
Odyssey of lone rankers

Nezro Dale, a young part- timer who lived out his days from work to sleeping and had always been disgusted by his reality, earnestly yearning for a way to break out of that rat race, is thrown into a series of uncanny events when rifts started appearing on earth connecting it to another planet across a more distant universe. This changes his perspective of what humans really existed for and offered a viewpoint of the role he and a group of individuals had to play for the sake of their survival as well as the rest of mankind.

Hugustine · ไซไฟ
30 Chs


"250 years ago, after a meteor shower hit your planet's stratosphere, a meteorite found it's way to this country's central city, which back then was just a rocky oasis with a very small number of people living in it."

"The origin of the meteor was not known to your forefathers but the contents were hoarded and kept a secret till scientists from seventy years ago were able to identify it as an extraterrestrial, metaphysical object with vast potentials" The administrator explained, stopping only when interrupted.

"Sorry for interrupting, but you said the origin was not known to we humans, but surely you must have an idea of what it was" Gerald questioned, it was either he might've been too hasty with his question or the fact that he even had the confidence to speak, that may have caused the administrator's face to light up in rage, but surprisingly his rage subsided, just like burning flames that had it's air sucked out from around it.

"I was getting to that part, do try not to interrupt next time or else you might not like the reply that I'd give you". The administrator replied calmly for the first time, as politely as he could sound.

I watched as Gerald rescinded into the depths of his chair, possibly praying for it to swallow him. I couldn't blame him, the administrator seemed to have the effect on everyone seated in the room.

"Omnicron. That was the name of the planet from which the meteoroid came. It is a distant planet from across a universe separate from yours, and it's residents, much different and advanced morphologically than humans.

They were the ones that established the connection between your worlds in the form of the rift at your country's central city."

"To the omnicrots -residents of omnicron- that rock is an ancient relic that had been preserved for centuries by their culture, until vivox -one of the residents of omnicron, and it's current ruler- decided to covet it for himself.

This however gave rise to a war which led to the splitting of the omega seed -the rock- and the loss of one half."

"After vivox claimed victory in the war, he built an entire civilization made up of most of the planet's population that were bound to him by covenant, and wiped away the rest that rebelled against him.

"And now, for some unknown reason he wants the other half that was lost years ago and has found it, and believe me, he would tear your planet apart if it means getting every last piece of it." The administrator ended, refraining from looking us in the eyes knowing that they were only filled with confusion as to what he was speaking of.

"You all must not know about the whereabouts of the rock judging by the puzzled looks on your faces, Mr president do well to tell the rest of your council about project z would you". The administrator offered, clumsily as if he had spoken of something that held no value to me or our nation.

Immediately he mentioned those words my eyes lit up in surprise, owing to the fact that project Z was a classified operation whose beingness was buried deep within the countries secrets and was only known by very few people in the country.

It was a top grade, extraterrestrial object that had not yet been fully comprehended by our top scientist for over seventy years. All we knew about it was that it produced so much energy that it powered the whole country and still remained unaffected in any way.

"What does he mean by project Z, Mr president?" Felix shuddered, his gaze rattled by the fear of doubt.

I couldn't stare into the eyes of Felix or any of the members who were seated presently because of the guilt their gazes would make me feel. I only knew about it's existence because of my position as president and it was a secret amongst many secrets that I had hoped to take with me to the grave.

"Project z is a-"

"Let me stop you there Mr president, Unlike the rest of you I do not have any reason to be part of your little secret's spilling. You will let me finish with my explanation, and after I have provided you with a solution and taken my leave you can sort out your differences, am I understood?"

I nodded and so did everyone present.

"The rift that appeared in your country is inactive at the moment and so nothing can either come out or go into it. However it's only going to be like that for a time period of about 60 days before it activates."

"So what do we do during that period" Fredric had finally spoken for the first time since the beginning of the meeting. He wasn't one to actively converse in a meeting of any kind so it was a surprise that he even spoke at all.

He usually just remained calm, absorbing every detail and nodding in response while stroking his chin. A very unusual person.

"During that time I'd advise you put together and prep your first scout team who will venture the rift once it activates. In the meantime I left a little present at your research facility two hours ago and have already prepped your research team on the details about it".

"I believe you will be able to handle the rest by yourselves. And although I will be away until the rift activates I'd suggest you tread with caution as to what information you share with the public especially pertaining to the omega seed."

"Farewell puny creatures, till we meet again".

And with that utterance the administrator disappeared into thin air, erasing every evidence that proved that he ever took part of our meeting.

It wasn't a surprise that he didn't want to stay even for a second longer as eve we were uncomfortable with his presence.

"So where do we go from here, Mr president" Reginald mouthed shyly, staring at me with timid eyes, downcast in retribution.

I was taken aback by how polite Reginald could be and hearing how he addressed me was proof enough that the administrator must have done a number on his confidence.

I looked around and at all the faces of everyone present before responding in a firm tone.

"Just as the administrator had stated previously, we will put together a recon team that will go into the world beyond the rift and scout the surrounding areas. And although it may just be merely reconnaissance, they must be ready to intercept and deal with threats if need be". I affirmed, glazing over the most important issue we were to be attending to buy hoping the rest of the board would understand.

"I believe it would be more appropriate to employ the services of the damned" Gerald pointed out, clasping both hands as he let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone became silent after Gerald spoke, he had a way of offering a solution that was hard to accept but possibly the best way out of any problem.

'The damned'

It was a term used to address a special ops team which consisted of prisoners, mercenaries, retired officers and the likes. They were a ferocious bunch who were highly proficient at their job and recorded the least casualties in any mission. 

Since they comprised mainly of lawless citizens they were very much dispensable and would not risk leaking out information, but the disadvantage thereof was that they were hard to control.

"In that case, burns should be the captain of this recon team" Felix stated boldly, taking a sip from the tea that had already grown cold by now.

"I agree with governor Felix on that, with burns on the team we wouldn't have to worry about coordination" Frederic accompanied, taking a sip of his tea too.

It was ridiculous that the caretakers had thought that tea would help lighten the moods of today's meeting, the direct opposite!.

"I suggest we all retire for now and discuss details of the operation at a later date" I beckoned, hoping to draw the meeting to a conclusion so I could rest my aching head.

I wasn't going to let this meeting proceed on tired minds, we were all due for rest and needed to get some if we were to operate In peak condition. I rose from my seat as did everyone else in order to signify the end of the meeting.

"Good night folks"

As everyone departed from the hall, I moved towards the window staring out at the sky. The full moon was already at it's brightest and it illuminated the surrounding causing everything to bask in it's beauty. I stared at my watch, the silver linings around it reflecting so much light it made it hard to tell the time. It was already half past midnight and I had began to wonder how long we had spent conversing.

Let's get in for the ride

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