
Of red guns, and blue swords

A/N: Please read the auxiliary if you want to know about a bit of the 'system' of the world. -------------- After being separated from her brother at a young age, Scarlet Noir set out on a quest to get stronger and find her brother. But over the years, she forgot the purpose of her quest, and soon she soon came across a place that would change her life. -------------- Azure Noir, after being separated from his sister in an attack on their village, was lost and hoping to be saved. He never was, but he did find something that would help him save others. -------------- A/N: just warning ya'll now, I do not update very often, and may occasionally go on hiatus without warning, that's all bye!

Joe_Clucks101 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Red and Blue Pt 1

--- Red ??? pov ---

"It's a beautiful day out today, ain't it?" I say, before looking at the corpse of my latest bounty and saying playfully, "Oh, no need to be so 'cold' to me buddy, I'm just doing my job".

Hi there! My name is Scarlet Noir, or better known as the 'Bloody Eye'. I'm a mercenary, but I'm more leaning towards being a bounty hunter. My class is a [Gunner], with a rare subclass of an [Outlaw].

Oh! that's right, I'm also a halfling, part human, part something else. I guess I got 'lucky' cause I'm half vampire, and I use the term lucky loosely.

I also have this weird red and black lever-action rifle that gives me all these crazy powers, like, hear this, if I focus on a single point, my vision kinda just, zooms in on it, it's cool. when I will it away, poof! it's gone! I once killed a guy from, what was it... 250 meters if I remember right, I wouldn't have made the shot without that ability. I think it's called... <Zero In>?

Anyways! getting off track there, I gotta go report that I completed the job.

Before I leave, I pull out a memento of possibly the only family I have left, something to help identify them and remember them with: A bronze cog with a red symbol in the middle, and a blue platform to rest on. I only have a half of this object,

"Brother... I hope you're safe..." I put the object away and head back to town.

--- Blue ??? pov ---


I watch as another of these monsters in human skin fall to my blade, they deserve no mercy.

My name is Azure Noir, I believe myself to be a fighter for the freedom of those who have been wrongly enslaved. My class is that of a [Samurai], and I also have a rare occurrence known as a subclass, that being a [Shinobi].

I am a wolf-kin, one of the many forms of demi-human in the world of Xelea. I'm being hunted by a marquis who despises the demi-human races. Why am I being hunted you may be asking? because I'm hunting him. Indirectly of course, through his connections such as the many gangs, trafficking rings, and other crime groups in this city that are under his control.

I am only succeeding due to my weapon, a strange but wonderful katana, its blade black, and its edge a cobalt blue, it is providing me with special powers I don't think I could have gotten without it. I'm also very certain that it also provided me with my subclass, which has helped me in the past.

I start to hear yelling in the distance, along with the sound of plate and chainmail armor. That is my que to leave. I jump on to a wall and use my {Telekinesis}, to pull me upwards, towards the roof tops. When I reach the roof, I begin sprinting away from the scene.

After I get to a safe distance, I pull out an object very special to me: A bronze gear encircling a red 'K', resting on a blue platform. I look at it for a moment, before sighing, and moving on towards the safehouse.

'I hope you survived, sister'.

--- Scarlet Noir's pov ---

So, this is the 'esteemed' marquis Hogan Shackleton, I'm currently in his office sitting across from him, I was kinda hoping for him to be short, but no, he's an average 6 ft, 1in man. Meanwhile I'm over here standing at a measly height of 5 ft, way below average for women, why am I so small?!

"So, you're the famous 'Bloody Eye' I've heard so much about? you're not much to look at" the marquis says bluntly, I reply, "Well have ya tried looking in a mirror?".

The marquis visibly looks shocked from my reaction, but that shock soon turns to anger, "Why you!" he quickly calms down though, remembering why he had me brought here, "I have a job for you, would you like to hear it?" he says 'nicely'.

"Sure, but just know if it's something like; guard this, protect that, or retrieve this for me from Joe's Steam Works store, I'm not doing it" I reply in a cold tone. "Of course, the job is like this...".

He then goes on to tell me about this demi-human 'scum' who is destroying all of his 'businesses', and that my job is to track him down and kill or capture them. "So, let me get this straight: you have no info on the person, except what type of weapon they use, and POTENTIALLY their class?" I'm not happy, less info means more work for me, and I don't like more work!

"That is correct, miss Noir" the marquis states, causing me to groan, "ugh, fine! I'll do it... but the pay better be good! or else I'll hunt you down and take it from your corpse" I say before getting up from my chair and heading for the exit, but as I'm about to leave his office, "but if the pay is good and I succeed? You don't have to worry about a thing!".

--- Azure Noir's pov ---

I am currently outside the marquis' estate...

So, the marquis finally hired someone to track me down, typical, can't do the work himself so he gets help from the outside. That woman though, she seemed familiar, where have I seen her?

She has black hair with a red streak, and a medium sized cowlick on top of her head that is kind of straight, kind of droopy, she also has a singular large cross braided ponytail. her skin is very pale, she has freckles, and she has heterochromia, her left eye being black while her right one being a scarlet red that has a strange mark that looks like a circle with four small lines striking through the circle at even intervals. she wears a bandana around her neck, along with a plaid shirt that has its sleeves rolled up. she is also wearing a pair of denim jeans and boots.

Doesn't matter, she'll fall the same as this scum, but she'll take some preparation, such as doing research on her. The 'Bloody Eye' huh?

--- A few weeks later ---

Alright I think I'm as prepared as I can be, I learned she is a Half-vampire, so that means she is somewhat weak to fire, but because of her human side, the light element won't be as effective as it would be on a normal vampire and the sunlight won't do anything, so I won't do anything with those, instead I'll attack at night, where I have the advantage with my [Shinobi] subclass, but once I get spotted I'll lose that advantage, and will be forced to swap to my [Samurai] class.

I managed to acquire a few {flash} scrolls, since I also learned her Class is [Gunner], these will help by blinding her and giving me a few seconds to either recuperate, retreat, or attack.

She may have also been doing research on me, that I don't know, as I didn't have enough resources to prepare countermeasures to anything she might have.

--- A day later ---

I am currently inside my safe house, when I hear something outside, a fuse? Thats exactly what it is!

I run for cover, even using my {telekinesis} to pull myself towards a nearby crate. I soon hear a loud explosion that makes my ears ring, temporarily robbing me of my hearing.

When my hearing returned to me, I could hear the laughter of the mercenary sent to hunt me down, "HAHAHAHA-*cough cough* damn, that's a lot of dust. Anyways person I'm supposed to kill, where are you?"

She starts searching for me all though out the safe house. Damnit! this wasn't supposed to happen, but I guess this works out sort of, the dust still lingering in the air can prove useful in stealth.

I activate my |Silent Footing| and start making my way over to the mercenary. As I get closer to striking distance, I start to feel a sense of danger from the ground in front of me, 'ridiculous' I think as I get closer to the 'Bloody Eye'.

Turns out I should have trusted that feeling, because now I am hanging by my feet in a trap set by the mercenary, damnit.

"Well, at least you tried" the Mercenary says before pulling out a {Gale} scroll, and using it, "{Gale!}"

As she says the name of the spell imbued on the scroll the scroll is then torn apart by the very air itself until nothing remains, at the same time a strong wind blows, clearing the room of almost all the dust that plagued it, "there that's better, now are you gonna come along quietly or am I gonna have to kill ya?".

I started struggling against my bindings, but to no avail, "all that's doin' is giving me an answer" the mercenary says before she raises her gun towards me, "goodnight!" she says, just before an object very special to me falls out of my back pocket.