
fake fiance

his face was serious now.

i get stand ,

she : yah you! she saw me..

she : who are you. she turn towards tae and ask him before i tell somthing.

she : who is she now? your new girl,

he :(while ignoring her question) what are you doing here now?

me :(writing) who is she to you tae now?

she : really you dont know who am i to him

me :(huh is she queen so i know that who is she to him... i am first time seeing you and your asking me you really dont know me )

me : (writing) no i really dont know who are you for him..

(she start her fake laugh)

she : you know i am his.. suddenly he grab her mouth and push her side.. and take her to the room..

why they leave me dumbfounded here... i slowly get near to room and try to hear there conversation.. but this walls i very lightly can here that she is shouting on him.. suddenly door knobe get open and she bump on me again.

she : ahh! what are you doing near to door.. oh wait did you trying to hear our conversation.

you silly girl you know who am i to him i am his fiance.

me :(what! fiance) i am blancked at my spot.. (ah so he have fiance but he even dont tell me about this and he try to use me... damn him.. i cant stey here more... i quickly turn back and start my steps towards main door ( did he trying to use me what about that babe, and wait a minute why i am getting mad for him.. let him be what he want its his personal life but how he can so this with me.. lisa is right this gay really brock my heart... okey i know that he will brock my heart soon by telling me your my bet but i never thought that this get like this... i just hate him.. yah now why my eyes are teary..) i am near to main door.. suddenly someone pull me and pin me to the wall (it was he) before i move he quickly tied our hands.. i try to release my hand but its tied so hard i look side and wipe my teary eyes.

he : were were you going without telling me..

me :(writing) why i need to tell you? who are you to me?

he : are you forget today your tied with me.. now get back. (he turn and try to walk but i stoped on place.

he : are you coming inside or i need to drag

me : do what you want i am not moving from my place i want to get back.

he : okey fine.. he gonna pick me up but i get step back and saw behind him she was starring at us.

i start walk inside

and stand front of her.

me :(writing) hi i am trupti his JUST friend.

she : if your just friend then why you both tied with your hand

i look towards tae

he : i will tell you letter..

she : and why dont your talking with me

tae : ahh she lost her sound before some days..

she : i thought your choice is different about girls but this one.

me :(writing) that are different cause i am his friend, but they are not his friend.

she : oh i see.

(she throw herself on sofa) by the way i am to tired now.. baby just give me home made food.

me :(baby!)

he : ah i cant cause i only know how to cook ramens.. but trupti can do this.. and i belive she will make for you.

they both start stared at me..

me : (writing) ah ok.

i try to drag him with me cause our hands are tied but he quickly release it.. and sit close to her on sofa they turn on movie and start watch with each other.. and seriously a romantic movie.

yah you will regret now..

he was close to her... and now i am thinking that with this knife. did i do something.. i taking off anger on kitchen equipments and on vejitables cause i only can do this.

after sometime.....

i start surving them food i saw he sit with her.. ( i really want to leave this place and get back to hostel and cry.. or else find a gun and shoot him..

but i cant do both things...so i am going to make him regret.. like this...(i smrinked)

he take a bite of food inside the mouth... and his face get tense..

he saw towards me..(with shocked face)

i quickly turn my face down and start eating...

he drink water from glass and gonna take more water but i purposely drop the container and show that its my mistake..

she is giving me compliment but suddenly she notice that his eyes was teary his face was red and he is getting panick..

she : what happened to you baby,

but he ignore her and run into kitchen..

she :what happened to him..

me :(sighing) i dont know.. let me see.

i run back to kitchen.. and start laughing.. while starring at his condition.

he : what was that.. suddenly she come while running and start drinking water like him,

when she was busy in drinking water... he come close to me.. back bump on wall..

he trap me between his arms..

but i kick his toe.. and move side..

he :ahhh!

she turn back..

she : what happened baby..

he : ah nothing i am thirsty sweet heart,

me :(sweetheart!) he get close to her while Starring at her lips..

(i cant stand here more i turned on phone ring and show them like)

suddenly my phone rings so i move out of kitchen... call is my family's.

i move towards terrace and try to shout laoudly and start cry..

i am trying to shout with my heart. why he did this to me.. i am brocked..ah this damn sound.. i take deep breaths suddenly i fill my neck skin is burning... i touch to my neck..i cant bare this nack skin pain.i again hear heart bits and all sound get mute. .. all get blanck out.. (after blanck out a light start glow towards neck... and my neck start filling cold.. sudden sound of thunder i get wakeup... and saw around its rainy atmosphere.. i thinkni should get back towards them.. i saw but no one was there... i think they are now also in kitchen.


tae :(when i remember she dont know my sister,.. i decided to give her punishment and let her fill like me when she get near to boys how i fill.. my sister gonna open the truth but i stop her and convince her to make drama.. she accepted it...but i dont think that she will make me regret my decision like this.. ah i thought she add 1 killo spice in my food.. ahh my mouth.. i am just near about to death..)

tae : sister! are you fine.

she : (when my brother's face get red and she leave i test the very little bite of food.. and my mind stop process.. its so spicy!.) yah what with that food huh.. she did this on purpose.

he :(while smiling) yes kitten is jelious now.

she : wohh your kitten is such a satan..her food is enough to express her bad and how much she is jelious..

she : how much time i need to act like your fiance.

he :sis when she confess that she is jelious or she love me.

she : she is not going to tell you like this. but i can see she will kill you by tricks like this.
