
Oh yeah i am Sokka

A man without much luck in life dies drowned and reincarnates in the avatar world like Sokka, a boy without any talent like in his past life, but this time he will have to carry the weight of saving the world. Will this new Sokka be able to do it? What changes will it bring to the original story? Daily chapters, possible harem, system, weak to strong, what are waiting for read?!

LordPhenex026 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Chapter 1: Avatar world and...

John... let out an exhausted sigh.

Although to tell the truth, his name now was not John but Sokka, he was a native of the South Pole along with his sister Katara, the girl from before.

From the memories that he could see from Sokka, the boy went out with Katara to fish and in conditions similar to his previous life, the boat was towed.

Sokka was drowned just like him and suddenly, when he opened his eyes, John was in his body, as if he had been reincarnated or something like that.

But most importantly, in this world it seemed that people could control the elements of nature: water, fire, earth and air.

And according to these four elements, the world was organized into countries or regions; This place was the water tribe, but from the southern region.

The fire nation was the most powerful among the four, and they took advantage of this factor to expand and colonize other regions.

Curiously, theirs was being besieged by the fire nation, they came from time to time and there were no waterbenders left.

The tribe's warriors had left the village to attack regions of the Fire Nation, leaving the tribe almost completely unprotected.

Another important thing is that every hundred years a warrior capable of mastering the four elements appeared: the avatar, although he had disappeared.

Sokka thought that now that he had a new opportunity, and more so in a world where powers existed, he could have that great luck.

However, that was far from the truth. 'What disgusting luck, in a world of powers I was born without powers' Sokka thought.

So his village was without waterbenders, without warriors and without an avatar. They were at the mercy of the Fire Nation soldiers.

Oh no, wait, his sister Katara was a waterbender! He saw in Sokka's memories how the girl manipulated water with ease.

And from what he could see from his memories, Sokka had minimal training, but not enough. Well, he could max it out.

'I guess without an avatar in this world my mission will be to stop the fire nation' Sokka thought, trying to find meaning in his new life.

In the previous one he was a simple fisherman, with no options to aspire to more. Or maybe it was because he gave up, instead of looking to the future.

Sokka didn't want to think about it too much, but it seemed ironic to him that he used to be a fisherman and now he had been reincarnated into something similar.

'Well, no way, I guess it's time to go out, I want to see the village' he thought, getting up, although from Sokka's memories he already knew it, but it was going to be different.

[The information has been transferred successfully]

[System installation is completing]

"What the fuck?!"

Sokka was alarmed when a screen appeared in front of him, it seemed to be a video game like the ones he played when he was little.

This seemed unreal, but honestly, after being reincarnated, being in a world with powers, he could have expected this.

[98%...99%... The system has been installed]

"What?" Sokka fell onto his butt as another large screen appeared in front of him, there was even a picture of him.

Name: Sokka Class: Warrior

Talent: none Weapon: boomerang

Level: 0 lvl Store: locked

XP: 0 Notifications: 1

'What the hell, what about any talent?' Sokka thought in a depressed tone, this was too sad. But his curiosity was eating away at him.

So without wasting time he entered the 'class' category, seeing that there were five classes: warrior, master, healer, spirit and also guru.

Then he would look at each one in more detail, so Sokka went out to the store, to see if he could buy something.

[The system store will remain locked until the host manages to reach level 5]

"It makes sense, I'm barely at level zero" Sokka spoke reasoningly, now he had to figure out how to level up to unlock the store.

He saw that he had a notification, this could be quite interesting so he decided to open it.

[Welcome to the AVATAR system]

[This system will give you the most help to meet your goals]

[Currently the host is at level 0, but by completing missions he will rise and gain experience points XP]

[Completing quests also involves obtaining skills and rewards, such as items or weapons.]

[Once you reaches level 5, in the store you will be able to buy items and skills through the experience points acquired]

[So you can also acquire talent]

Sokka was going slowly, but he was understanding what the system was saying, finally his luck was changing.

[By touching your name, your stats will appear]

Sokka did this and instantly another screen was displayed, this time incorporating different things.

Name: Sokka Strength:

Speed: 2 Agility: 2

Senses: 3 Intelligence: 10

Stamina: 2 Charisma: 5

"Ah, at least I'm smart" Sokka consoled himself after seeing the depressing strength statistic. He had to maximize each of them.

[After completing a mission and completing it, the system will add 1 point to each statistic]

[Depending on the difficulty of the mission, you will get higher amounts of points]

"Well, what are you waiting for to give me missions?" Sokka asked standing up with a smile. He wanted to start this shit.


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Here we are with another chapter!

I hope you like, please drop your power stones

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