
Second Chance

Beyond the darkness that surrounds the abyss, a lonely will of left behind resentment wandered tirelessly in a colorless world.

The lone will could neither hear nor speak. He could neither see nor feel. Yet the lone will still traversed the colorless world as if it yearned for something.

The lone will soon came across a domineering yet gentle light. A light with enough brilliance to engulf the darkness with hope.

The lone will hesitated for a mere second before being guided to the light like a moth to a flame.

When the lone will entered beyond the light, the old memories that the old will should have left behind suddenly rushed forth all at once similar to a raging ocean in the midst of a storm.

After remembering everything, he opened his eyes slowly and felt slightly at a loss on what to do.

In the middle of a vast, endless white room, three middle aged dwarven men sat cross legged on a small coffee table bantering.

"Pass the mead ye good fer nothing geezer!"

"Oi quit stealin me pint ya bastard"

"Kelthuus! Where are ye! Come ack ere!"


What the hell is going on…


After regaining my long lost memories back, I soon remembered everything and realize that I have died. After my death, I simply wandered aimlessly in a colorless world for what seemed like an eternity yet time doesn't seem to have moved at all. If I had to say what it feels like, it felt as if falling down an eternal abyss that stretches on for an eternity.

When I came back to my senses, I opened my eyes only to witness a group of dwarves bantering.

"Gyahaha! If not fer yer incompetence, we could ave killed that one eyed bastard"

"Give it a rest already Kelthuus"

"That's right ain't it? Oer ere, we get to drink till our bellies are filled"

I suppose that this is the afterlife?

After reorganizing my thoughts, I clearly remembered drawing my last breath as Leon held me in his arms. Since i've died, the only possible explanation for this is that the afterlife does indeed truly exist.

I walked around while looking at the vast emptiness of an endless world. As I walk, it feels as if I had stepped into clouds. There is nothing present in this world except for the blinding white. In here, there's no need to breath but out of habit, I still pulled in air into my lungs. I can feel and hear as well as touch and see yet it all feels unnecessary.

I kept walking around until I eventually walked up to the group of dwarves sitting down leisurely on floor leveled wooden table drinking and bantering amongst each other. When they noticed my presence, they simply looked at me for a good second before speaking.

"Take a wee gander at this lost little lamb"

"What's it to ye"

"Cut it out Kelthuus. Aye lad, ye want to have a drink with us?"

"Thank you for the offer but I think I'll pass. Can I ask a question? What is this place?"

"How the hell would we know lad. Just enjoy the fun and have a wee laugh will ye"

The two of the dwarven men lost interest but at the very least, the one closest to me who reeked the least of alcohol decided to entertain me which I'm somewhat grateful for. While talking to him for awhile, I suddenly heard a slight faintly noise.


A low creaking noise leaked out not too far from where I stood. I failed to notice it before but there, in front of me stood tall a large golden door that opened slowly. When it opened, someone who had the aura of a proud imperial figure walked out with a slight somber countenance.

It was a beautiful woman at the peak of her youth. Her long hair entwined divinely in an intricate weave flowing down ever so gently down her back. The gentle shine of the warm orange palette on her hair was both divine and elusive. It seemed as if I took a leisure walk while basking in the midst of a gentle sun on a cloudless winter morning. Her amber eyes looked more beautiful than any jewelry I have laid eyes on. As I stare into her eyes, it seems as if I was pulled into the vast jewel of the sunset ocean. Her porcelain skin had a slight hint of pink blush while her figure rendered me into a motionless state as it could ignite the hidden passion of any man in the world. She was wearing a visibly tight, white silky robe that clung on to her skin closely. The edge of her white robe hem had a plain yet noble embroidery with a tinge of a golden shine while she adorned a silver pendant hanging elusively on her slender neck.

As she walked out, our eyes met for a mere second before she eventually disappeared into the distance. I stared at her profoundly before she disappeared from my vision like a fleeting mirage.

A couple seconds after she disappeared from my sight, I felt a slight attraction towards the golden door in front of me. It's hard to describe the feeling but it almost feels as if I have an indescribable yearning for something far out of reach. Something so intangible that I can only yearn for it. I decided to walk into the golden door while thinking about Isabella.


I finally remembered. The reason why I kept wandering aimlessly in that colorless world. It was to find Isabella. Maybe.. Just maybe.

As I step into the golden door, the yearning and anticipation within my heart only grew even further.

After walking in, I couldn't help but feel slack jawed in bewilderment.

Beyond the door, it was something unimaginable for the current me yet all too familiar with my past. It was a small room with a dimly lit fluorescent bulb attached to the ceiling. The wooden tiles on the floor was slightly worn out but is quite clean and apparent that it's been lived in. There was a small black coffee table positioned in the center while a soft looking queen sized mattress could be seen to the corner of the room. In front of the bed is a large bookshelf filled with a glass case cover filled with figurines of notable anime characters. A large lcd tv could be seen by the front and an old man with a grown white beard and long unruly white hair was sitting down lazily on a large orange bean chair while playing an rpg game that made record breaking sales. Even though he looks like an old man, I can't help but feel as if he seemed to have aged far quicker than what his actual age seems to tell.

What the hell is this..

"Oh you've finally come! Give me a sec. Let me just save and get right with you"


He opened the game menu and saved the game before telling me to sit down on the floor.

"Would you like some tea or coffee?"

"Ah coffee will do"

"Sugar and cream?"

"No cream, just two sugar please"

"Coming right up"

He was humming to a tune of a familiar anime that was highly acclaimed worldwide while microwaving a cup of water. He cutted open a small package, poured the content into the heated up water and stirred the cup.

Wait that's just instant coffee!


What the hell is going on seriously..

He sat down and brought the coffee to me.

"Would you like some snacks?"


"I have a lot you know~ Hehe don't be too amazed from my stock ok?"

He went to a different door and dropped a handful of snacks.


There were many snacks that I was all too familiar with such as koritos, keetos, kars bar, kwix, and he even brought fizzy drinks such as hill dew and kepsi.

Again what.

"Don't be too reserved hehe. I have plenty more left so just enjoy"

I opened a bag of koritos and cracked open a can of kepsi.


When was the last time I ate this stuff. I feel like I'm back in my university days when I would camp inside of the library trying to finish up my reports. Slowly, the hidden memories of me waking up gently to a warm smile filled my heart with feelings that i've long forgotten.

As the time pass, I ended up becoming comfortable while eating junk food and talking to this stranger about video games and anime. As I take a sip of the instant coffee, we ended up getting into a heated debate about something not too noteworthy to remember.

"Wait this situation is kind of weird isn't it?!"

I finally woke up and realized how weird this situation is.

"Can you explain what's going on already.."

"Yes actually.. Kazuo, I am your father"

"Like hell you're my father! And you didn't even say it correctly! It was a common misconception of the film thinking that he said that but in reality, he never said those words!"

"Ahahaha! I've always wanted to say that line before but I never got the chance to"

He winked at me and stuck his tongue out while hitting his head.

I had the urge to vomit blood after seeing an old man act like an annoying highschool trope.

"Actually, we are in need of your help. A great catastrophe has landed in our world and it is coming to an end. No one can defeat them.."


His expression became serious and left me with those words. I unconsciously swallowed my saliva as I listen to him intently.

"But.. There is one they fear.. In their tongue, you are lovahkiin. Lizardborn!"

"Lus koh pah! Wait stop fucking around!!!"

I yelled out of embarrassment as I unwillingly end up going along with the flow.

"Stop messing around and tell me what's going on already!"

"You're no fun.."

He sipped on his drink and ate the snack before speaking once more.

"Frankly speaking, you died"


"Hmm let me see.."

He pulled out a thin folder filled with paper and started reading it out loud.

"Kazuo.. no parents, ended up having to support himself through part time jobs and cooking while still maintaining a healthy social lifestyle and studying earnestly.."

"On the eve of Christmas, when he lost the most important person in his life, he eventually had lost his will to live. This was when he was kidnapped err sent to a different world"


I could have sworn he just said something incredibly important just now..

"He was on the verge of death in a new mysterious world but a young man managed to save his life. Gaining a new chance at life without any purpose, he eventually lived his life as an assassin and died as an assassin. Interesting, interesting.. I should write this down and upload it online"


"Well then Kazuo let's get down to business. The truth is that you are about to get reincarnated to a different world"



He simply looked at me with dumbfounded eyes.

"That's weird.. most kids would want to be reincarnated into a different world.."


"Well no need for the complicated details. You've been given another chance at life and will be reincarnated"

"Haaa.. whatever.. I can accept the fact that I'm being reincarnated but why do I feel like you're not telling me everything"

I looked at him straight in the eyes with a profound glare.

"And why would you think that I'm hiding something?"

"I can see it in your eyes. The slight flickering light within your eyes and the fluctuation in your breathing, I can sense it all. Living in the shadows for so long, i've eventually learned these skills. Well I don't feel like you have any bad intentions but I'm merely curious what it is you're not telling me"


He closed his eyes and smiled warmly.

"If you ever want to know the truth then go and find it! No need to look into it too deeply. If it's meant to be, we will meet again"

"If possible, I don't want to meet again"

"How cold.. Anyways, take this necklace and folder with you and step outside of the door. After you leave, just walk anywhere for roughly a minute and you'll be reincarnated into a different world. The folder should provide you with some basic informations of the world to get you started. Well then Kazuo, I wish you the best of luck in your second life. Wait is it third life? Oh well ba bye"

After he gave me the necklace and folder, he went back to playing.

As I look at the mysterious pendant that he gave me, it was adorned by a beautiful silver coat and a divine phoenix with a golden outline sparkled brilliantly amidst the dimly lit room.

I didn't think too much about it and simply turned around to leave this place.

"Ah wait a second Kazuo"

"Something else?"

"When you see those three idiots, tell them to leave this place already!"

"Uhh sure"

I guess those dwarves are getting reincarnated as well?

Whatever. I guess I'll just do as I'm told for now.

I stepped outside of the door and walked for a minute before my vision eventually faded.

Looks like I won't be able to see you just yet. I hope you can forgive me once more Isabella.