
PROLOGUE - Was it always so close?

The only sound left in the cabin was the faint crackling of the last fire embers as they slowly lost their heat. The dim light flickering casting large shadows across the thin wood walls. A young adolescent boy sat quietly on a small stool with a bowl. His eyes downcast toward it, reluctant to consume the contents that filled it. 'eat, it's all we're getting for awhile.' said a girl of the same age sitting adjacent to the boy. 'When will uncle Brom return?' The boy asked in an attempt to divert attention from his stagnant appetite. The girl paused slowly placing her wooden spoon back in the bowl. Her eyes shot down, worry cast itself upon her beautiful face. The boy immediately regretted asking 'h-hey you have some gruel on your face' he said as he reached over wiping it from her cheek with his thumb. She looked up at him her chestnut eyes staring into his soul. 'thanks' she replied.

The boy stood up, taking one last second to enjoy the fading fires warmth. 'I'm going to bed now, goodnight Thea.' the boy said smiling softly at the girl still seated. 'hey, come here.' She replied back quickly with a mischievous smirk on her face. She reached her arms out to embrace the boy. 'Sleep well Asher.' She whispered softly into his ears while rustling up his shoulder length black hair. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as he quickly pulled himself away. 'night.' He murmured walking to his sleeping quarters slightly flustered. The girl Thea smiled to herself knowing how her actions effected Asher. She glanced out the window, the night was very dark. Large forests could be seen in the distance followed by giant mountainous ranges leading into deep valleys. Beyond all that... was the wall.

Thea narrowed her eyes. 'was it always so close?"

Very very short prologue esc chapter, not much to it yet but more to come as this is a story I want to tell.

zeussunnycreators' thoughts