid man would've sent someone to go with me but it seems that he couldn't even compute that.

All he said was go to the storage room and get the equipment. How the fuck am supposed to know where to go? I cursed him in my mind as I wondered around the school.



Huh? Someone is crying? I followed the sounds to a small closet like room. I opened the door and peeked through. It was a small delicate figure crying in the corner of the room.

What the hell? Who made this innocent girl cry? When I catch them I'll make them pay!

The girl turns towards me but it was a guy? Not only was it a guy it was Taichi.

I saw that he had a black eye. Who the fuck hit him? I unconsciously clenched my fist. Even now as I'm writing this I don't know why I cared so much.

His lips were a beautiful pink colour that was begging to be kissed. He had teary eyes and his PE kit was disheveled and the left corner of his shirt was lifting up revealing his pale smooth skin.

<i>I wonder how it would feel against mine.</i>

No....no no.... I am not gay, I am as straight as a stick. But they always said the first stage was denial.

A blush was spreading to my ears as I left the room. I decided to focus on the more important things. Why was he crying?

No no no this proves nothing he still bullies people bullying people is bad despite the reason. (Ok I know I called him cute earlier but some men are cute you know. I AM STILL STRAIGHT)

I am so damn tired after writing this long ass chapter. Did you like it?

Denial is a river in Egypt...

Falaki_Favourcreators' thoughts