
Of Ninjas and Games

stronger smarter naruto, but less in touch with people. Grey Naruto

Turtleman95 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Be warned, This chapter has a nasty scene further down, read that at your own risk. I DO NOT SUPPORT SUCH ACTIONS! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.


After Hokage-jijis Speech, the new academy students filtered into there respective rooms. Going into my classroom, Naruto made her way to the back corner by the window and sat down, waiting for her sensei to make their appearance. Laying her head on the desk, the room filled up with the rest of her class quickly and friends began to chatter with each other. Naruto being the loner she is was actually fine that so far no one was bothering her. Moments later, their teacher, a chuunin with black hair and green eyes came in and the class quieted down. The teacher had a smile as he looked around the room, before snarling when he laid his eyes on me. Deciding then and there that he would do everything in his power to ensure Naruto failed, the chuunin looked around the room with a smile on his face. 

"Welcome to the Academy. I'm your first year sensei, Bakato, you may call me sensei or Bakato-sensei. For this year we will be focusing on the glorious history of Konoha and the Land of Fire. Any questions, feel free to ask me. Now let's introduce ourselves, I'll go first.

My name is Bakato, no last name. I like teaching and my fiancée. I dislike Kyuubi and anything to do with it" he said, glaring at me with barely disguised hatred briefly before looking away and smiling. "My hobbies are learning new things and teaching. My dreams for the future are to teach a future Hokage. You next" he said pointing to a brown haired girl.

"My name is Ami and I"

This continued for a while. I barely paid attention, knowing that nobody would care about me anyways, their parents had already warned them to stay away from me. I did notice however that there were quite a few future clan heirs in my class. In order not to give the villagers a reason to hate me even more, id have to be subpar in my studies and performances. It wouldn't be good for the resident 'Demon' to show up the clan heirs. Yup id get to play stupid for the next 4 years. Class went by slowly, Bakato sensei never calling on me to introduce myself, outright ignoring that I was even there. Soon enough the bell rang for the end of the day and the students rushed out to their families, all except me. after everyone left, I walked out an went to the Hokage tower.

A short 10 minute walk later and Naruto had arrived at the tower entrance. The building itself was 3 floors tall and painted red. Rumor had it there were floors under the tower Aswell, but she had yet to confirm that. Climbing the stairs to the third floor she approached the Hokages Assistant.

"Hello Jiji is expecting me around this time today. Could you see if he is free please?"

The assistant looked up and grimaced at who stood before her. She didn't hate the village jinchuriki, but she didn't like her much either. She was neutral with her, which Naruto appreciated.

"The Hokage is in a meeting right now, but if you wait a little while you can see him. It shouldn't be much longer."

"Thanks you, Assistant-san."

With a nod of her head, the assistant went back to her work as Naruto went and sat in a chair to wait. A bit later, the door opened as a few people exited the office, few sent her nasty glares when they recognized who she was, and walked away muttering and cursing under their breath. The assistant stood up and informed the Hokage of his next appointment, me, and I was ushered inside.

"Hello Naruto-kun how was your first day at the academy?"

"Boring, very boring. It is as I feared Aswell. Bakato sensei didn't even have me introduce myself, failed to give me any books like the rest of the class, and plain ignored me like the rest of the class did. Not that I'm upset about it, I was just hoping for some change. I'll give it some time to see if I can make some friends or at least connectio0ns, but as of right now, I don't see myself being welcomed by my fellow students."

"As much as it pains me to say it, I figured this would happen. Naruto-kun if you would be willing, I'd like to issue you a A rank ongoing mission that will be on your record when you graduate. As it is now it shouldn't be dangerous, but due to the severity of it, I'm ranking it this high. Over the next four years I want you to write down how everything goes, if you see anything suspicious, any attempts at sabotage and on the day after you graduate, I would like the report. As your reward I can either pay you in money or techniques. Thanks to the talk with Kyuubi-san, We are aware of your perfect chakra control and elemental affinities. You would get to pick no more than 2 jutsu higher than C rank. What say you?"

"Hokage-Sama I accept. If I may, I would like some medical jutsu. I've read all the books on human anatomy and feel I could use the diagnostic jutsu along with the mystic palm jutsu. I am aiming to be an all-rounder for my team, capable of attack, defense and healing if need be and I believe it will be useful in the future. I have also studied all the books I can on herbs and poisons, even created some myself which are highly toxic, which I tested out in Training ground 44 against some of the more aggressive inhabitants. 

"That is fine but I do wish you wouldn't train there. That place is dangerous, even to some of our jonin. But I also understand you are still going to go there, better to train against beasts then a training post. Very well you will get what you've requested, now how are you doing?"

From there me and hokage Jiji sat and talked until his next appointment, where i left and went to my apartment. Dropping her henge, yes she wore a henge, still playing the role of a male to ensure her safety amongst some of the more unsavory folks in the village. Going inside, she made herself some dinner, a nice steak with a soup and a salad then showered, having to use a seal to get hot water as according to her landlord the hot water heater was always breaking and she couldn't get it fixed. Finished with that, she dressed in her favorite pjs and went to bed for the night.

Time passed quickly for Naruto. It was like she and her Jiji had figured it would be, her education had been greatly neglected and sabotaged. Whenever something important was to be taught, she was sent into the hallway with a bullshit excuse and her test scores were always lowered. As per her mission, she documented it thoroughly in her mission report, and just let it be. After a few months of this, she had started sending a wood clone to class while she would jump into different IDs to train and level up. something new she had discovered was a new skill that she hadn't noticed before. 

Observe- Level MAX- By using this skill on a person or object, gain information on them be it good or bad. 

When she had discovered this skill, she had sent out thousand of henged clones and started observing everything, gaining loads of knowledge, most useless, but some quite disturbing. And very quickly, her level had risen to maximum. It was this way that she had reported "Suspicions" on certain people to the hokage and it was later learned that they were traitors and spies. She had of course been rewarded handsomely for her actions to stop these people, and it was even put on her official record when she became a Genin.

In her third year, the class received 2 new sensei's. Mizuki and Iruka. From the very start, Naruto had informed her Jiji that Mizuki was a traitor working for Orochimaru, thanks to her Observe, And the Anbu had kept a close eye on him. Over the last 2 years, Naruto and Kyuubi had spoken more Aswell. It was this way that she had found out she could form chakra chains that could suppress a biiju, not that Kyuubi would ever let her try it out on him. So far she had managed to form 3 of the chains. She had also finished learning the Flying Thunder God and had her clones put her special kunai, really just a normal kunai with a seal in scripted on the handle, in various places around the nations. 

Her classmates still had nothing to do with her, all except one. a Dark blue haired girl with pale pupil-less eyes named Hinata. It was quite funny seeing her faint whenever she in her henged form was near her or talking to her. Other than that she was an absolute loner. Naruto 18th birthday was coming up, and just like every year, she planned on spending it alone in her apartment safe from the villagers hate and their mobs out to get her. It had worked every year so far, so why wouldn't this year be any different? Oh, how wrong she was.

October 10th

After class let out for the day, early like every year on this day, Naruto made a beeline for her home before the mobs started coming at her. For the last week, the entire village had been having a huge festival for its win against the kyuubi, and it was always a terrible week for her. Jumping from roof to roof, Naruto suddenly felt something impact her leg before something heavy slammed into her face and she lost consciousness.


Flashes in her brain and pain all over her body was what Naruto next remembered. Opening her eyes, she saw she was in a white room that had the terrible smell of a hospital. She felt more then heard a dull roaring sound in her head. Reaching up to rub her head, she felt pain in her fingers. Directing her eyes to her hand, she noticed something was off.

'One, Two, wheres my fingers?!?!?!' 

Starting to panic now, she quickly brought up her other hand and realized with shock that the fingers that were missing on her left hand were on her right and vice versa. Breathing heavily and REALLY starting to panic now, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she saw a Cat masked ANBU with purple hair before rolling out of bed and leaping backwards.

"W W Who are you and W W What happened to me" Naruto demanded in a scared raspy voice before she collapsed as her entire body was wracked in pain as the memories of what happened returned.

She had been drugged, knocked unconscious, beaten, tortured and raped. Repeatedly. She didn't know for how long, but it had been for days. She remembered every detail however unwillingly thanks to her perfect memory. The pink haired woman that had, after finding out she was wearing a henge, had ordered her to be raped repeatedly until her mind was a broken mess. She remembered her sensei, Mizuki after pounding into her for hours, slicing her repeatedly with whatever bladed weapon he could find, even ripping out her vocal cords. She remembered a old man with bandages and one eye saying she was now too broken to ever become one of his loyal soldiers and that she should be sent to Orochimaru to be a test subject before being killed, or being turned into breeding stock.

She remembered every single face out of the hundreds that had been there, remembered every action taken against her, every word said. She remembered every single time they slapped dozens of Chakra suppressing seals on her, seals that were meant to cut the connection between a jinchuriki and its tenant, she remembered every injection. 

Feeling someone appear behind her, and a quick chop to the back of her neck, she was sent back to the world of darkness.

The news had been terrible. For 3 weeks she had been raped, tortured, and mutilated. Nurse Joy had thrown up when she had done a diagnostic scan on her. Then the news had came crashing down on her like a ton of boulders. She would never have a child. Her reproduction system had been disfigured beyond measure and without medical treatment within the first few days after it had happened, it could never be fixed. The Uzumaki Namikaze line would end with her.

Naruto was obviously devastated. One thing she had always dreamed of having was a family of her own, and now she would never sire a single child. At this point she was fairly certain her shinobi career was also over. 'Kinda hard to do hand signs while missing fingers. She had cried her heart out at that revelation and would have continued if her Jiji hadn't performed a seal less jutsu in front of her. He explained that hand signs helped direct the chakra flow inside the body, but for those with exceptional chakra control, they could just move the chakra in the way they needed it to and perform a jutsu that way. 

3 weeks. Thats how long it had taken to find and rescue her, and another week for her to wake up. A month later she was able to leave the hospital with a weekly session with a Yamanaka to ensure her sanity.


1 month of abusing shadow clones was all it took to perform every jutsu she knew seallessley. Another month was needed to ensure her training was up to her expectations. She realized that she relied heavily on shadow clones way too much, but she was fine with it. For 10 or so years, that skill had been her bread and butter. Thanks to that and wood clones, she had spies in every nation, she had dirt on many people, both good and bad.

Graduation day had finally rolled around. She acted as if everything was fine. Ever since the incident, she had closed off to everyone except for her Jiji and surprisingly Hinata Hyuuga. She wouldn't call them best friends, but they were friends none the less. If she were to teamed up with anyone, she would want for it to be Hinata. 

The tests had been beyond easy, even with that Mizuki bastard trying to interrupt her chakra while performing jutsus and handing her a test under a Genjutsu, which she broke easily. Genjutsu was something she hadn't really worked on, but she would worry about that in the future. She had created one which showed a certain Green Beast in a mankini acting in a most 'Un Youthful' way to whoever it was casted on. She had once in the past stumbled upon a little Orange book and decided to read it. She then decided, more as a joke than anything, to make a genjutsu based on that book with the person on the receiving end being involved. The funny part was however, that she had made it purely gay and the person who had the mis pleasure of viewing it was ALWAYS the bottom. She called it 'Icha Icha: Yaoi' and her Jiji had been none to pleased to be a test dummy once she discovered he read that book. Feeling bad for making him see that. she told him the secret to defeating his paperwork. He was so happy, he said he would be happy to test out her non lethal genjutsus in the future, as long as they weren't gay. 

Back in the classroom she had kawirimied with Mizuki, Henged into a giant, fire-breathing dildo, and made 3 standard clones. After class had ended, and receiving murderous looks from Mizuki, she went to turn in her mission report. 

"Good job Naru-Kun, your first A rank mission is complete and I will PERSONALLY be handling this."

"No problem Jiji. I also want you to know, I've made a list of everyone who was involved THAT night, along with there actions and everything they said here in these 3 scrolls. If possible, I would like to be put on a team with Hinata Hyuuga, or by myself if possible. 4 years and she is the only friend I've made. The Nara only sleeps, the Akamichi stays at his side, The Yamanaka is a fangirl along with her best friend Haruno and are only worried about getting into the Uchiha's pants, same as most of the other girls. The Inuzaka is a sexist pig whose constantly trying to get his dick wet, the Aburami has only answered questions, and the Uchiha has a stick shoved so far up his ass, I honestly wonder if he's gay. Out of the entire class, besides our sensei's and Hinata, no one has ever uttered a single word to me."

"I will see what I can do, but I make no promises."

"Thats all i ask Jiji. I'm gonna go home before these bastards decide I need to disappear again for another month. Ja ne."

"Naru that's not even funny. Cat make sure she gets home safely. Eliminate any who harms her."

The walk back home was a long one, what with the glares and the curses. 'Stupid ignorant fucks, I'm NOT the Kyuubi' she screamed internally. Cat, seeing her getting angry, poofed into existence next to her to help deter most of the civilians away.

"Thanks Cat, I appreciate it."

With a nod in my direction, Cat and I made it to my apartment.

Before she left, I turned to her. "Cat would you like to come in for a cup of Tea? I'd Like to thank you if I could."

Receiving a nod, I unlocked the door, pulsed my chakra a certain way and the door opened. Holding the door open, I gestured for Cat to come in. Stepping inside, Cat looked around before nodding. I felt a small smile grace my lips. I took pride in how clean my apartment was, and with the help of seals, it stayed clean. Not that I was a very messy person anyways. Kicking off our shinobi sandals, We walked to the dining room.

"What tea would you like? I have a few choices."

Selecting Green Tea, i nodded and got a kettle of water boiling. Sitting down, I turned to Cat.

"I wanted to thank you personally, Cat-San, for not only finding me, but helping me with my recovery."

With that, Naruto and Cat spoke for over 2 hours over tea before cat had to leave. Naru made supper, showered and went to bed wondering what the team placements would be the next day.