
Chapter 387 This Book is for You

Sitting beside Lin Yi, he felt somewhat ill at ease.

After all, when it came to these matters, he really had no way to join in on the discussion.

All he could do was sit silently, savoring his tea, occasionally standing up to stretch his legs around the area.

Finally, he saw the two people stop and also heard the hearty laughter of Director Lin.

He looked up at the wall clock; it was already past 10 pm.

The two had been discussing here, unaware of the time, for an hour and a half.

For them, time seemed to fly by, but for Lin Yi, it truly felt like an ordeal.

Even, he began to feel a wave of sleepiness wash over him.

Unconsciously, he let out a long yawn.

"Hehe, sorry about that. As soon as we met, we found so much in common to talk about, we kind of left you out."

"It's okay, it's okay, I wouldn't understand those things anyway."