
Of Blood and Bonds

Ivy is a werewolf girl who just wants love and to be loved. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Her mate selection ceremony sparks a turn of events for the entire werewolf community and somehow, amidst all the calamity she wants to find that love.

LOTS_Fiction · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 5

Ivy felt a smile tug on her lips. She saw someone that she wasn't expecting to see so quickly. On a norm she would have not remembered seeing someone like that but she had taken it upon herself to memorize his physique. She wasn't particularly happy at what she did, but she needed to see this mysterious werewolf once again.

Without wasting time, she darted across the roof. She was hoping to blindside him but she spotted him move.

Did he notice her?

She doubted but she felt he just so happened to be moving around the same time as her. She increased her pace as she jumped from building to building. She didn't care if someone saw her; she wanted to get to him.

All of a sudden, she saw him start a light jog before breaking into a full sprint. He had noticed her. She narrowed her eyes as she held on to the pipe system on a nearby building and sled down.

He was still within the reach so she increased her sprinting power, ignoring the looks that were shot her way.

She saw him dart around a corner before following, leaping across a food cart and landing on all fours. All the while he didn't turn to face her and she frowned. Maybe his sense of where she was, was just that good. Suddenly the words the elder had said were not sounding so farfetched.

The next street she saw him enter was almost devoid of people as he turned to enter an alley. A smirk played up her face. She knew the alley and there was a dead end. Something that a werewolf wouldn't be able to scale in time without her spotting them.

She winded down the alley and was surprised, flabbergasted even, that she couldn't see him. She looked up and there was no sight of him. Was he that fast?

Her eyes glowed as she began to scale from building to building in a diagonal manner. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't seem to notice that she had missed her step.

Oh come on!

It was like a weird feeling of déjà vu as she felt gravity pull her towards the ground.

"Must I save you every time we meet?" she heard a cocky sounding voice say.

Her eyes snapped open to see a handsome figure holding her bridal style as gravity pulled both of them to the ground. She blushed in embarrassment as this was not the way she was expecting to meet him for the second time. It was as though she was clumsy, which she wasn't. Maybe she was or he was the one who made her feel that way.

"I didn't plan on this happening," she replied as she looked away from him.

She didn't see the smirk that played onto his features as they landed with a relatively loud thud. He placed her down and stepped back smiling. She looked at him. He was taller than her, maybe around the same height as Max, with deep black hair. Her eyes noticed the cerulean blue that were his. She looked at his skin, his tanned skin and his strong facial features. She could feel heat rising to her cheeks but before she could do anything about it, his voice called out.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked with the same cocky sounding voice he had used earlier.

The question took her by surprise and she turned away from him. "…No…"

"I must say, I didn't expect you to follow me, then again, I let you."

She shook her head. Was he that fast? Then she blinked as she recognized his next statement. "Why did you let me?"

"I don't know," she heard him reply, "maybe I wanted to see you or maybe I wanted to see why you were following me." She felt his eyes peer into her soul. "Well… I'm waiting."

She looked down before clutching her left hand quietly. "I wanted to say… thank you."

She saw him blink once. Twice. Perhaps she had stumped him with that statement.

"Is that all?" she heard him ask as he recovered quickly." Most people who attempt to follow me usually want to find out things about me. Are you sure you don't want to know anything? I might answer."

She looked at him before asking, "are you an Omega?"

"If you must know Ivy, yes I am." As he said this, she saw his eyes glow in a colour she had never seen before. The eyes of an alpha were a deep crimson red. The eyes of a beta were a warm cerulean blue and the eyes of an omega as she had heard was a deep golden yellow.

"I'm guessing you haven't seen one bef –" she saw his head snap suddenly and then he started jumping upwards.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

He didn't glance back. "You can follow me if you want but please try your best to be keep up. I smell something bad."

She tried her best to follow after the more superior wolf, realizing that their earlier chase had been nothing short of a fluke. She huffed as she tried her best to keep up, spotting him jump all the way to the ground as he followed a trail that only he could smell.

She sniffed the air as she tried her possible best to locate the smell. It was a couple of minutes later that she realized that they had gone a bit of a distance away. It was then and only then that she noticed a particular smell. The smell of blood, fresh one at that. It wasn't hard to figure that someone had been killed.

She reached him soon enough as he hunched over something that she couldn't see. She got closer and made out the figure to be a body. She got closer and saw something. A bite mark on the neck.

Okay... That is all from this chapter. If you've liked what you've read so far, please comment and leave a review. Constructive criticism is encouraged and also, like I said previously, your support is needed.

Two bite marks on the neck... hmm. what could that mean? Read the next chapter to find out... also, this chapter marks the end of viewing the book from Ivy's POV. Things kick off from the next one. Please review

Fun Fact

The concept for chapters 1 to 5 were actually written in one day

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