
Odyssey story of a slayer

Centuries ago a time were history had not even been recorded. There lived warriors of god, chosen and gifted with supernatural abilities to defend mankind and the earth. This was a time a peace and prosperity were the ‘’God of slayers’’, The kamui lived and protected all. But not all was peaceful, for not far from the paradise of man lived horrible evil creatures that could not be explained. Monsters who’s only desires were to eat and destroy, demonic beings known as THE VIRUS a scourge on the earth that roamed the land. Their origins unknown till this day. They went around killing, eating, corrupting and destroying everything good in sight. These monsters were being held at bay in the forsaken lands until their king, Azalos had arrived. This being was the most powerful virus mankind had ever encountered. He destroyed nations, desecrated cities and divided continents. Mankind’s time on earth looked as though it was about to an end when HIRUDOSHI, The God Slayers, the kamui came down on a dragon to vanquish Azalos. Their battle was fierce, it tore apart the clouds, turned the sky blood red and made the earth shake. The battle had gone on for days with no end in sight, but then in an attempt to destroy Hirudoshi, Azalos released a powerful blast that destroyed Santon city (HOME OF HIRUDOSHI). Hirudoshi survived and although all seemed lost for him, he decided to sacrifice himself to win the battle against Azalos. He used the last of his power after a long and hard battle to attack Azalos, and in a bright flash of light, Azalos along with Hirudoshi vanished off the face of the Earth. As the bright flash of light diminished, a giant emerald emerged out of the ground, it is believed to be a gift from Hirudoshi, a symbol of hope for generations to come. That emerald became a monument in what was once Hirudoshi’s home town, now known as EMERALD CITY. It is told, that before Hirudoshi encountered the virus scourge, he left a message, a last wish to his people: That all slayers lead a world of peace, and this is a story of the people who will do that. This is the story of the will bring the change and peace into the world, this is the story of those who will fulfil that final wish, this is…ODYSSEY: STORY OF A SLAYER

Himoyamaro99 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Injustice 0.3

Miss Keen: (hesitates) But how do I know I can trust you with the truth when you have most likely been giving shady orders from someone up top

Daisuke: (shocked)

Miss keen: (leans backwards) from your expression I'm guessing I'm right. So you see I'm not lying, something is going on and if you don't believe me you will soil your hands as well, whether your innocent or not

Daisuke: (walks to the backside of Miss Keen, lights a cigar and walks to the door at the dark corner of the room and leans on it as he thinks) Damn! the woman's right (He smiles as he puffs smoke into the air) Tell me something (looks at her) Do you know who the judge handling this case is going to be?

Miss keen: (looking at him) No, Why do you ask?

Daisuke: (puffs some more smoke) Because you're right about this case not being straight, someone is trying to hard to pin things on this kid. I was given orders by the judge picked to handle this case earlier on, he goes by the name Russo. Ruthless judge Russo, he called me and said to me "Daisuke that kid that's to be detained, don't bother investigating him. We have enough to deal with him so just arrest him and put him somewhere no one can get to him"

Miss Keen: (surprised)

Daisuke: (walks to the side of the table opposite her) I asked him why but he just cut the call on me. If what you say is true then they have already gotten to Russo and want to get rid of this kid, so if there's anything your withholding from me you need to tell me now so that I can help you

Miss Keen: (Sighs)Fine, I'll tell you everything. But first. You let me see the bodies

Daisuke: (pissed)Tsk! Fine

They both go down to the autopsy lab to see the bodies

Daisuke: (draws out thier bodies on to the examination table then walks away) Here they are. The bodies of former blacklist 1 and 2

Miss Keen: (gasps in shock at the sight of their bodies)... What is this?! This isn't how their supposed to be!

Daisuke: (leaning on a nearby wall) Something wrong with their bodies? You told me their bodies were burned, right?

Miss Keen: Yes, but this is beyond how we found them. Someone burnt them even more so,the damages done couldn't be recogniseable

Daisuke: (removes the cigarette from his mouth)So this isn't how you found them?

Miss Keen: (looks at him) You can easily tell the parts of Yoshi's body that had marks of the poison spreading was burnt and the stab wound on Mira as well burnt beyond recognition. This isn't how we met them at all. when we found them you could still recognise them

Daisuke: So how could they have found the time to do this when you and the others were there?

Miss Keen: (goes quiet for a while) Yes,we were at the scene but we weren't there long. The moment the authorities arrived on the scene we took Yamato to the hospital

Daisuke: (gets off the wall) What time did that call come in exactly?

Miss keen: (thinks for a while)...It was early in the evening, maybe sometime around 5pm or 6pm

Daisuke: (suddenly realized something) Oh shit!

Miss keen: (confused) What's wrong?

Daisuke: (sighs) I hate to break it to you,but we only got that report by 7:30pm and arrived there 8:00pm... and that's plenty of time to cover someone's tracks. (Sighs then looks at her)....Ok! I believe that this is definitely fishy, but you're going to have to tell me what took place or I won't be able to do anything

Miss Keen: (puts her rights hand on her hip) Ok detective. But tell me something. Where do you think you rank?

Daisuke: (confused,with his cigarette in his mouth)Excuse me?

Miss keen: I'm asking you. Where do you think you rank as a slayer

Daisuke:(puts out his cigar with an annoyed expression on his face)... Now why would you have to ask me something like that?

Miss Keen: (serious)I need to know you can protect yourself. The person who did this is strong. Even if the two blacklists where at a disadvantage ,he was able to take them on and he executed them without hesitation which shows that this organisation isn't one to play and they will be after anyone who knows about them. Now, I need to know how strong you are to know if you can protect yourself when they come back too tie loose ends

Daisuke: (even more confused)...I have so many questions; What is going on? Who is this…person? And organisation? ...what organisation?

Miss keen: (Sighs heavily) Let's go somewhere no one will be able to eaves drop on our conversation. I don't know if there are any spies here

(They go to a secret room in the building where they can talk alone)

Daisuke: We should be able to talk here without worry.(scratches his head and breaths deeply)... scout

Miss keen: (confused) What?

Daisuke: (with a duck lip) You asked me how strong would I rank myself as I never trained to be a slayer (defending himself) but I'm not as weak as you may think. I have the strength of a scout and maybe it isn't saying much. But its something right?

Miss keen: (chuckles) It will just have to do

Daisuke: (fold his arms) So tell me,who is this person who is strong enough to threaten someone like you.... I mean you are pretty strong,right?

Miss keen: (smiles) I am. I am ranked thorn and yes I'm pretty strong (serious)...but this assassin… this man belongs to an organisation that the people don't know yet and is still being investigated by top ranked slayers even by the Kamui. They are known as the 'Red Eye' and are dangerous, they have remained in the shadows gathering their numbers and working behind the scenes. The government has still refused to reveal them to the public

Daissuke: Why exactly are they doing that?

Miss keen: I don't know myself. But I know why the red eye is sending their assassins and it's because they've been found out. Once the government has enough info on them that's when.. that's when they will be exposed. I believe the red eye know this and are sending their assassins to kill off anyone who knows about them

Daisuke: But it doesn't make any sense to me. Why go through all this when you're still going to become well known later

Miss keen: The truth is I don't know and we have to figure it out before Yamato's trial. We have a week to figure this out

Daisuke: No we don't

Miss keen: What do you mean?

Daisuke: Russo moved it up when he called me. With no need for further investigation there's no need for such a long time before the trial

Miss keen: But why… why would he do this?

Daisuke: (puts his hands on his chin) Now if I were a criminal organisation trying to tie up loose ends who would I go for first

Miss keen: (gasps loudly)

Daisuke: (smirks at her) Bingo!

Miss keen: (worried) When is the date of the trial?!

Daisuke: (shrugs his shoulders) It's not long. We just have three days, guess Russo has been told not to act any quicker to not arouse suspicion

Miss keen: Well then. We have to do something so we can save Yamato

Daisuke: And if we fail?.... he'll be imprisoned or worse ...executed!

Miss keen: Then I would have failed an old friend