
Coffee Shop

     I heard a distant beep that was repeating itself. I was still half asleep, so I didn't know what was going on when I realized it was the alarm. I jerked up in my bed with a start. I raced to my closet and threw my work outfit on my bed and my work shoes, breaking some clothes hangers in the rush. I hurriedly got dressed in my work clothes, throwing my other clothes in the laundry basket that was in the corner of my room by the door.

     I ran to get my work bag and ran out the door, remembering to lock it first, this time running all the way to work. I was in front of the coffee shop, and I strolled inside while fixing my hair. Once I entered the coffee shop, gloves were thrown at my face. "We have several orders, and you're late again." My Coworker Emily said, obviously annoyed.

     "I know, I know. I'll try to be better." I said tiredly, trying to suppress a yawn while looking at the floor. "Also, once you're done with all those orders, you've gotta clean up the place. Since you left early last time." Emily said before walking off.

     Once I got cleaned up and put on the gloves, I started on the orders. It felt like forever getting through the first few orders, even though I hadn't even been there for an hour yet. The clock kept ticking on, and I kept fixing the orders and bringing them to their tables or giving them to my coworker Bug, who was working the drive thru. Once we finally got through the morning rush and the orders calmed down, I cleaned up the mess that was left in the dining area, the bathrooms, and the parking and drive thru areas.

     After cleaning up and taking a few more orders, I turned on the news. The news channel was displaying the usual crimes: murder, kidnapping, and bank robberies. It started talking about the villain that appeared a bit ago. "I swear I'll never get used to this." I muttered, not even paying attention to the TV at this point.

     "You've lived here for, what, a few months, and you're still not used to the crime?" Emily said, astounded. "Not the crime! Even though I still don't feel right about that. The villain—I mean, where did he even come from?" I asked, confused, trying to remember when he started appearing on the news.