
Free Reichland Liberation Army

The Free Reichland Liberation Army (FRLA) is a fictional rebel group in Wehrmacht Reichland. It emerged as a militant organization opposing the authoritarian regime of the Reichland government. The group is known for its violent methods, including bombings, assassinations, and attacks on government institutions.

Key Characteristics of the FRLA:

- Formation: The Free Reichland Liberation Army was formed by dissidents and individuals who opposed the strict authoritarian rule of the current Reichland government. The group was founded on June 12, 2024. advocates for the overthrow of the current regime and the establishment of a more democratic or autonomous system.

- Ideology: the Free Reichland Liberation Army is a Communist Nationalist and Socialist Terrorist group founded by groups who whants to overthrow the existing government of Wehrmacht Reichland,claims to fight for freedom, justice, and the liberation of Reichland's citizens from what they see as oppressive government control. They accuse the government of human rights abuses and corruption.

- Notable Attack: On July 23, 2024, the FRLA carried out a major terrorist attack on the Konigsberg City Hall, the Reichland Capitol, which resulted in 112 deaths, Over 200 people were injured in this attack.

- Government Response: The attack led to a severe crackdown by the Reichland government, including the declaration of a state of emergency by former Supreme Chancellor Albrecht Steiner, increased surveillance, and the formation of a special task force to dismantle the group.

- Public Perception: While some in Reichland view the FRLA as freedom fighters resisting tyranny, the majority of the population condemns their violent methods, especially after the devastating attack on the Capitol.

- Leadership: The FRLA's leader remains unidentified, operating under multiple aliases with extreme secrecy. This unknown leader is a master strategist in guerrilla warfare, making it nearly impossible for authorities to capture them. Their anonymity and tactical skill have kept the FRLA a persistent threat to the Reichland government making it difficult for the Reichland Security Ministry Department to eliminate its leader, Marko Hauer, one of the known members of the terrorist group identified as a key figure in the attack did not even admit who was the leader of the terrorist group even in his last day. He was captured and sentenced to death, but the group remains active.

The FRLA's ongoing activities and the government's efforts to suppress them continue to be a significant source of tension and conflict within Reichland.