
The Meeting

During the meeting, Sato went about explaining his creation in detail to his partners in the space program project. As it went on, the eyes on the people in the room started bulge out in surprise. Madman! What an absolute madman! How was the young man in front of them able to create something that was completely out of the league of any space program company.

The idea that Sato had expanded and proposed a solution on was a plan to excavate and conduct space mining on neighboring astronomical bodies like the moon. Currently, there has not been one successful invention of a sustainable and energy efficient space mining machine, much less a viable transportation solution. Sato spent four years, working on the end goal of creating a machine that could effectively deploy itself to-and-fro from the Earth to the moon and then back.

He had expanded from the idea of using a parachute device that could potentially slow down the impact of the machine when travelling back to Earth. He had considered the large weight that needed to be borne when transporting the materials back to Earth. The main solution that resulted in the Head's eyes bulging out was when Sato proposed using a large pool of water to neutralize the huge force that would come crashing onto the ground. Not only was this not thought of before, but the idea itself was extremely innovative.

By using water as a neutralizing factor, the transport machine would be able to enter a hyper cool state, allowing the ores collected to be preserved in its normal form. Water is also extremely cost effective and doesn't require any maintenance. All the Black Box company has to do is undergo a massive excavation and remove a large enough space for the transport machine. What better company to ask than a space program company that owns several hundred kilometers of land?

In terms of the machine that would be doing the majority of the work of mining and transportation, Sato had already coded and programmed an intuitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could calculate and adjust minor arrangements in a matter of microseconds. It was the blood sweat and tears in his four years of creation. Many times Sato would stay up to finish a crucial aspect of the AI. He would then head over to the state of the art super computer that was owned by the army and used by the Research and Development Unit that was under Gray's jurisdiction.

"I have already created the prototype for the first flight into space. If you would like, you can check over the mathematics and see whether its fully suitable for operation." Sato neared the end of his presentation. Throughout his presentation, the five representatives of the Black Box program were clueless on many aspects of Sato's coding. The young man had entirely create his own third party program that was specifically used to deliver responses to different scenarios. If not read and analyzed slowly, people would slowly enter a spiral of confusion. Such a case was happening in the meeting room at that moment. Sato never once slowed down to answer any questions and just spoke his words naturally and fluently. This was his life for the past four years and his prized baby too. If people loved cars, Sato loved his program and invention.

"Um…" Seeing how he was only able to talk now, Liam quickly interjected in. "Yes please. Our team would love to get a closer look into your machine. However, it is not because we do not trust you, rather the program and machine you have created would probably require quite a few days to analyze and understand."

"Okay. That is fine." Sato wasn't bothered by that. His presentation was finished and all that was left was to sign a contract to legally bind the Black box and Sato's company together. Though, at the moment, Sato had yet to set up his own company yet. It was indeed weird that Sato had come up with the product first before creating a company name for himself. Usually, there would be a need for a company as there is a need for financial capital and the business department would have to do their part in acquiring capital for research and development. However, for Sato's case, the Tobion family was his financial backing and so, there was actually no need for him to do so until now. In addition, the young man basically did the entire prototyping and coding by himself. There was no need for subordinates to help him. Rather, he preferred his alone time, especially after experiencing such a traumatic experience.

"Could we reintervene in a week's time? I will get my assistant to message the timing to you." Liam proposed. He knew that there wasn't much they could do at this very moment. First, their side needed to be able to understand Sato's blueprint and design structure. Second, Sato also needed to establish his own company. Coming back on a later date was the best option at that moment.

"Alright. I shall come back another day." Sato nodded and stood up from his seat. He left the room without any further instructions or guidance. Rather, he did so in such a quick orderly fashion that the five guys were not able to react in time.

When the young man left the room, only could the five of them release a deep breath from within. It was a very exhausting experience for those in the meeting. Never had they ever experienced not being able to speak for three whole hours without any breaks in the between. Other than taking quick sips in between, Sato never once stopped speaking. Every word he had spoken was relating to the machinery he had created and every part of it was described to the tee. If it weren't for the fact that the meeting was recorded for their private viewing, the five of them would've definitely required more than one meeting to clarify with Sato on certain aspects. However, now, they could do it under their own discretion.