
water fall and dessert


i turn and saw dam water flow coming towards me..

i know i cant run but i am trying to run.. why? i dont know.. but i only know that.. stop on place while waiting for water is not fine for me... i think i need to find support first..(i need help!)

water flow is so near to me.. i quickly grab dry wood and get drowned into water... while hugging that wood and trying to control breath, after some seconds i get upside.. i am flowing into water....suddenly i hear loud sound of droping water flow...

wait what! loud sound! .....and this sound is start getting more louder.....

i try to swim side with the help of wood.. but i cant... i notice the sound and now am thinking am about to die... cause i am about to fall into water fall... my eyes winded in shocked i tight the grip on wood.. i start preparing myself to fall into water.. (i can do this.. i am trupti... nothing is impossible for me.., but could i get success or did i got death... ah i dont want to die at this age...) i take a breath and as more as put air inside me.. and now am about to fall.. from water fall i get into water... and close my eyes tightly in fear..

after that i only can fill sound of water.. the wave and pressure of water.. i am getting near to loud sound.. i get deeped into water.. and then air also striking my body and then with the loud splash sound.. i get drowned into deep water..i can fill all loud sound get scilent.. i can fill cold water around me..and a waves of water i can fill it i am so deep into water.. i open eyes cause i am out of breath... (yah in water and saw a door inside the water..) beacuse of grip on wood i get upside of water surface.. i take heavy breaths and wait while my breaths get normal.. i decide to get inside the door.. i again take heavy breath and get inside the water... towards door... and open it and a bright light come towards me...

after i wakeup i saw all over sand..

me :(were am i now.. is am i in desert... no no way.. what should i do now..no i need to clam my self down.. before react its not easy

here... ah its hot... i start walk while walking.. i saw someone is lying on sand..

me : huh who is that idiot who is lying in sand while relaxing..

i want to get back home...

i get near to person... and sit..

huh.... i am tired i grab my bag and take out 30cm measured scale and start touching him with (to cheack is this person is alive or dead. yah this persons back is facing me. when i am cheacking by touching with scale..

??? : hummm.. yah..

me : oh so your alive. i thought you got the heaven..this early.

tae : hum(sound seems familiar) its seems like trupti.

he open his eyes and turn towards me.

he : wah look at me.. what a dream did i am leaving my last time.. and the last person i missing is you trupti... no its my imagination she is just imagination ,(he said while opening his eyes half only.

me : good bye have nice journy .. by the way so much bright is here.. i think you need to sleep in shadow..

tae : huh.. i even cant walk and your telling me that sleep into shadow.. how can you react like this i am not sleeping i am dieing.

me : humm before dieing do you want to drink some water.

he : yes i want water.

i put my water bottle into his hands... (dont forget that i have my bag with me.) and lay beside him ,

me :(take heavy breath.) i turn towards him. and cupped his face and kiss him..and then pinch his cheeks very hard..

me : is that i am now also your imagination, or did you get into reality now.. drink water fast.. and lets get into shadow.. we need to find the door to leave this damn hot as hell place..i hate it. its so hot.

i can clearly saw his shocked O shaped mouth and winded eyes towards me... he start rubbing his eyes and huge me..

me : by the way its near about to evening did we find safe place for us first before its get dark.. or your comfortable here..